The demon world I designed

Chapter 161 Looking forward to it

Chapter 161 Looking forward to it.

"Brother Qi. Do you really think he can do it?"

At the port, looking at Chen Qing who had left by boat, Old Eleven looked at his seventh brother in confusion. In his impression, seventh brother seemed to be the least likely to believe in the existence of others. This time, something seemed different.

And isn't Chen Qing's promise a bit exaggerated?

The other party promised that reinforcements would come within five days at most, and as long as Nanyang City allowed him to manage March, he would be able to regain all the prefectures and counties around Nanyang!

With the current situation in Haikou like this, the man surnamed Chen can really boast about it!

"What can I do if I don't believe it?" Master Shen Qi looked at Chen Qing's back, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The second brother is gone to win his big opportunity. Without him, Nanyang's magic circle will not be able to withstand the next life." The corpse attack, if we don't think of a way, we really can only wait for death. Chen Qing's Haikou is a bit big, and he may let the second and third sons cooperate with him. He must still have some skills. Now we have no other choice, right? ?”

"Uh." Old Eleven frowned. For the first time, he felt the fragility of the Shen family. The Shen family, which had been able to protect Jiangnan from war, was now unable to do anything?

In the past, the direct relatives of the Shen family were so powerful that they did not need an army, but now I realize that this seems to be the wrong path.

"Even if Nanyang City can be defended, there won't be enough food for a long time." Lao Qi sighed: "Nanyang now only has three months of food."

"You can go out of the city to look for food in the countryside!" Lao Shi interjected.

"How many of us can we find? Even if we can find it, what happens next?" Lao Qi looked at the mist on the river: "What if the Jiutian Mirror Valley continues to seal us like this for a year? There is no guarantee of safe farming and food in the countryside. No matter how much you eat, you will eventually be able to finish it.”

Old Ten and Old Eleven were relatively speechless.

The fourth child shrugged indifferently: "Let him try. Anyway, there is only one administrative power left and right. The prefect of Nanyang City has always been my Shen family, and the government officials are all supported by my Shen family. If you want to take it back, we can take it back at any time." Take it back!"

"I'm more concerned about another point." Shen Laoqi was a little confused: "It stands to reason that the other party should also know the situation in Nanyang City. The Shen family is right. Since we agreed to let him manage the government, it must be effective. Why should he insist on the official seal? ?”

The other party's prerequisite for cooperation is that the current Nanyang magistrate willingly gives his official seal, which Shen Laoqi cannot understand.

That thing is just a form of the imperial court. In the Shen family, it is not just a seal but a person. What is the meaning of it? ——

"Finally, this risk was not in vain!"

Chen Qing padded the official seal in his hand, feeling the rich power of the imperial seal inside, and suddenly felt more stable in his heart!

Nanyang, under the management of the Shen family for thousands of years, has good government and people. Twenty years of state government seals have accumulated more imperial power than the three Liuzhou prefects. The most important thing is that the other party agreed to administer and recruit troops in Nanyang, as long as he can fulfill his promise. .

Can it be done?

Chen Qing said that of course he could complete it. He was able to play the game with hundreds of people in Liuzhou at the beginning, but he couldn't play with the Wangbang game in Nanyang City with a population of one million?

As long as the Shinto style spreads in Nanyang City, there is a 80% certainty that the plan I envisioned will come true!

"Chen Qing, mother is seasick!"

When Chen Qing heard this, he quickly put away his official seal, ran into the cabin, and walked quickly to the sallow-faced old lady: "Mom, how are you? I told you to stay in Nanyang, so I have to follow you!"

"You heartless bastard, you still want to abandon me, my mother-in-law?" The old woman suddenly cursed, and the foreign matter left in her mouth when she vomited suddenly sprayed all over Chen Qing's face.

Chen Qing was helpless and didn't even bother to wipe his face. He quickly wiped the corners of my mother's mouth with a handkerchief: "Mom, don't be excited. I won't take you with me?"

"Oh, if I hadn't threatened your mother with her life, would you have planned to run away?"

Chen Qing: "."

He really had this idea.

Although the river can be passed with the cooperation of Princess Baiyu, and it is confirmed that the remaining insects are all in the West Sea, there is still danger. First of all, there is an ancient insect that has not been found, and secondly, there are other ancient insects secretly hiding in the river. If the family members who are hiding are hit by me, I am at great risk as a mortal on the ship.

Staying in Nanyang, with the protection of several members of the Shen family, is actually safer.

"Smelly boy" Seeing Chen Qing caring about him so much despite the dirt on his face, the old lady suddenly felt soft and took a hand towel to wipe Chen Qing's face: "You just say a word, and our whole family is in trouble." I will go to the north and wait for you. If you say another word, we will run back to the south of the Yangtze River. But now you are obviously doing dangerous work. If you don't let mother see you now, mother may decide one day in the future. I won’t see you anymore!”

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Chen Qing sighed: "I understand, mother, and I will take you with me wherever I go from now on."

"By the way." The old woman suddenly remembered something, looked at Chen Qing and said, "Son, is Liuzhou the same as Nanyang? Are there monsters like that everywhere?"

"Don't worry, Mom, Liuzhou is doing very well now. The monsters are all outside the city. Although our city in Liuzhou is not as lively as Nanyang, it is safer than Nanyang."

