The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 985: Visiting

Rushing into the crowd, they saw a large group of players curiously staring at the nine dwarves, and all the nine mechanical iron spirits raised their heads and looked around blankly.

"Where are the rest of your people?" Mo Xie walked over and asked immediately.

He knew very well that these dwarves were just siege monsters sent by the system, and they belonged to the involuntary type. Now that they are out of combat, they have returned to normal one by one.

"Goo, quack." The nine dwarves look at me and I look at you, all seemingly bewildered by Mo Xie's question.

"They only have these nine." Mo Xiaolang seemed to understand a little bit.

"Then don't ask, just grab it and use it for us." Moxie said.

"How to catch, these little guys can also be pets?" Lianna asked suspiciously.

"It's very simple." Moxie immediately used the system check function to lock one of the dwarves, and immediately jumped out of the information whether he was captured.

Huh, the name on the top of the dwarf's head changed color again, turning into a green name.

Mo Xie quickly locked onto other targets, and within a short while, nine dwarves stood respectfully in front of Mo Xie with their green names.

"Wow, it's so simple?" The group of people were all dumbfounded.

"Remember, if you find such peculiar ones in the wild, don't hurt them. They are all treasures that you can't buy." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"I know, I must pay attention to it in the future." Everyone replied with a smile.

"Protect them and take them to Brother Zhao when the battle is over. They are quite capable." Moxie said.

"I know, leave this to me." Mo Xiaoyuan nodded.

"Others continue to attack. We are running out of time, so we can get as many trophies as possible." Mo Xie looked at the time, and it was almost 11 o'clock. After three hours of non-stop fighting, each player had one In the morning, I got half of the upgrade experience points, and there were countless weapons and trophies, as well as many welfare treasure boxes.

If the activity ends at 12 o'clock, plus the experience pill in the welfare treasure box, most players can exceed 60 experience points in the morning, which is a super fast upgrade speed.

According to the usual leveling speed, even if the professional league's legion team is constantly spawning monsters, it takes at least two days for a player to rise from level 50 to level 51. The time is so difficult, everyone this morning I made it all.

Mo Xie is now only 3 experience bars from level 51, and will continue to level up in a little bit of time.

Riding on the mount, he flew to the sky again, hovering over the head of the black monster. He held a short ruler and continuously shot black smoke **** to the ground, gaining as many experience points as possible.

In the teleportation array, new monster groups continued to join, but no more powerful monsters appeared.

The players just do their best to output, the whole city is very lively.

Time passed quickly, at 11:20, a gorgeous beam of light fell from the sky, just covering Mo Xie's body flying in the sky, and all the players of the God Realm League who watched cheered.

Their boss is upgraded again, and he is already the first person in Sunset City, and maybe the first person in the entire country!

At level 51, the attributes automatically increased a little bit, but the damage to the monsters suddenly increased a lot because of the closer level.

Continuing to fly in the air to attack the monsters, the alliance warehouse of the God Realm League is full at all times, a large number of equipped weapons are thrown into the warehouse, and the manpower on Zhao Ge is also busy.

Gradually, time continued to pass, and although the number of monsters had not decreased, the activity time was almost over.

This time the monster attacking the city, the chance of appearing is not much, perhaps because the system is stingy, I just want to give the players a quick time to level up, and don't want to break the balance of strength among the players in the main cities.

At 11:50, the system prompt sounded in the air, telling the players that there are still 10 minutes left and this monster siege is about to end.

Knowing that there was only the last point in the event time, Mo Xiaolang also smiled and issued an order to open the shield wall one after another, and countless players rushed viciously at the monster group like tigers out of the cage.

In the last ten minutes, the entire grassland outside the city has become a mess, and the players and monsters are entangled together, as if they are carnival...

"Xiao Mo, go offline and wait for the guests first. I will collect the merit tokens and hand them to you in the afternoon." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

"Okay." Mo Xie nodded and saw that there were only three minutes left in the activity time. He simply drove his mount to fly to the city, and after crossing a large grassland, he landed firmly on the empty West Gate Tower.

Jumping off the mount, calling up the control panel, he quickly chose offline.

Standing up from the control chair, Mo Xie immediately found his mobile phone and dialed Uncle Guang's number.

"Hello, Xiao Mo." Uncle Guang's laughter came from the microphone.

"Where have you been, I have been offline and waiting for your inspection." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"It's only ten minutes away. Don't make any preparations. I just take a friend to see the actual situation. The more you prepare, the less he will believe it. Don't do it too much." Uncle Guang reminded.

"I understand, don't worry, everything we see is guaranteed to be true, it is our daily situation." Mo Xie smiled.

"Well, we will be there soon." Uncle Guang ended the call with satisfaction.

Mo Xie hurriedly walked out of the gate, closed the door and immediately walked towards the exit...

When he walked out of the studio and walked through the factory to the gate, the Thunder security guard at the gate had already opened the gate of the factory according to his requirements, waiting for the arrival of the big man.

Two rows of uniformed security guards lined up neatly on the small bridge at the entrance. Mo Xie and Manager Wang of the security department lighted a cigarette and waited in the middle of the road, chatting and looking at the situation in the distance.

After a while, Mo Xie found a black luxury car appeared from a bend in the distance, driving straight toward the studio.

"Mr. Mo, it should be a distinguished customer, there are no other factories nearby." Manager Wang reminded.

"I saw it." Mo Xie threw away his cigarette **** with a smile, and stood by the road two steps back.

The black luxury car drove up quickly, the window at the back lowered, and the elegant-looking Uncle Guang with glasses smiled and stretched out his head, saying hello to Mo Xie.

And beside him, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes gave Mo Xie a feeling of deja vu by his appearance.

As Black stopped on the roadside and the front door opened, a beautiful woman wearing a black leather trench coat hurriedly got out of the car, helped the back open the car door, and respectfully picked up the man beside Uncle Guang from one side.

Looking at this big figure's short stature and his surname, Mo Xie's eyes suddenly lighted up, and he remembered who the other party was!

Never imagined that the big man brought by Uncle Guang was actually him...

This is a well-deserved big man, who enjoys a huge reputation in the whole world!

And his own story is a legendary epic...

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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