The demon world I designed

Chapter 767 The Storm in the Capital (1)

"Is this okay?"

Outside the Yundu Universe Hall, outside the endless void, a voice came out of nowhere and asked the old Heavenly Master who had been guarding outside the hall.

"At this stage, King Xiang is almost invincible. The strength of the little guy from the Xiao family is not inferior to King Xiang. It is best if they stay calm and do not take action. Otherwise, even if the Four Holy Army suppresses him, it will be very troublesome."

"What about the capital? Is there any news?"

"That person has arrived in the capital and will take action in the next few days."

"Who does that person refer to?"

A faint voice sounded, and Zhang Tianshi looked without surprise. Standing at the door of Qiankun Hall, with his hands behind his back, was the Emperor of the Central Plains in a bright yellow dragon robe!

"Naturally, no one can compete with you in your power." The old Heavenly Master said.

"I have half a million ghost troops, and you want to destroy my foundation with just one person?"

"Your foundation is inherently unstable!" the old Heavenly Master said faintly: "Shortcuts are not so easy to take. The Zimu Ghost Temple is indeed a way to quickly accumulate military power, but everything in the world has its pros and cons. The Zimu Ghost Temple Being able to rely on the resentment of young children to open the gate of Yin and Yang has its hidden dangers. Once the temple is destroyed, the lights in the Zimu Ghost Temple will be extinguished, which is the basis for the ghosts to remain in the mortal world. "

"You're too hasty"

The emperor frowned and looked at each other, are you not in a hurry? How to deal with the four major guilds if you are not in a hurry?

Those forces have been accumulating for countless years, and have hidden countless methods in secret. If they are not careful, they will be endless troubles. If they don't take advantage of this wave of weakness of the opponent and kill them completely, how can they fight with the opponent in the future?

"Your Majesty, you should think it over carefully. I still say what I said. You and King Xiang are both ghosts among men. If you are willing to coexist with me, the ancient demon, you will be a part of this world from now on. If you are still stubborn, you will be a member of the human race. The last generation of emperors!”



Yuchi Mansion.

"Dad, please eat as much as you can."

Today's Yuchi Mansion is overcrowded, and each branch family is forcing the main family to make a decision. Yuchi Peng knows that his father is under tremendous pressure.

Although he became the head of the Yuchi family more than ten years ago because he defeated his father in public, he was only recognized for his strength. His father had always controlled the general direction of the family, and he had never worried about it.

Dad is a steady person, and the Yuchi family has always been the royal family's favorite choice to lead the imperial army, and there is no need to have too complicated political acumen.

Therefore, the Yuchi family has been going smoothly since its rise. Generally, as long as the major route is not chosen wrong, everything will be fine. However, this time, there are differences in the family on the major route.

"Can you eat it?" The father looked at his heartless son, and his face darkened for a moment.

"Dad, the biggest thing in the world is eating. Isn't this what you taught me?" Yuchi Peng put down the meal with a smile: "If we warriors don't eat enough, how can we have the strength to fight?"

"The key is who else can you defeat now?" The head of the Yuchi family looked at Yuchi Peng and asked.

Yu Chipeng's face froze when he heard this, and he laughed a little awkwardly for a while.

Five years ago, he was the ceiling for the younger generation of the Jin Dynasty. There were only a few warriors in the world who could defeat him. Who in the Yuchi family would not be proud of him?

But in just a few years, he has fallen behind by an unknown amount. Now he is no match for that brat Yuchi Feihu. Sometimes I have to lament that man's own strength is too small compared to the great era. .

"Son, do you blame me?" The head of the Yuchi family looked at Yuchi Peng's embarrassed smile, sighed in his heart, and said: "That year, you failed to conquer Jiangnan. If I let you stay in Jiangnan, with your qualifications , Chen Qing will definitely reuse you, I don’t know where your current achievements are.”

"What's the point of resentment?" Yuchi Peng waved his hand: "Jiangnan is an opportunity, but both Wei Gongcheng and Yuchi Feihong took refuge in Chen Qing when he had not yet risen. They took risks and finally won. It's a given, I didn't do anything, why should I go pick peaches? Besides, I am the head of the Yuchi family. Those two brats are out in Jiangnan, so someone has to come back to help you fight, right?"

