The demon world I designed

Chapter 128 Human Heart

"The cause of overthrowing the Jin Dynasty?"

This topic was too serious. Hong Lie's meat-eating mood was instantly gone, and he stared at the other person with big copper bell-like eyes: "Are you saying that in such an exaggerated way?"

Wu You said quietly: "Many of the men who came to join the army in the north were high-spirited heroes. In the Jin Dynasty, it was a ten-year military system to join the army, but after ten years, veterans basically could not stay. Don't you know the reason? "

Hong Lie was silent when he heard this. He naturally knew that everyone who went to the north wanted to gain fame. After all, it was a new dynasty and people could survive farming. If they didn't have some ambitions, who would be willing to go to the north to work? That hard work?

But after you get to the army, you will understand that there is no chance at all. You have no chance for all the merits and titles. Ordinary people want to get fame immediately, it is better to study for scientific examinations, because if you are good at reading, you still have a chance to become an official, but If you join the army, you have no blood. You will always be just a soldier!


What Wu You is worried about has actually begun to ferment. These days, more and more soldiers of the Black Dragon Army have begun to have good relations with the gatekeepers, both covertly and overtly. For example, today, Maozi and several others were killed by a centurion from the Black Dragon Army. The commander and a group of soldiers invited him to drink quietly on North Street.

Although the population of Liuzhou has now increased, there is still no circulation after all. Everyone lives by distributing food. Markets, restaurants, and other places of entertainment that were once there are not open now, but some soldiers will come from time to time. They once had a secret party in a restaurant on North Street, but both Chen Qing and Xu Hu turned a blind eye to this behavior.

After all, he fights with living corpses every day, and he often has to train to toughen his body. It is not good for the spirit if he does not allow himself to indulge in rest during such hard and life-threatening days.

The Black Dragon Army led by Wu You and others has recently been gradually integrated into the city gate border defense. In order to find out information, they would sometimes bribe with drinks on the ship. After going back and forth, the soldiers of the Black Dragon Guard and Liuzhou's city defense army are still getting along well these days. This was originally Wu You planned it at the beginning, but he didn't expect that his soldiers would be led astray over time.

"Come on, Brother Cat, have another drink!"

The big man who persuaded him to drink was Di Yun, the centurion of the Black Dragon Guards. This big man was eight feet tall, with broad shoulders and a round waist. He looked like a very heroic man.

Maozi and the others' faces turned red after drinking, but at this time they still waved their hands rationally: "Hey, I won't drink anymore. I'm on duty tomorrow morning. It won't be good if I drink too much and get in trouble."

"Hey, what are you afraid of with Brother Cat's skills? Just let the people below do the menial work at the city gate. Today I have brought all the good wine from the treasure ship. I must not get drunk before returning!"

Maozi smiled and shook his head when he heard this: "How dare you be so slack?"

"Hey, brother, this is too modest." Another tall soldier also followed: "I have been in the army for many years. Brother Cat's skills are not bad even among the guards in the north. He has the position of a general, why should he be so arrogant when guarding a city gate?"

"Skills?" Maozi took a sip of wine, sighed and shook his head: "Me, I just took advantage of the first few days and got the position of temporary captain of the city gate, but it's not as stable as you said, brother. What happened later? Many brothers chased each other fiercely, and they became more powerful every time in the martial arts contest. "

"Martial Arts Competition?" Di Yun narrowed his eyes and said quickly: "I have heard of it, but I don't know the specific details. What does it do?"

"Selection. Uh." Maozi burped and said, "The door god has recently learned the tricks from the Tiger Guards. There will be a competition every ten days to test everyone's physical strength, skill and various abilities. In terms of ability, whoever ranks higher will be blessed with more things next time. If I slack off for a while, those brothers who are like wolves and tigers will surpass me in a few days. My brother in the Tiger Guard is , the original captain position was replaced by someone below."

"Oh? Blessing distribution?" The eyes of several people around Di Yun lit up. After looking at each other, they quickly continued to ask: "What is that?"

Maozi smiled secretly, but he also remembered the instructions above and said with a rough look: "Where do you think my current ability comes from?"

As he spoke, Maozi raised his hand, and the wine in the glass was lifted up by a force of wind, forming a vortex in the air, and gathered into wine beads. It was so magical that even the Black Dragon Guards held their breath!

This is it! !

More than ten days of contact have allowed them to find out that these guards were ordinary hunters and farmers before, and they only mastered this power after becoming Liuzhou's guards.

This is a power that only people of blood can have! !

"Only when you join the doorkeeper can you get the blessing of the door god." Maozi said with a smile: "But the blessing of the door god is not unlimited. The allocation to each person depends on his ability and hard work. After each blessing, we will feel a sense of happiness. A certain amount of power is injected into the body, but if you want to master this power, you have to continuously train and exercise your body on daily basis in order to maximize its performance. At the beginning, everyone was about the same, but as the number of blessings from the door god increased, the relationship between each other increased. Yeah, there’s already a gap.”

"Naluo Mouse came in with me before, but he was too lazy. Now it's only been a month. During the competition, he can't even move in my hands. The gap is getting bigger and bigger. Let me tell you, To be a soldier here in Liuzhou, everyone has to work hard, and you can't be lazy. If you don't pay attention, others will knock you off your heels! "

Hearing this, everyone in the Black Dragon Guard tensed up inexplicably.

These hunters have only been soldiers in Liuzhou for a month, and they are already as strong as they are now. And from what this guy says, they are making great progress every day. If they don't pay attention, they can be overtaken by those behind them.

