The demon world I designed

Chapter 646 Invincible!

"You want to see the leader of the guild?"

Abe Ayaka was slightly stunned when faced with Chen Qing's request. Chen Qing actually dared to meet the leaders of the guild at this time. Aren't you afraid of being plotted against?

Although the current bosses can only be in special areas and cannot completely come to this world, if you are in a special void, there are some spells that can target you. This guy is really brave.

"You can't make the decision." Chen Qing said bluntly: "Now that you are trapped in this city, it will take a lot of resources to report it, right? It just so happens that what we lack most now is time, why not do it in one step?"

Abe Ayaka frowned slightly when she heard this, and finally saluted and said: "His Royal Highness, King Qin, please wait for half a day, and I will give you the answer at dusk at the latest."

"Then I'll wait."


"Chen Qing wants to see us?"

The three major guilds have all gathered in the void at this time. Led by the leader of the Shenwu Guild, important figures from Wanxu and Tianhua have also come to the void where the fourth guild is located. The third guild has the most luck in the world. The four guilds now own the largest void area, which can barely allow existences like them to appear here in the form of spiritual bodies.

"This is how my subordinates repay me." Kagura, the president of the Shenwu Guild, looked up at the senior officials of the Fourth Guild above the Void Mirror.

"He's quite brave."

Although only spiritual bodies can enter the void, existences like them, even spiritual bodies, are already unimaginable in the world today. If there are no rules that restrict them, the rebellious emperor can be sent here at random to use his soul. If you crush it, it can destroy the world thousands of times!

"You are indeed courageous." Kagura smiled slightly: "I recently heard a saying that the guy who sealed the demon statue twenty years ago and almost cut off our ancient recovery was not the real Pu Yunchuan, but the current one is just The real deal, world creator!”

"Real or fake?" A female voice said with a hint of curiosity above the void, and the other two people who came with Kagura of the Shenwu Guild, their bodies were like a nebula, and they all rippled slightly.

Everyone was obviously shocked by this statement.

"What about the creators?" Another voice in the void above said coldly: "Aren't those reincarnations sent by the Federation all so-called designers? Aren't they still lingering in the first reincarnation after so long? ?”

"We have been established for such a long time. Can a newcomer, even if he knows some version loopholes, really be able to change the world?"

"Isn't it just overturned now?" Kagura looked up and said with cold eyes: "In this situation, everyone seems to be very leisurely?"

There was a sudden silence from above, and honestly speaking, this situation cannot be taken lightly.

Once the north is swept away, the three major forces, Tianlang Palace, Dragon Palace, and Guixiao, will almost completely miss them. In the competition for the second version, they will be at an absolute disadvantage. In the worst case, they may not even be able to recover in this reincarnation. , the second stage was completely occupied!

If this human emperor followed the example of King Qin and used absolute power to control the world and avoid killing, the resurrection of the earth spirit would dissipate at an extremely fast speed, and this reincarnation would be completely missed for them.

One reincarnation cannot be revived, and the damage caused to them is very great.

"Chen Qing is the best partner." Kagura whispered: "He accounts for one-quarter of the Dragon Palace. Jiangnan's current military strength can now compete with an ancient force. If we unite with him, we can form a three-quarter with the Central Plains emperor." The power of the world, as long as the situation stabilizes, they will naturally have nothing to fear. "

"Would he be willing to do this?" The voice above asked doubtfully: "From his standpoint, it would not be easy to cooperate."

"Since he proposed to meet in person, there must be a way to cooperate. Why not let him come?"

"What do you think?"

"How else can we watch?" The voice of the two nebulae next to Kagura was extremely cold: "You were forced by an NPC to cooperate with the four major guilds, and you have to ask for help from a newcomer. You have lost all face. What do you care about now?"

Everyone: "."

It is indeed a shame. For thousands of years, they have mastered such a powerful power, but now they are so embarrassed by an NPC. Sure enough, the human race in this world should not exist! ——

"What will Chen Qing do?"

In the capital, through the special passage of Yin-Yang Road, the two of them crossed the huge Northland in less than half a day and returned to the capital. Also returning with them was the Poison Mother wandering on Yin-Yang Road. As a collaborator, it was enshrined at this time. He stayed in a ghost temple and enjoyed countless years of worshiping with the power of faith that he had never imagined.

This time. It picked the right person!

At this time, in the imperial study room of the palace, the entire room was already in yin and yang, becoming a completely connected space. Just like when they were in King Xiang's palace, the two of them were like reflections on the water, standing upside down.

