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But where is the door!

Where is the special door?

Like the heavy light, shepherd looks for the door to go out.

However, when the door came in, it had already been transferred by means of formation.

Who can compare with the Soviet Union?

Therefore, they can't find the door completely.

At last--

There are more and more toxins accumulated in their bodies. Gradually, they can’t stand, and they are soft on the ground...

Their eyes on life looked at Su Luo: "I have money... I have a lot of money... I also know where the money for praying is... you..."

Su Luo smiled: "These, after you die, someone will tell us."

The light and the shepherd screamed at the awkward teenager not far away.

Finally, I finally closed my eyes unwillingly.

Completely die.

These three teenagers are also considered bad things to do more, and finally kicked the iron plate.

In the end, a few people in the Soviet Union fell on their eyes.

The teenager stared at the Soviet Union and stepped back subconsciously: "I, I don't know anything, it's them..."

The teenager turned and wanted to run.

The Soviet Union fainted and let him run.

After the boy ran out, his heart was loose.

No one is more familiar with him under this castle.

Because he grew up here when he was young.

The juvenile's healthy body quickly shuttles inside the castle, and the speed is almost unresponsive.

Just when the teenager thought he was standing in a safe place -

Su Luo held his sword in his hands and smiled and stood in front of him.


There was a scream in the mouth of the boy, and he turned and continued to run!

When he ran for a full tea time, he climbed into the wall sandwich.


He turned around and saw the fall.


This person is a man is a ghost!

"You, you, you, you, you-"

The boy turned and ran fast!

the third time……

the fourth time……

the fifth time……

Until the ninth time, the boy finally could not run, and the whole person fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

"You, you, you... don't chase anymore... whatever you want... whatever..."

After nine attacks, the juvenile's willpower finally collapsed and he finally compromised.

Su Luo smiled: "Nothing, let you play the original role."

"What role?"


"I?" The boy still doesn't understand.

Su Luo smiled in front of him and told her plan to the teenager.

"You, you actually want to... a net to play?!" The unbelievable eyes of the young man screamed at the Soviet Union. "You dare!"

Su Luo staller: "I don't have anything to dare? Just ask if you dare."

The young boy looked weak and looked at Su Luo: "Can I refuse?"

Su Luo smiled and looked at him.


"If you do this thing is to die, if you do not die, then I will not do it!" The young man glared at the Soviet Union.

"Those things, did you participate?" Sue pointed to the pile of bones in the corner not far away.

Su Luo is a god-level refining pharmacist. With a glance, she can see the age and body of the cheekbones.

When these skeletons are alive, they are all young and beautiful girls, but their cheekbones have one thing in common, that is, the neck is twisted.

All are exactly the same way to die.

"No, I can swear to God that I really don't have it!" The boy hurriedly assured him.

Su Luo nodded: "Since it is not, after that,

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