The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 981: Powerful organ weapon

The four siege vehicles were getting closer and closer to the Mirror Light Giant, and the sound of the wheels turning finally attracted the attention of the mechanical monster. The head slowly sank, and the two red beams of light began to lock forward.

Accompanied by the sound of the Kaka Kaka machine spring turning, the giant's head once again raised a row of arrows and crossbows, even on its shoulders, also raised two rows of automatic crossbows.

"You see its attack weapon, you are careful." Mo Xie warned.

"It's okay. Attacks like arrows and crossbows don't pose much threat to the siege vehicle." Mo Xiaoyuan said confidently.


As soon as his voice fell, a row of thick arrows rushed from a distance, the clanging metal tapping sound was even more deafening, and the thick tortoise shell of the siege truck shot all over with sparks and thick arrows. He was bounced around and almost shot into the crowd.

Mo Xiaolang quickly let the encirclement circle close, waiting for the result of the separation between the siege vehicle and the giant organ.

"Brother Xiao Yuan, once you get close to this guy, think of a way to hit his feet, if you can knock him down, we will win this battle," Moxie said.

"You already have a solution?" Mo Xiaoyuan's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly.

"As long as it ends, the threat to us will be lifted instantly." Mo Xie said affirmatively.

"Okay, look at us." Mo Xiaoyuan smiled and nodded, remotely commanding the other three siege vehicles to slowly pull apart and continue forward from three directions, while the siege vehicle he was in was behind. , Watching the reaction of the mirror giant at any time.

Blockbuster monsters are still pouring in, players just launch attacks to continue leveling.

Gradually, Mo Xie and Li Hong flying in the air discovered that the four siege vehicles were slowly approaching the giant from three directions, but the giant's alert direction was still straight ahead.

Because of the position right in front, there are two siege vehicles approaching one after another, always attracting the attention of the giant.

Mo Xiaoyuan understood that this mechanical giant had a lot of attack weapons, and their power was huge, but the biggest drawback was that it was not the player who commanded it, so the IQ was flawed.

He deliberately let the two siege vehicles in front of him approach head-on, so that the giant's eyes were always locked in this direction.

The sound of breaking through the air continued to sound, and the crossbow bolts on the head and shoulders of the mirror giant were still firing. After hitting the siege vehicle, there was a deafening percussion, and a lot of sparks continued to appear.

Although the siege vehicle can block the attack of the crossbow bolt, durability damage is still unavoidable after being hit, but the opponent's power is too small to cause a huge threat to the siege vehicle.

Gradually, the siege vehicles on both sides have quietly moved forward among the monsters, slowly coming from the left and right sides to a place only ten meters away from the mechanical giant.

As for the two siege vehicles directly in front, the front one was only 15 meters away from the giant.

"Be careful, this giant still has many weapons that have not been used." Li Hong warned in the air.

Unexpectedly, her warning had just been issued. The Mirror Light Giant had already begun to take action. He took a big step, and immediately moved closer to the siege vehicle in front of him by four or five meters...


The rotating sound of the mechanism sounded continuously, and the giant suddenly raised his right arm and locked onto the siege vehicle at the front.


There was a burst of explosion, and the fire was shining. The huge fist on the giant's right arm and the wrist burst out with a shining fire, which was directly disconnected from the wrist and slammed into the front of the siege vehicle. In an instant, dust filled the sky, and pieces of dirt flew all over the sky. , Completely wrapped this siege truck in dust.

"How is the situation?" A group of commanders hurriedly asked without seeing the situation of this siege vehicle outside.


With the sound of the wheels turning, the giant tortoise shell slowly drove out of the smoke and dust, triggering cheers from many players.

But everyone immediately discovered that a huge iron fist hit the front of the siege vehicle and was connected to the entire siege vehicle, and the durability bar on its head suddenly lost half of it!

"It's a fierce attack, and even the siege vehicle almost didn't stop it." Lianna exclaimed.

"Look, that guy lost a fist, and it seems that he won't grow back." Ouyang Jiaojiao cheered loudly.

I saw a circular black hole appeared on the front end of the mirror light giant's right arm. This time, the mechanical flying fist was launched, but there was no iron chain connected in the middle. The giant now has a giant hammer-like fist.

"Don't be careless, one hand is missing, I'm afraid it has more powerful moves." Mo Xie warned.

"Don't worry, I let the brother in front deliberately rush forward, just to try out all the abilities of this guy and see where it is really good." Mo Xiaoyuan smiled faintly.

Now the other two siege vehicles have arrived at the designated positions, quietly stopped their actions, and stopped in place surrounded by countless monster groups, just to block the giant's sight, making it invisible to the siege vehicles on both sides.

After all, there are too many monsters. In a short while, the two siege vehicles were covered by a group of black monsters, and a large number of monsters crawled on the top of the turtle shell, which just formed a natural protective barrier.

And the siege vehicle in front was specially sent out to test the giant's attack...

As the flying fist smashed the siege vehicle turned into such a miserable state, its raised right arm and wrist, in a circular black hole, once again shone with green fire!

"Damn it, its energy cannon is actually hidden here! Be careful!" Zhou Jianing saw clearly at a glance, and quickly reminded her loudly.

But the distance is too far, and the movement of the siege vehicle is too slow. When the green light flashes on the opponent's wrist, a huge green ball of light flies out with a boom, and it is completely too late to avoid it!

In large-scale city battles, siege vehicles have strong protection against arrows and slings. The only thing that is most afraid of is the energy turrets above the tower.

Because these energy shells with attribute attacks not only have a huge destructive power on the defensive shell, but also have a strong damage to the soldiers hiding in the turtle shell!

With a bang, the green ball of light directly hit the cannon fodder siege vehicle, a huge green beam of light suddenly rose into the sky, countless fragments of large carapace flying all over the sky, white beams of light flashed in the green light...

Just one energy cannon attack completely exhausted the remaining durability of this medium-sized siege vehicle and killed all the dozen players hiding in it!

Watching the green light dissipate, the scattered parts in one place, and the corpses that the players did not refresh, the large group of players were all stunned.

"Don't froze, the energy cannon attack has a time limit, take this opportunity to kill it!" Mo Xie shouted loudly in the air.

"Understand, the left and right wings, attack!" Mo Xiaoyuan shouted.

Mo Xie was flying in the air, always remembering all the weapons of the organ giant in his heart.

Now that the energy run has been used once, there is only one mechanism flying fist left, and there are three other mechanism flying boots that have not been used at once. These are the most powerful weapons of the mechanical giant.

As for the continuous crossbow and the bed crossbow, there is not much damage to the siege vehicle, so there is no need to worry too much.

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