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Su Luo smiled a little: "I admit that it is very big, this is a **** model, but if it is not completed, we will die."

Changmian touches the nose, and indeed, since it has been classified as the camp of the Nine Kings, since the Dark Emperor has already seen the Soviet Union, the suspicion of the emperor will really kill.

"If you don't succeed, you will become a benevolent person." Su Luo stared at the sleep.

I have a hard time laughing: "This is really a thief boat."

"But the return will be very rich."

"This is also true." Changmian nodded. "What do I need to do? I told you."

"Do you have something that represents your identity? Your family token, or something cloud on the cloud?"


"Okay, come with the ear--" Su Luo said a few words in the ear of Changmian.

Sleeping while listening, watching Surrey in amazement: "You really are..."

"How?" Su Luo smiled and looked at him.

Changmian didn't talk, but just slammed a thumbs up: "This way, I have more confidence."

In the Queen's Palace.

The Queen listened to the portrayal of the little girl, and she was excited: "Okay, good! You are going to continue monitoring!"

However, Xiaoqin has not yet stepped out of the palace, and he saw Sun Hao rushing in.

The queen stood up fiercely: "Sun Hao, is she already..."

After Sun Hao came in, he closed the door and said to the Queen: "The Queen Empress, things have failed."

"How come!" The empress suddenly stood up and asked Sun Hao: "You just didn't send the little palace girl back and said, has the nightmare been in conflict with the Soviet Union?"

Sun Hao smiled and said to the Queen about what happened before.

When the Queen heard it, she was so angry that she had a table: "Stupid nightmare! Why is she so stupid? Is it only a long face without a long brain? How can the palace count on her and Su fight?!"

The Queen did not think about killing Su Luo at once. After all, the illness of the Prince relied on her, but... She really looked at Su Luo and hated it.

"and after?"

Sun Hao smiled bitterly: "Then Su girl went with the purple girl, and her dreams were pale and white, but she didn't dare to chase."

The Queen snorted: "This Su still has not taken out his waist card."

Sun Hao smiled bitterly: "If Su girl really took out her waist card, then the nightmare girl would be even more mad, and the maiden waited. Since the nightmare had already been with the Sulu girl, it was not finished. ”

The Queen nodded, but did not know why, there was always a bad feeling in her heart.

Just then, there was a voice outside: "Queen Empress, Mrs. Wang asked for it."

The empress is surnamed Wang, so this lady is the empress of the queen.

"Come and ask her to come in."

The Queen did not sit still and stood up to welcome Mrs. Wang.

Followed by Mrs. Wang, and her youngest daughter, Wang Qinsang.

After seeing the ceremony, the Queen asked: "Is there a scorpion into the palace today?"

Mrs. Wang glanced around.

I found that only Sun Hao was left around, but still said: "Qin Sang, you and Sun Hao go down and brew some tea."

When Mrs. Wang’s words came out, the Queen’s heart stunned and it seemed that things were not simple.

When everyone left, and only two of them were left, Mrs. Wang walked quickly to the Queen and took her hand and said, "Queen Empress, I heard one thing."

"The blind man said slowly." The Queen of Queens restored her grace as a queen. "Even if the sky falls, there is a tall man standing up, don't worry."

PS: I haven’t got a monthly ticket for a long time~ I’m asking for the next month’s ticket.

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