The demon world I designed

Chapter 783 The weakness of the ancient demon!

Is this horse crazy?

Yu Chipeng clamped the horse's belly tightly, but found that he couldn't stop it. It wasn't that he couldn't push it down with brute force, but the dead horse moved so hard. If he forced it to stop with brute force, the horse's spine would have to give way. Break.

It's not that he feels sorry for the horse, the key is that in this damn place, without the horse, Tongtian's ability would not be able to get out, not to mention that he is not even a no-name now.

Seeing the horse running more and more toward places with many evil spirits, Yuchi Peng's scalp felt numb for a while.

Fortunately, although these ghosts were very malicious, they still did not take action, seeming to be afraid of this ghost horse.

Ghost horses can travel between the yin and yang realms. If they only had the ability to travel, they would have been torn apart and eaten as horse meat.

And he was also curious about why he had only heard of people riding this horse to travel to the underworld, but never heard of an evil ghost using it to travel to the underworld.

He was actually quite curious about this. If extraordinary evil spirits could not establish themselves in the world without a physical body, why did ordinary evil spirits never do this?

Why is this horse able to run wild on Yin Yang Road?

Without any time to think about it, the horses ran faster and faster, quickly passing through the group of evil spirits and heading in a desolate direction.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer evil spirits around, Yu Chipeng became even more nervous.

Although he has not become a ghost, he has talked with many ghosts and was very curious about what the Yin and Yang Road was like. The other party revealed a lot to him while drinking.

On Yin Yang Road, places with many evil spirits are actually not dangerous. The most dangerous places are places with few evil spirits. Yin Yang Road has accumulated countless evil spirits from ancient times to the present. It has long been overcrowded with ghosts. There is no sign of evil spirits, either the environment in that area is bad enough, or there is something very scary there!

It's such a big open space, and the place is full of spiritual energy. Yu Chipeng doesn't think it's a place with a harsh environment, which means that there may be something terrible here.

The incredible thing in Yin Yang Road is probably not an old monster that has lived for millions of years.

Thinking of this, Yuchi Peng felt that people were going numb with fear. As a result, the dead horse that sat down became so excited that it ran wildly and neighed with excitement, as if it was in heat.

Is there a mare there?

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw a familiar figure sitting cross-legged in the middle of the huge open space. Yu Chipeng was stunned when he saw it, and he was also stunned when he sat down. When he saw it clearly, he became angry. He spat, turned around and wanted to run away.

Yu Chipeng quickly dismounted, then picked up the dead horse to prevent the other party from running away, and strode towards the figure.

The man in the middle was also stunned. He looked at Yuchi Peng for a few seconds and then said: "Master, your way of riding is quite special."

Yuchipeng rolled his eyes, but he didn't dare to put down the struggling horse. After all, he had to rely on this damn thing to get out.

"What's going on with you?"

This figure in white is exactly the purpose of his trip: Wei Gongxing!

"What do you mean, young master?"

"Why can you live in peace here and be protected from evil spirits?"

He has heard that the survival rate of new Yin spirits on Yin Yang Road is very low. Even the top strong people in the world will have a hard time surviving there. The strong ones will swallow you directly, while the weak ones will tear you apart. Without you, everyone will suffer a loss when meeting that group.

And why does this kid have such a powerful aura?

"This... was an accident." Wei Gongxing touched his head and didn't know how to explain it for a while.

In fact, it was really an accident. During that battle in the north, not many people knew what he was capable of. Master Yuchi was one of them, and his cousin Wei Gongcheng, who had been training with Master Yuchi all the year round, was also one of them.

Wei Gongcheng followed Chen Qing, so he naturally wanted to serve as Chen Qing's subordinate, so he recommended himself.

The last time Chen Qing came to the capital, she took the time to look for him, hoping to take him to Jiangnan.

Jiangnan is a good place. In his opinion, it is a good place to lie down. He actually likes it very much. It can give people like them who are capable but of impure blood a new opportunity. To say that he is not interested would be false.

But it's a pity that the old family owner won't let him go.

I could only regret missing King Qin's thigh, but even though I couldn't leave with him at that time, I asked him for one thing.

