The demon world I designed

Chapter 654 A bad situation (Part 2)!

"My lord, you mean that in name, you are sending troops to assist the court in exterminating the snake demon and avenging the people of the North, but in reality, you are competing with the court for territory?"

After Chen Qing explained the general plan, everyone was stunned.

"What if that's not the case?" Chen Qing said amusedly: "Do you really risk the disapproval of the world to help the demons of the North fight against the imperial army? Is this worthy of being scolded to death?"

"But" the Shen family members looked at each other with expressions of disbelief, then looked at Chen Qing again: "Does the other party agree?"

The opponent they spoke of was naturally the mysterious forces operating secretly in the north.

"They can only agree." Chen Qing smiled.


Three days ago.

In the land of void, Chen Qing was honestly quite surprised when he was led in for the first time.

He didn't expect that players could actually find this place! !

The name Void Land should have been chosen by themselves. As a master of oriental fantasy, Chen Qing's design style naturally does not contain foreign vocabulary. He could tell at a glance that this so-called Void Land was the boundary of the Nine Heavens. !

In the third version, Nine Layers of Heavenly Demon, these players have reached the top and can actually carve up this space.

It can be seen that the third version of these three reincarnations has almost been developed to the extreme by players.

All you need is a key to open the door to the outer world and enter the fourth version of the Starry Age. At that time, you will truly be out of reincarnation and no longer need to be bound to this small world.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing suddenly laughed. With such a huge power, those people in the world today are probably more humble than ants, right?

Have you never thought that you would be forced into such a desperate situation by a human ant?

It seems that as a designer, I have done a good job of balancing. No matter how powerful a force is, it is impossible to completely monopolize the world. At least so far, no player can do it.

"His Royal Highness, King Qin, seems to be very happy?" A female voice coldly mocked above the void.

"It's okay." Chen Qing laughed: "I've just heard of your name. It's the first time I've seen you. I'm inevitably a little happy."

"I have the liberty to ask." The woman in red next to her tilted her head. Under her bamboo hat, a pair of pupils that could open up countless spaces, like ten thousand flowers of glass, looked at Chen Qing: "Is this Mr. Pu Yunchuan?"

Chen Qing raised his head and looked at the other party. Mr. Zhang said that there were spies from the guild inside the data city, and they were probably secretly working for them.

It seems that you are right.

"I don't know." Chen Qing smiled and said, "I was sure before, but now I don't know."

"Then let's address you as His Highness King Qin."

"It's up to you." Chen Qing shrugged.

"What does His Highness, King Qin, think of the current situation?"

"Of course the situation is serious, I can still be content, how about you?"

"You are the designer, don't you know the strength of the Heavenly Python Palace?" The woman in red said lightly: "King Xiang's ghost soldiers are indeed powerful, but now that the north has been operating for so long, the North Pole has begun to melt flesh and blood, and the Xiao family Even if that one uses heavenly ghost magic to occupy our men and has some high-level ghost generals, he won't be one-sided."

"Are you testing my knowledge?" Chen Qing sneered: "The Heavenly Python Palace is not a rigorous force. It is made up of powerful Heavenly Python individuals and then controls some low-level snake monsters. It is a large and There are more than tens of thousands of wandering Sky Pythons on the first level of the Outer World. There are probably tens of thousands of them flooding into the human world. It’s not like I haven’t seen the disciples of your guild in Tianlang City. They all despise the demons of the Sky Pythons. Almost no one wants to be completely reincarnated as a celestial python."

"If you don't want to become a Sky Python and want to control the Sky Python Palace, you can only use a contract. First surrender some Sky Pythons on the outer layer of the sky, and then bind the player with a blood contract, so that the player can control it and its subordinates. Some forces, right?”

"It seems that the rumors are indeed true." The woman in red smiled and said: "If you know so much, even if you are not Mr. Pu Yunchuan, he is not far behind."

In the void, countless eyes stared at Chen Qing, extremely cold, but they could not do anything.

As Chen Qing said, the control of the Heavenly Python Palace relies on the blood contract. Once the player who controls the blood contract dies, it is a question whether those Heavenly Pythons are willing to cooperate. At this time, facing the threat of King Xiang's Heavenly Ghosts, It is not impossible to switch sides instantly.

The situation is extremely dangerous!

Once the north is completely eradicated, only the dark corners of Southern Wasteland and Yundu will be available. But once King Xiang occupies the north, with the speed of Guixi's rise, there will be almost no one in the world who can rival him!

The worst thing is that this emperor and that King Xiang know the secret of reincarnation!

Once he gains the upper hand, he will definitely try to get rid of him crazily. That guy is even scarier than King Qin back then.

The purpose of King Qin was to seal the ancient times, prevent them from coming, control the first stage of the world, and realize what he thought was the coexistence of humans and demons.

That method, even if he succeeded at the time, was still very fragile. Guild players mastered the reincarnation of the Yin and Yang Road, and could continuously reincarnate the guild's children, slowly planning to subvert his dynasty, once or twice, or twice or three times, players can use it Infinite reincarnation, as long as the basics are in place, there is always a chance to open the ancient times again!

But this ambitious NPC is different. If he is allowed to grow, the world will be unified by ghosts, the earth spirits will skyrocket, and he may even launch a charge against the higher ancients of Yin and Yang Road. While the players are sleeping, no matter how powerful they are, they will not be able to use it. , unable to stop the increasingly powerful ghost forces.

Over time.

It’s not impossible to dig out their roots!

"Since His Highness the King of Qin knows the current situation, he should understand that the north must not be captured by King Xiang, otherwise, you and I may fall into a place of eternal disaster!"

The woman in red looked at Chen Qing seriously: "Back then, when we players first came in, we were the flesh and blood of demons in this world. It took us millions of years and countless reincarnations to finally allow the players to stand in the world. At the end of the day, if King Xiang destroys everything for us, then all players will return to the nightmare world they once were."

"And this time, it will be countless times more difficult than the beginning!"

Chen Qing looked at the other party and understood what the other party meant.

Former players came to the world and suffered persecution from terrifying demons and human malice. After several unjust deaths, they chose to join forces and established a guild. After numerous calculations and arrangements, the reincarnators finally became the pinnacle of the world.

And once it is lost, it will suffer even more terrible backlash.

The emperor of the Xiao family was so ambitious that he hated players like them. If an NPC who knew the existence of the players ruled the world, and the federation opened the way to this world.

The consequences can be imagined!

Chen Qing knew that this might be a disaster for all mankind!

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