The demon world I designed

Chapter 688 The strange cloud city

"Are you the guest invited to attend this Heavenly Master's viewing ceremony?"

The questioning soldiers made Chen Qing and his party a little confused.

The boundary of Yundu starts from the famous triple pass, which corresponds to the three directions of east, west and south. There is a natural checkpoint. Each checkpoint is heavily guarded. A long way away, there is a long queue of merchant goods. The team is waiting for inspection.

The inspection here is not like Jiangnan. If you have a door god's goods, you don't need to check carefully. Monsters will be automatically identified. Here, it relies on those armored soldiers. It is very strict. One person after another carefully checks the goods. Pack after pack was opened, making the queue at the door extremely difficult.

Chen Qing heard that when many merchants come here, they have to bring tents and be equipped to sleep here, because if they arrive at this location after noon, they will basically have to wait until the next day. This is the consensus of all the merchants in Yundu. one thing.

But they didn't wait long. They had just arrived here for a while, and when they were still thinking about how to jump in line and talk to the soldiers at the pass, a soldier actually came forward to ask.

This made Chen Qing look at the invitation again.

The invitation was studied by the academy on the first day it was received. It did not have any magic marks or runes, nor any energy at all. The material was also very ordinary. It was made of very ordinary Nanyang paper, which they produced in Jiangnan. paper.

But if there was nothing on the invitation, how did the other party lock their location?

Chen Qing did not remember that he had told the Yundu forces that he was coming.

"How did this general know that we were here?" Shen Qi didn't have stage fright and asked directly with a smile.

"Sir, you're welcome, how can I call you a general?" The soldier chuckled and said, "Master Tianshi has done everything in the world and asked the superiors to send him to guard here early in the morning. He said that if the crane paper automatically Flying up, the distinguished guest has arrived, and this one must be the famous King Qin, right? "

The soldier looked at Chen Qing, and Chen Qing also saw the paper crane on the soldier's waist. It looked like an ordinary thing, like a paper crane made of origami. It did not have any energy fluctuations, but it could be seen that the paper crane was light and light. Be aware that you are moving.

"It's strange." Shen Qi responded with a smile: "Your Celestial Master is really powerful."

"That's natural." The soldier puffed up his chest and looked complacent. It was obvious that the Heavenly Master's status in the heart of this ordinary soldier was not as high as usual.

Chen Qing and Shen Qi looked at each other, their eyes full of solemnity.

Counting everything in the world?

Haha. Even Tianji doesn’t dare to say that. This Tianji has such a big voice.

The weirdest thing is probably the papers.

The first thing Chen Qing thought of was Mr. Origami.

Not all fantasy powers in this world are magic. Many times the demon's own talents cannot be explained by magic. For example, Mr. Origami, he can turn ordinary paper into magic and do many incredible things.

An ordinary piece of white paper in his hand can even turn into a person spying on you.

This heaven-defying talent is the real reason why demons are rampant in this world.

But Mr. Origami has only been dead for less than ten years. Even if he was reborn immediately, he wouldn't have grown up now, right?

Chen Qing rubbed the invitation in her hand and became more and more cautious.

This guy from Tiandu has some weird abilities.

The group of people followed the soldiers and turned on the green light all the way. They soon entered the checkpoint. After entering the checkpoint, it was a flat road. From the checkpoint to Yundu, there were plain fertile fields visible to the naked eye everywhere along the way. The black soil under the vast white snow exuded the smell of Charming fragrance.

Looking at this natural environment, Chen Qing, as a designer, couldn't help but sigh that it didn't make sense here.

How could this be done in ancient times without being scalped?

This land of Yundu can live with tens of billions of people. It is really not a joke. It is no wonder that in troubled times, Yundu can play its own game. Can this unique trend not be ignored?

Along the way, you can see farmers plowing and loosening the soil everywhere.

There were a lot of people, everyone was wearing thick cotton clothes and had a happy smile on their face.

Chen Qing had only seen this kind of smile from the bottom of his heart in Jiangnan, and it was Jiangnan that he had nourished with Shinto flow for five years. But in this place, without any means to support it, relying only on the natural environment, it seemed that everything was there. A prosperous and happy land.

This seemed a bit abnormal to Chen Qing.

When the earth spirit revives, it stands to reason that earthworms in the ground may become man-eating monsters. The better the natural environment, the more serious the consequences, but there is no such panic here.

Chen Qing could clearly feel the spiritual energy emanating from the surrounding fields, which was already the standard for the resurrection of earth spirits, but it seemed that nothing was wrong.

Immediately, I became more and more surprised. Those people in Yundu are not simple. They can survive as ordinary people under such a general trend without relying on ancient times. What is their background?

"My lord." In the carriage, Shen Qi was also very curious: "There is no sign of resentment. There are not many demons in this Yundu territory."

Chen Qing nodded slightly. They had also visited other places. The world had changed dramatically, and the weeds on the roadside were capable of killing people. There was no news about the tens of billions of people in Guanzhong, and most of them died from monsters that revived halfway.

Even in the south of the Yangtze River, they rely on mountain gods and immortal farmers to be cautious. Whenever there is violence or demons born, there will be special mountain guards to deal with it. Even so, tragedies have happened, in the southeastern region and the newly developed West China Sea. Not to mention the island, which is full of mountain spirits and sea monsters, requiring a large number of troops to maintain security.

But in this Yundu, no stability maintenance troops were seen all the way here. How was this peaceful scene maintained?

Are there no monsters here?

How can it be

"Isn't it strange?" Ziyue suddenly said.

Chen Qing and Shen Qi looked over quickly.

Ziyue said quietly: "Actually, when the Warlock Dynasty started, it was also the time when there were the fewest demons in history. According to my later investigation, many people did not know what demons were in those years, just like the Great Jin Dynasty in these years. Same."

"Is there such a thing?" This was the first time Chen Qing heard Zi Yue mention it, and she was extremely surprised.

There are no monsters in the monster world, is it true?

King Qin's change of circumstances only allowed this situation to last for less than twenty years. Demons are still causing trouble everywhere. Do you remember that the Warlock Dynasty has existed in history for nearly ten thousand years?

Can the demon be suppressed for ten thousand years?

What kind of fairy dynasty?

"So I doubt the identity of the person who created the dynasty." Ziyue whispered: "I have suspected a long time ago that the founders of the Warlock Dynasty should not be from this world. They can avoid the influence of ancient players. , and can also track reincarnation players, this method is not like what the natives can do. "

"Player?" Chen Qing frowned, but player, who can do all this?

With doubts, the carriage traveled leisurely for a day and a night before arriving at the foot of Yundu City. Before entering the city, Chen Qing saw an acquaintance, an unexpected acquaintance.

I saw a woman at the door. She was not very beautiful, but her temperament was unparalleled. Chen Qing had seen that face before and knew her identity.

That’s why it’s even more incredible

How could that person come here in person?

"Do you know him?" Ziyue asked curiously.

She also felt an unprecedented and inexplicable pressure from the woman in red.


Ziyue was shocked. She had heard this name from Tianji. The president of Shenwu Guild, one of the four major guilds, had this name!

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