"Really?" The old woman thought for a while, and finally said, "What about the people in Chen's village, how are they doing now?"

Chen Qing: "."

Seeing that Chen Qing's face suddenly turned ugly, the old woman's heart skipped a beat: "Son? But what happened?"

"Mom will know when we get there." Chen Qing sighed, but still did not tell what happened before on the boat. After all, my mother is old and seasick. She is not in a good state to be happy or sad.

"Chen Qing." It took a long time for the sister-in-law next to her to interject: "Where is your eldest brother? How is he?"

"Brother, he" Chen Qing didn't know what to say for a moment, so he could only hide it: "It's very good. Sister-in-law, you will know after you go over and see it!"

The eldest brother is smiling every day now, it should be pretty good, right?


"Brother, you came back so late again."

In the mansion, Chen Yuan complained about his eldest brother who had just returned. Chen Ye smiled and pinched Chen Yuan's face: "You, you almost ate like a ball. Let's see how my mother will deal with you when she comes!"

"Well" Chen Yuan shrank in guilt when he heard my mother's name, and said weakly: "The meat bugs are really delicious."

In the past, there was tofu for every meal in the house, but not even two meals a year for meat. When her second brother first became a juren, his life was fine. Later, in order to support him when he went to Beijing to take the exam, the family tightened their belts, and she didn't eat it for several years. Meat.

Moreover, the meaty bugs taste so good, even better than beef, and the supply is unlimited at home. If I don’t eat more, I can’t afford the hardships I suffered in the past few years.

"You!" Chen Ye shook his head, took Chen Yuan's swollen hand into the inner courtyard of the government office, and carefully wiped the oily hands of his silly girl with a tissue.

"Brother, I have seen you several times during the day. You are so majestic when you are flying in the sky!"

Chen Ye smiled honestly when he heard this, his eyes full of pride!

In order to promote the Yin Division, the Day Traveling God and the Night Traveling God will appear from time to time in crowded places. Occasionally, they will appear deliberately when patrolling in the air. People passing by will salute from afar when they see them, but they are even more popular than those fighters!

After all, they are in charge of the ghosts. Everyone hopes that they can find their relatives who died tragically and settle them in the underworld. Now that the new City God's Temple has been built, they also have a place in the temple. Every time the residents offer incense and worship the City God, they will By the way, I would like to thank myself as a day travel god, my hard work now has not been in vain!

"Sister-in-law will definitely be very happy if she comes!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Ye froze.

Chen Yuan didn't seem to notice anything strange about his elder brother, and said enthusiastically: "Seeing the majestic elder brother now, I will definitely stop scolding you secretly."

"I'm not afraid of her scolding me." Chen Ye smiled bitterly and said, "I'm just afraid. Xiaoyuan, tell me, can your sister-in-law like me now?"

"Eh?" Chen Yuan was stunned: "Why don't you like it? The eldest brother is so majestic now. This time the eldest brother goes to Nanyang, he will definitely pick up his mother and sister-in-law. Oh, by the way, there is also a little nephew. See you Brother, you will definitely be very happy!”

"Really?" Chen Ye looked at the river with some expectation in his heart, but more nervous.

Is this really the case? ——

Chen Ye is not only the main god of the Yin Division in the government office. As the main god of the Liuzhou Yin Division, Wei Gongcheng is also in the government office at this time, playing black and white backgammon with Shen Yimiao, the third master of the Shen family.

"Lord Cheng Huang has a lot of money recently. How can he still use the power of karma to do this?"

"Hahaha, a little bit, a little bit." Wei Gongcheng chuckled.

The situation has been good recently. With the expansion of Xu Hu's fighter army, the rescue process has accelerated, and more and more ghosts have entered Liuzhou. Liuzhou's belief in the Yins has laid a good foundation at the beginning. The new ones People come in and are taken by the old people in the city, and they will soon come to pay homage to the City God in memory of their relatives.

From time to time, he would grant a chance or two for the ghost of a mortal with higher merit to enter a dream. The newly arrived people would have more faith in the underworld after hearing from each other. As a result, the power of karma was almost endless these days.

It also resulted in him being able to have a little luxury now, using the power of karma to make some small things that he liked, such as this exquisite Yin Division chessboard.

"Chen Qing's brother seems to be afraid of seeing his relatives."

"Really?" Wei Gongcheng smiled and said, "I'm really looking forward to seeing my relatives."

To be honest, if my aunt who almost killed me back then would see me now, I don't know what her expression would be. I'm really looking forward to it.

It would be even more interesting if her old man died and fell into the underworld under her jurisdiction.

"I have heard Mr. Wang talk about this." Shen Laosan looked at Wei Gongcheng who was smiling: "I heard that there are people from the Yuchi family who came with the army this time? Then according to the rules, the Wei family is the most important member of the Yuchi family. I attach great importance to the family, are your brothers also coming this time?”

"Most likely," Wei Gongcheng said with a smile.

"No wonder our Lord City God is so happy recently."

"Hahaha" Wei Gongcheng laughed suddenly: "Whether you can be happy in the end depends on whether Mr. Wang can really take advantage of the chaos, otherwise even if your place develops very fast, I'm afraid it will be too late. "

When Mr. Shen heard this, his smile dropped slightly, he nodded and said, "This is business!"

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