The demon world I designed

Chapter 696 Four Holy Guards

The election of the Heavenly Master did not stir up any waves among the people, especially those outside Tiandu. To be honest, the warlock families outside Yundu did not attach much importance to this thing.

How many years has the Warlock Dynasty been destroyed?

The previous dynasty was destroyed more than a thousand years ago. During these thousand years, many families have changed dynasties. Who still remembers the prestige of the Heavenly Master Mansion?

Most of the young generation who followed their elders to the new city now do not recognize it. The reason they came here is that the elders headed by Chen Baifeng insisted, and the other is that they were curious about the former top warlock families.

But to be honest, at least among the young generation who came to participate, especially the young generation in Nanhai, there is almost no obsession with the position of Heavenly Master.

But when it came to the speech at the Heavenly Master Conference on the second day, many young people from the Central Plains did not think so.

On the second day, when the performance conference opened, all members participated. Chen Baifeng and others naturally brought a group of younger generations to the palace. The major sorcerer families stayed in the South China Sea for only one year. However, in this short period of one year, in order to gain an advantage more quickly, the Chen family did not hold back on the resources of the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea. As a result, in just one year, the younger generation of the entire South China Sea family hatched nearly a hundred dragon-transformed sorcerers.

The dozens of people who came to participate in this competition were all the best in terms of performance. Even those with the worst bloodline had mastered the dragon bloodline of the South China Sea general level, and the best group were almost all true dragons of the South China Sea.

And most of those who came this time were already proficient in physical strength, and they were a generation full of confidence.

Even Chen Baifeng himself had extremely high confidence in this group of young people.

So much so that most of these Central Plains sorcerers looked down on the so-called Heavenly Master election in Yundu.

But this thought was no longer the case after entering the palace.

Many people have only heard of the palace in Yundu in their family history. All the major families deliberately avoid the power of Yundu. Not to mention many young generations, even a great sorcerer like Chen Baifeng who has lived for 200 years has never been to the Yundu Palace in person. This is the first time in his life.

In his impression, the huge magic array structure of the Beijing Palace is already the peak of the combined strength of the sorcerer families, but after entering the palace, he found that the Beijing Palace designed by their major families is really nothing.

Everyone entered the palace from the Suzaku Gate, and as soon as they entered, everyone discovered that the space of this palace is incredibly large!

Outside the palace is a city, and inside the palace. Perhaps it is larger than the entire Yundu.

If someone had told them that a palace could be larger than a capital city, someone would definitely say he was crazy.

But this is indeed the fact!

The exaggerated scale of the city wall of the main hall, the metal palace that can hardly be seen at a glance, the scale of the entire palace is even comparable to the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea.

This scene is so impressive that not only the children of the major families, but also Chen Baifeng and others were shocked.

Even Chen Qing was so shocked that he was speechless this time.

Yesterday, he went to the Treasure Hall from the backyard of the Zhang family by a small path. At that time, because of the special space around him, he did not walk around randomly. He never expected that the main hall of the palace would be so magnificent?

"This magic array" Chen Baifeng looked at Chen Qing: "I'm afraid it has the scale of Jiangnan, right?"

Chen Qing was silent. This is a large space array. Only by combining multiple large space arrays can the capital city, which is larger than Liuzhou, be reduced to the inside of the palace. It belongs to the magic array of the inner world level, which is not what the second version should have.

Is this really the technology owned by the Warlock Dynasty?

In fact, he had some doubts before. What the Tianshi Mansion mastered was the method of space magic array that surpassed the times, but he did not expect that it could be mastered to this extent.

But the question is, if this technology has been fully mastered, why did the Warlock Dynasty collapse?

This kind of power is more than enough to deal with the first-stage demons or the layout of the ancient forces.

Why hide it?

In such doubts, everyone, under the guidance of the guards, went to the Zhenghe Hall in the middle of the palace.

The road they walked was quite long, and they were led by the guards into several places similar to mirrors. As long as they passed through those mirrors, everyone could feel that they had entered another space.

The mirror had the ability to allow mortals to travel through space. Just this ability made the young generation of the major families no longer dare to be arrogant, and they looked at the surroundings with awe.

The Zhenghe Hall was very large. Judging from the scale, it could accommodate at least more than 10,000 people to listen to the speech here. At this time, with the addition of various etiquette ministers and guards, the entire hall had almost a thousand people.

Here, Chen Qing and others finally saw the true power of the guards of Yundu Palace!

They were a group of obviously inhuman guards, with unknown materials on their bodies and slightly stiff movements, but every sorcerer could feel a considerable amount of energy from those guards. Chen Qing even felt that in terms of energy alone, these guards were not even weaker than the Yakshas of the Dragon Palace.

This power and number were a bit scary.

If Chen Qing had this number of Yaksha troops now, he would have conquered the world long ago.

And then, the old Heavenly Master's words completely shocked everyone!

"Don't be afraid, everyone. These are the Four Saints Armor Guards. They have been perfected for so many years and can only be fully used in the past two years. They are the crystallization of magic left by the Warlock Dynasty. There are a total of 10,000 of these guards, divided into four saint attributes. They are all loyal guards of the Heavenly Master and only recognize the Heavenly Master!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. No one knew that the Warlock Dynasty still had this power, but no one expected the last words of the Heavenly Master!

"What does Master Celestial Master mean?" Chen Qing did not avoid it, looked at Master Zhang above the Zhenghe Hall, and asked what everyone was thinking: "These so-called guards of the Four Saints only recognize Celestial Master? I I want to know, do they only recognize you, the Heavenly Master, or do they only recognize the title of Heavenly Master?"

As soon as this question came out, everyone stared at the Heavenly Master.

No one knows how Yundu has such a powerful guard. This kind of guard is actually made by warlocks and is absolutely loyal. With this power, Yundu doesn't dominate the Central Plains?

But no matter what, this power is terrifying. If Yundu possesses this power, every force may have to weigh it in the future.

And if this power can still be used for oneself, although it sounds unlikely, but

Zhang Tianshi looked at Chen Qing, his eyes still seemed to be very unhappy with Chen Qing, but his words made everyone's hearts beat!

"Old Tao just said that these four holy guards only recognize one Celestial Master. I am the Celestial Master now, so they only recognize me. When a new Celestial Master appears, they will naturally only recognize the new Celestial Master!"


As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the person who thought it was impossible just now turned red!

"Master Tianshi, are you serious about this??"

The first person to ask this question, strangely enough, was not Chen Qing, nor Chen Baifeng and others.

On the contrary, it was a family of warlocks from Yundu.

Chen Qing, Chen Baifeng and others all looked over and saw clearly that they were from the He family in Yundu. Before entering the palace, they had dealt with Chen Baifeng and others. It was said that they were a big family in Yundu for thousands of years and had been monopolizing the Yundu family. The porcelain business in the capital.

In other words, even the people of the Yundu Family had no idea before that the Tianshi Mansion planned to hand over the Four Saint Guards?

Chen Qing came back to his senses, and it seemed that he was the same. This person in Tianshi Mansion had lived for a thousand years and had been a totem figure like a national master since the previous dynasty. Tianshi Mansion also just started the Tianshi election this time. I am afraid everyone has forgotten it. What can you gain by becoming a Heavenly Master?

But is this really realistic?

Chen Qing looked at the guards. Their eyes were cold and dull, and their bodies exuded terrifying energy.

This kind of army that can change the situation, instead of using it to fight for the world, the Zhang family wants to use it as a gift to the new Celestial Master?

What's the point of this?

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