The demon world I designed

Chapter 121 Liuzhou City is full of vitality.

Support from Liuzhou arrived soon.

With Wang Ye providing cover, Duke Guo of Qin agreed with Hong Lie to lead the team, but he also sent a general from another faction. Together, they took 5,000 Xuanjia elites and took two warships from the port to the south gate of Liuzhou. .

It was almost noon when we arrived. According to the intelligence, during this time, even those living corpses covered by black mist would seek shelter in the shade and would rarely attack people in the bright sunshine. But even so at the gate of Liuzhou City , is it too lively?

Hong Lie and another general named Wu You stared blankly at the excitement in front of them, feeling that something was not right.

At this time, there was almost a crowd at the city gate of Liuzhou. Countless shirtless young men, carrying hoes and wooden backs, lined up at the city gate under the scorching sun. Soldiers were stationed in both rows of the city gate, vigilant. Looking at the hidden black mist far away, these bare-chested people seemed to be very relaxed, not worried at all that the living corpses in the distance would pounce on them.

"Master Zhou" Wu You looked at the fat man who greeted them politely: "Who are these men?"

"Oh, they are all farmers who have just returned from farming outside." Zhou Haitao wiped his sweat and said: "Sir, you also know that there are living corpses everywhere outside now, and it is very unsafe. Your Majesty has stipulated that young and strong farmers can only I go up to the mountains to do farming in the early morning, and then I have to go back to Liuzhou City at noon.”

"Uh." Wu You and Hong Lie were stunned. It sounded like they were forced, but something didn't sound right.

"No, in this current situation, can you still go out to the city to farm?"

According to the description in Mu Hongqing's letter, these living corpses are very powerful and agile. The key is that their teeth and fingernails are poisonous. Although they are not powerful individually, they are very dangerous monsters. Even the elite black dragons do not dare to do so at will. After being released to fight with these living corpses in the field, the Liuzhou prefect still dares to let people go out of the city to farm?

"What the general said is strange." Zhou Haitao said with a smile: "If we don't work in farming, what will we eat later?"

Wu You: "."

Is that true?

"Line up and enter the city!"

There is something weird in Liuzhou City!

Wu You secretly observed everything. The Duke of Qin sent him here instead of just the stupid Hong Lie because he didn't want to participate in the messy things planned by the Emperor of the Xiao family. According to the Duke, he always felt that Liuzhou had no Wang Ye said it so simply.

This seems to be the case, something is very wrong in Liuzhou!

The soldiers in silver armor at the door were a bit too professional.

According to Zhou Haitao, they were temporarily recruited soldiers to deal with the situation of living corpses.

When matters are urgent, authority must be followed, and the prefect has the responsibility of guarding the territory. It makes sense to recruit soldiers temporarily, but are these soldiers recruited temporarily?

Wu You looked at the soldiers who stood upright like javelins. The sun was scorching at noon, but their eyes were as sharp as eagles. Each one of them did not look tall, but their momentum was exactly like a veteran of hundreds of battles!

He was sure of this. These soldiers had the kind of bloody aura that only veterans had. They were obviously soldiers who had experienced hundreds of battles, and they were elite.

Facing his 5,000 Xuanjia Guards and a mere few hundred soldiers, his momentum response was not false at all. He even had a feeling that if he pitted the two armies against each other, the other side would not necessarily lose.

These soldiers are definitely not recruited temporarily!

After entering the city, the feeling that something was wrong became stronger and stronger.

The first is the atmosphere.

He has been fighting in the north for many years and has seen what the people who have been persecuted by demons are like. The kind of living corpses in Mu Hongqing's letter are definitely more terrifying to ordinary people than any demon he has seen before.

After all, it can eat your wife and children alive, and then make your wife and children stand up and turn into that kind of monster. The horror caused by this double blow is very rare.

But this Liuzhou

Most of the people he saw were full of joy, with smiles on their faces and hope in their eyes.

To be honest, this kind of spirit is rarely seen among ordinary people even in safe places like the capital city. After all, most of them are tired of life, and most of them have sad faces.

Then there's the issue of food.

As soon as these big men working outside entered the city, they walked towards South Street, which was the same road as the government office where Wu You and others went. Only when they arrived did they realize that it was a place to eat.

Wu You was satisfied with this arrangement. After all, he was waiting for others to come to support him. The soldiers traveled long distances, so they naturally had to solve the problem of food and clothing first.

But the food seemed too good.

Thick rice porridge, snow-white steamed buns, a piece of meat deep-fried until golden and fragrant, and then a portion of refreshing pickles, allowing all the soldiers to feast on them, leaving their mouths full of oil.

The key is that these things are not specially prepared for soldiers like them. Wu You and Hong Lie can see clearly that the men who work in agriculture also arrange to eat here after returning to the city. The standards are exactly the same as those of the soldiers. Meat and porridge!

"Is the food in Liuzhou so abundant?"

Wu Youfa felt something was wrong. According to the letter from Nanming Mansion, on the third day of the disaster, the admiral Zhou Hanyang forcibly confiscated all the food in the city and distributed it in wartime in accordance with the military laws of the Jin Dynasty. People almost die on a bowl of gruel every day.

In Wu You's view, this is natural. After all, food must be limited to supply those on the front line to stabilize the morale of the military.