"You boy." The head of the Yuchi family shook his head and laughed, feeling a little emotional for a moment.

It was also out of this consideration that Yuchi Peng was allowed to come back. In such a chaotic era, a big family cannot put all its eggs in one basket. Yuchi Feihong and Yuchi Feihu were both openly fighting with Yuchi. The family severed ties, but in fact it was the Yuchi family's investment in Jiangnan.

With two outstanding children there, a top disciple like Yuchi Peng naturally couldn't follow them there. Otherwise, what would the emperor think of the Yuchi family?

But he never expected that the Emperor of the Xiao family would reach this point.

If he had known that if he stayed here, he would have to associate with those things that were neither humans nor ghosts, he would have taken the Yuchi family and fled to Jiangnan.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

"The vassal families all want to join them, but I know that no matter how powerful those ghosts brag, they are no longer human!" The head of the Yuchi family smiled bitterly: "Seeing the other families getting benefits one by one, they can't help it. It’s normal, but this opening really cannot be opened.”

Yu Chipeng was silent on the side, and he didn't know how to persuade his father.

The Yuchi family did not want to become ghosts, and the emperor did not care about this. After all, the Yuchi family worked hard and made great achievements. As long as they did not make big mistakes, the emperor did not need to kill them all.

But I can't bear the thoughts of my subordinates.

Those families who worshiped at the Zimu Temple and associated with evil spirits received great benefits one by one. Many dandy children had extraordinary powers. Extraordinary is the most dreamed existence for all children of blood. If you break through the extraordinary, you will break through. Bloodline can exceed the lifespan. Compared with the lifespan of hundreds of years for warlocks, it is rare for bloodline warriors to live for hundreds of years, and their death is extremely painful.

There is no need to pay much for having a chance to break through. It is just a matter of paying the lives of some mortal children. What's wrong with that?

As for becoming a ghost clan, so what?

Their bloodline warriors are half-human, half-demon monsters, and they are not the same species as ordinary mortals. What is the psychological burden?

Therefore, the vassal families of the Yuchi family, including the Wei family, are complaining. To this day, all the family heads have come to give advice countless times, and today this time is particularly serious. Led by the Wei family, almost all the heads of the vassal families have complained. In place.

It is to force the palace today.

"I know, Dad." Yu Chipeng sighed: "Many people say that there is no difference between the ghost temple forces that join the royal family and the so-called worshiping gods in Jiangnan to gain power. But I have been to Jiangnan and I know very well that there is a big difference. ”

"Although the place in the south of the Yangtze River is rich in spiritual energy, there is not a trace of coldness and resentment. All the spiritual energy is extremely gentle, and all the people who believe in gods do not have a trace of violence. But it is different here." Yu Chipeng looked at the cold colors outside and said in a deep voice. : "Everything here relies on the power of resentment. If we compromise this power, we will be no different from those bloodthirsty demons. The original intention of our blood family to obtain the power of demon blood was to resist demons. It’s not about becoming a monster!”

"Very good!" The head of the Yuchi family immediately nodded with satisfaction: "It is very valuable that my son can stick to this Taoist heart. Although you are temporarily frustrated now, I believe that as long as you encounter an opportunity, you will ride on the wind and rise. I, the leader of the Yuchi family, will My son must be a hero who can travel through the nine heavens!”

Yuchi Peng clasped his head. It was the first time his father had exaggerated something like this, and he seemed a little embarrassed. Just as he was about to speak, a strange thought suddenly arose in his mind, making him stunned.

"What's wrong?" The head of the Yuchi family looked at Yuchi Peng and asked curiously.

"Dad, someone is here." Yuchi Peng covered his chest solemnly.

"Who?" The head of the Yuchi family looked outside without even noticing.

"It should be Mr. Mu Hongqing."

The head of the Yuchi family was stunned for a moment, and then his face became serious. He immediately understood why his son had such a big reaction.

The Yuchi family, especially his son, owed Mu Hongqing a huge favor!

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