"His Royal Highness King Qin, my eldest brother is now the Lord of the Underworld in Liuzhou, Jiangnan, this capital. The situation is strange now. I want to say that if my mother and I accidentally burp, can you help us bring him back to Jiangnan?"

"Generally speaking, it's not easy to do, but there is a way."

This is what Chen Qing said at the time, and that method is one of the reasons why he can survive here now.

The method is to let the little guy named Nezha leave a drop of blood essence deep in his spirit body. Once his body dies and is pulled into the path of yin and yang, the blood essence in the yin spirit will evaporate.

According to Chen Qing, Nezha is the top ghost general under the Ghost King on Yin Yang Road, and has the potential of a Ghost King. Its blood essence has a deterrent effect on ordinary evil spirits, as long as the place where he falls is not a big one. If you can occupy the territory, you should be able to keep yourself safe for the time being.

Facts have proved that the effect is very good, and I am very lucky. After death, the spirit body has been sucked up to this point. As soon as the surrounding groups of evil spirits pounced on me, the drop of volatile blood essence in the body caused a large area of ​​surrounding evil spirits to retreat. As a result, there was not a single ghost in the dozens of miles around him.

But now it's a little hard to tell Yuchi Peng that he was originally hanging out with Yuchi's family, but in the end he even found a way out, which sounds a bit unethical.

Seeing the other party hesitating, Yu Chipeng did not ask in detail, but directly asked about the important matter now: "My father said that you directly chose to commit suicide because you found the other party's weakness, right?"

"The old master is still powerful." Wei Gongxing sighed. The old fox was said to be the weakest master in the history of the Yuchi family. He was beaten to the ground by his teenage son and was humiliated. However, he thought that he was Yuchi. The most powerful head of the family sometimes has really vicious eyes.

"Really found it?" Yu Chipeng was excited.

"There are some clues," Wei Gongxing said in a low voice: "The success of Makino's rebellion this time was entirely due to a kind of insect."

"Insects?" Yuchipeng was stunned: "What insect?"

"I don't know its origin, but that kind of bug is very scary. Once it parasitizes a host, it can directly cause qualitative changes in the host's body. In just one day, he has created many extraordinary things, and his strength surpasses that of the ghost temple. Those elites inside are really scary, but I knew at that time that the other party's method would definitely have great side effects, otherwise the other party would not have to plan at all, and they would have dominated the world just by relying on this kind of bug. "

Yuchipeng nodded, these words were exactly the same as those of Song Guogong!

"What are the side effects?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but I can probably see some of it." Wei Gongxing said solemnly: "This kind of monster is too overbearing when it changes the human body. It can easily make the body go insane and turn into an uncontrollable beast!"

"Ah?" Yuchi was stunned and said in confusion: "Uncontrolled? That person is no longer controlled by himself. Can't he be controlled by the bugs in his body? Is it because they can't control those bugs?"

"No." Wei Gongxang shook his head: "Those bugs can't be controlled either. I've seen two cases where they both grew too fast and suddenly went crazy. Makino killed those two people without hesitation, and the bugs in his body also went crazy." Destroyed together!"

Yu Chipeng's eyes lit up: "You mean, his subordinates are uncontrollable?"

"There is a probability that it is uncontrollable!" Wei Gongxing said quietly: "It should be that after being stimulated to a certain extent, it will become uncontrollable, and the harm should be very great, otherwise Makino would not kill him immediately. If my guess is right , those out-of-control bugs will cause serious consequences, and even those monsters cannot bear the consequences!"


"The Lord is saying that these ancient demons have serious weaknesses?"

On the other side, Shen Qi was stunned when he heard Chen Qing's voice transmission about the information about the ancient insects.

"Of course," Chen Qing sneered, "If there are no weaknesses, with the characteristics of these ghosts, why are there other monsters in the world?"

The evolution speed of the ancient demon is very exaggerated. As long as a larva has a rich enough body, it can quickly grow into a top powerhouse. This also causes the ancient demon's predatory form to be extremely exaggerated.

But precisely because it evolves too fast, without some weaknesses, this thing would be too invincible. Of course, in the world of its own design, such an awesome thing cannot be allowed to exist.

In the era of countless ancient demon dynasties, the huge dynasties established by the ancient demons were all destroyed by their own people!

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