The key is that even with such savings, when asking for help in the letter, he specifically asked to bring more food to support. How can it be so extravagant and wasteful as Liuzhou? Do the common people deserve meat?

"It's not bad," Fatty Zhou replied while drinking porridge: "Last year, there was a good harvest in the south of the Yangtze River, and every household in the countryside had food in store. Now we are experiencing a disaster, and those living corpses will not waste the food. All we have to do is lead a team to search the countryside. , I won’t have to worry about food this year.”

Wu You frowned when he heard this, but this is the truth. Living corpses kill people instead of wasting food. The more people die, the more food is left. This was the idea that Zhou Hanyang of Nanming Prefecture had at the beginning, but the problem is that although there is food in the countryside, but Nowadays, there are more and more living corpses that can move around during the day. It is very risky to send troops to the countryside to collect food.

Zhou Hanyang said in the letter that after plundering food from more than a dozen surrounding towns, he did not dare to search further. After all, the defenders were precious and could not be damaged any more. But looking at Liuzhou's posture, it is possible that energy sources are constantly coming from outside. Bring in food?

"What kind of meat is this? It's so delicious!" Hong Lie on the side ate it to his heart's content. A warrior like him who trained in physical strength liked to eat this chewy red meat the most.

"Insect meat." The fat man said while eating.

"What the hell?" Hong Lie and the surrounding soldiers were stunned for a moment. They looked at the meat in their hands and took a closer look. It really looked like a bug.

"This is a specialty of Liuzhou." The fat man chuckled and said, "Don't worry, adults. It is very safe to eat. We have been eating it for a month. It is very good for our strength."

"Really?" Hong Lie and others were stunned. They had never heard of such a specialty in Jiangnan, let alone such fat insects. Are there many in Jiangnan?

Wu You also frowned as he looked at the insect. The meat was fragrant and the leather was firm. When did such a thing exist in Jiangnan? Looking at the people who have one in their hands, this number is probably a lot. If this kind of thing can be produced, it will be very good military rations. Jin Dynasty is rich in products, but it is still short of meat. But to raise elite soldiers, you need meat.

There is such a thing. If it was not poisonous and could be produced, it would have been popularized long ago.

This is definitely not an old species from Jiangnan.

There were so many doubts that Wu You couldn't figure it out for a while. He felt that he should quickly reply to the Duke's letter.

After nearly half an hour, each soldier had a round belly after eating, and rested in the shade of the tree with great satisfaction. Watching people coming and going, they gradually relaxed. When they first arrived, everyone thought it would be an extremely harsh environment, but they did not expect it. The environment is better than expected.

"General, have you eaten yet?" Zhou Haitao chuckled and said, "If you have eaten well, I will arrange for the general and his soldiers to rest. If the general is tired, he can also go to the government office to rest."

"Thank you for the hospitality." Wu You laughed and drank another bowl of porridge, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I wonder where the prefect has gone?"

"Oh." Zhou Haitao said quickly: "The prefect is out allocating farmland now. After all, we don't know how long this situation will remain in stalemate. The prefect said that we must prepare for a rainy day and cannot just rely on plundering food in the countryside, so we actively organize people to cultivate nearby fertile fields."

"Your Majesty, the prefect, has a far-sighted vision. I admire you." Wu Yang nodded. No matter what method he used, he was able to make Liuzhou have such a comfortable situation and be prepared for danger in times of peace. He was indeed an extraordinary person.

But the more this happens, the more you need to be on guard.

"I wonder if I can see you today, sir. I have something important to discuss with the prefect."

"Oh?" Zhou Haitao's eyes moved when he heard this, and he immediately smiled: "The prefect is busy with business, and it may be very late when he comes back. The general has been working hard all the way, so it is better to rest early tonight. If there is anything important, you can also let me know." Conveyed by the official."

"Oh, you can convey it." Wu You wiped the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "I am here to help Liuzhou. According to the instructions of Duke Qin, I should take over the defense of Liuzhou. I also ask the prefect to come back as soon as possible and hand over the defense of Liuzhou!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became a little cold. Hong Lie frowned and looked at Wu You. This old boy was planning to cause trouble.

The current armaments in Liuzhou are obviously arranged by that boy named Chen. You come here just to pick someone else’s peaches?

But he didn't stop him. After all, he was also curious about where Chen Qing's current military defense strength came from -

On the other side, Chen Qing and Chen Ying were constantly testing the problem of the Daqingshan Barrier. After the Qinglong Barrier was activated, it was more stable than expected, which made Chen Qing feel a little more at ease.

This barrier can suppress ghost babies for thousands of years, and its stability should be good, but it will not be enough to face the next situation.

Although the situation in Liuzhou is getting better and better now, the Tiger Guards are becoming more and more confident in facing the living corpses. That is because the high-level living corpses have not been released yet.

Those species that have been trapped in the formation for hundreds of years will not stay in the formation forever. In addition, the living corpses will also evolve rapidly after eating each other. It will only become more and more difficult in the future.

Today's Qinglong Barrier can protect against ordinary living corpses, but if you want to cover the entire Qinglong Mountain, defend all living corpses on a large scale, and ensure the safety of the logistics base, it is not enough now.

Chen Qing knew that it was time to create the advanced warlock profession.

If this is the case, you have to go to Jiutian Mirror Valley!

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