"I'm also very curious about what he will do." The emperor smiled and said: "He looks like he wants to create a peaceful world. Now his prestige in Jiangnan is even higher than that of King Qin back then. But if he openly protects the north I am afraid that the image he has accumulated over the past five years will collapse, but if he does not leave, I am afraid that the current stronghold in the Northern Wilderness will be wiped out by those so-called reincarnation people!"

"He doesn't look like a person who would sit back and wait for death." Wang Xiang recalled the scenes of several meetings with Chen Qing, and whispered: "Maybe there will be an unexpected method."

"I'm really looking forward to it." The emperor's smile remained unchanged, but the topic changed: "How many troops can we have before spring starts?"

"Now the ghost temple has been arranged smoothly, and the conversion rate of the Feilong Army is very high. Your method is very useful. It is preliminary estimated that by the beginning of spring, the entire Feilong Army will be successfully transformed!"

"Oh?" The emperor nodded with satisfaction upon hearing this.

The Feilong Army was a direct lineage force that he single-handedly led back then. He had a higher status in his mind than the Golden Dragon Guards, who were members of the Xiao family, and they were absolutely loyal to him. The reason why they were allowed to guard southern Xinjiang was to accumulate strength.

In the past twenty years, he has been secretly sending resources there. Many people don't know that in today's Feilong Army, even the lowest infantry soldiers are at the level of sixth-grade military generals, and ten or even second-grade The leader of the ten-man team is at least at the fifth-grade level. Before the advent of ancient times, he was truly the most powerful army in the world!

With such a good foundation, the descending evil spirit will naturally improve very quickly, and this time it is the direct lineage of King Xiang back then: the Heavenly Ghost Guard.

It is said that each of them is an extraordinary evil spirit, and they are extremely brave in combat. When fighting against the other three kings' royal guards, they can often defeat one against ten!

If such a powerful evil spirit wants to descend into the human body through the ghost temple, the container itself needs to have a good foundation, and it will take a longer time to become a ghost. Originally, at the normal speed, it would not be possible to kill all the 200,000 heavenly ghost guards within three years. Advent.

But he thought of a way. Demonization needs to be carried out quietly and slowly corroded. The deception method used by the Southern Barbarians made the soldiers think they had received blessings from ghosts and gods and had a way to quickly increase their strength, but they did not know that they were The body was replaced bit by bit by evil spirits.

The evil spirit should not be too anxious with this method, otherwise once discovered, it will cause fierce resistance from the original spirit body, which may lead to physical collapse, and even the evil spirit itself will be damaged.

The emperor's method is very simple, let the soldiers give up resistance!

Of course, no matter how loyal he is, this method of directly asking the soldiers to give up resistance and let the evil spirits take over their bodies will not get the service of 200,000 flying dragon troops, so he proposed the idea of ​​one body and two souls.

No longer cheating, no longer resisting, the evil spirit corrodes the soldier's body, but cannot expel the soldier's spirit body. After possession, the right to use the body is controlled by the evil spirit, but after a certain period of time, the evil spirit automatically exits the soldier's body and gives When a soldier leaves behind an enhanced body, in layman's terms it is equivalent to renting it.

The reason why this method is useless for others is because it cannot convince both parties. Everyone may not believe that the evil spirit that invaded their body will obediently return the body, and the reverse is the same, after spending so much money No evil spirit will really give up on a human body with enhanced energy.

But this time it was different. Both King Xiang and the Emperor of the Xiao family had absolute authority over their direct troops. The Feilong Army was willing to believe in the Holy One, and King Xiang's evil spirits did not dare to resist King Xiang's authority.

Hence this almost impossible collaboration!

In less than half a year, the 200,000 flying dragon army will be formed immediately!

"Is two hundred thousand enough?" the emperor looked at Xiang Wangdao.

"Ha" King Xiang sneered: "If it weren't for insurance, one hundred thousand would be enough. Ghost soldiers don't need logistics. Those violent snake venoms are almost useless against them. At the beginning of spring, although it is impossible for all the heavenly guards to use their full strength Attacking, but destroying those beasts in the north is more than enough!"

The emperor nodded slightly. He thought so too. According to King Xiang's prediction, two hundred thousand Feilong Guards would be able to reach the level of a full first-class team before the beginning of spring. The capital of the ten-man team would be extraordinary. Such an army, in the past, he even I dare not even think about it.

He also believes that no one in this world can beat him!

The cavin is too serious and I need to take salt again.

Tomorrow is Saturday, try to get up as early as possible to start writing Rubik's Cube. . .

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