Seeing Mao Zi's annoyed look, they felt inexplicably filled with anger.

Because when they were in the army before, the soldiers of the blood family would not have such worries at all. Those people would never worry about being overtaken by ordinary soldiers like them.

Some things are destined by nature and have nothing to do with you.

But it seems different here!

Di Yun looked at the other party suddenly, and his heart that was already cold started to beat inexplicably. He felt like he was dreaming back to the time when he first joined the army nine years ago, and that feeling of longing.

All the surviving veterans, no one does not long for those powers, the kind of power that is fundamentally different from ordinary people!

"I really envy you, Brother Cat." Di Yun did not persuade him to drink anymore, but got a glass for himself and said, "I don't know if I will have the same opportunity as Brother Cat in my lifetime."

"What's wrong with this?" Maozi said with a drunken look: "Brothers, you are all practicing masters, but you are much stronger than us back then. If you can join the Tiger Guard or the Door God Army, you will definitely be better than us. ”

"Brother Cat is joking." Di Yun chuckled and said, "I'm afraid you don't get this kind of opportunity in a hundred years. When will we get it?"

"Is there any?" Maozi looked confused: "It seems that the number will be expanded in two days, especially the Tiger Guard. I heard that search and rescue efforts will be stepped up. It seems that the number will be doubled. By then, many people will be running for election. Woolen cloth."

Di Yun and others' hearts jumped again!

"I've heard of that Tiger Guard guy, too, but those good guys often hang out outside the city. How do they compare with you?"

"Of course it's more powerful." Maozi sighed: "The Tiger Guard was established later than our Door God Guards, but there are already dozens of people who have advanced to the second level. We, the Door God Guards, now have only one who has advanced to the second level. two."

"Second level?" A group of people were curious: "What is that?"

"I heard from the people above that it is a realm. The power of second-level people can be taken away. Unlike us, the power will decrease when you are far away from the gods." Maozi explained patiently: "So the second-level people can be further away. place to participate in the rescue.”

"Can it take away the power?" Di Yun couldn't sit still anymore, because what General Wu You told them was that the power here was not the right way, but the mirror flower and the moon. Once you are far away from the so-called god, the power will disappear, but this guy But he said that the power can be taken away?

"Ah, that's what it means." Maozi clasped his head, feeling that it was a bit difficult to explain: "It is said that second-level people can form their own power foundation in the body, so they can take the power away. I don't know. What do you mean, but it is possible to do this if you are powerful to a certain extent. Our two second-level guards have been taken away by the magistrate. It is said that they will lead a separate team to guard the gates of the township and county. "

"Lead the team yourself." Di Yun swallowed.

That seems to be true.

In fact, even if they cannot take it away, Di Yun and others are still very eager for this power. Veterans like them who have lived in the army for nearly ten years, after seeing with their own eyes what those blood families have, no one does not yearn for it. Yes, everyone has regretted it in their hearts. They all think that if they had the same bloodline, they would definitely be a hundred or a thousand times stronger than those playboys!

Even if this power is temporary, they actually want to have it

After the banquet ended, after watching Mao Zi and others leave, a group of Black Dragon Guards continued to drink in silence, and the more they listened, the worse they felt.

An Orion. Why?

"I want to run for the Tiger Guard!" Di Yun, who had drank two large bowls of wine, dropped his bowl and stood up straight before deciding.

"Boss, this shouldn't be possible, right?" someone next to him said weakly.

"Why not?" Di Yun pointed with red eyes to the place where Mao Zi and others left: "Those hunters, farmers, and beggars can do it, why can't we? We are elites who have experienced hundreds of battles and defected to Liuzhou. I If you don’t believe it, they don’t want it!”

"Di Yun, calm down!"

A deep voice came from inside. It was a man about the same height as Di Yun, and he was also the centurion of the Black Dragon Guard. His face looked calmer.

"Calm down?" Di Yun rushed over and grabbed the other person: "Old Li, can you calm down? Do you dare to say that you haven't thought about it for more than ten days?"

"Calm down!" The man named Lao Li punched Di Yun in the face, knocking him back several meters, and roared in a low voice: "What do you want to do? Do you want to defect?"

Di Yun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "They are all soldiers of the Jin Dynasty, how can they be called traitors?"

Old Li was angry and was about to say more, but suddenly found that 80% of the soldiers around him were standing behind Di Yun unconsciously!

"What do you want to do?"

"Old Li," Di Yun said in a hoarse voice: "Stop pretending. I saw that you go to watch the Tiger Guards training every night. You are reluctant to come back in the middle of the night. You are even more interested than the old ladies!"

"I was investigating information for General Wu!" Old Li's voice became much louder, but his eyes dodged unconsciously.

"Really?" Di Yun snorted: "Then you have been investigating for so many days, have you reported it?"

"Di Yun." Old Li gasped: "General Wu treats my brothers well!"

"It's not thin." Di Yun nodded: "But it's just not thin. Compared with his direct line of soldiers, it's very different. How many times did our centurion work as a sparring bag for his juniors in exchange for it? But? Even if we are sandbags for the rest of our lives, Lao Li, do you believe that we will always be centurions?"

Lao Li was silent.

How could he not believe it?

There is no general without blood, this is the way it is everywhere in this world

Finally, after nearly a quarter of an hour of silence, Lao Li spoke in a hoarse voice.

"how do you want to do it?"

Asking for a monthly ticket! !

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