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Tian Zongshi looked at Su Luo inexplicably: "We are all going down, who is standing on your spaceship?"

Su Luo laughed: "Isn't that said before? This ship is unmanned."

"You can meet the enemy..."

"Self-defense counterattack." Su Luo smile confident.

At the beginning, Tian Zongshi didn’t quite understand what it meant by Su’s words until –

When two aircraft in midair almost collide -

Everyone clearly saw that the aircraft of the Soviet Union was able to dodge flexibly in midair, flipping 180 degrees, flipping 360 degrees, or even 720 degrees!

The left master has a continuous and intensive attack, however, they have all been shunned by the Sue!

The people underneath watched a thrilling!

A little bit worse, just a little bit worse, the Sue number will be hit!

"That is an unmanned spaceship!"

Hu Daren’s heart was filled with emotions!

Not only him, the people present, all looked at the Soviet Union with a magical look.

At the moment, the left master is covered with anxious colors!

Originally, he was a steady winner. He felt that he could definitely win the Soviet Union. Is there any doubt about this?

The spaceship he personally operated, the spaceship he made himself, the top three spaceships on Devil Island, can he lose to an unmanned spacecraft that took less than a day to make?

What kind of joke?


The facts have drawn him a sly mouth!

He couldn't catch up with the Su Luo, not only couldn't catch up, not even an attack!

The paint of the Su Luo is not lost!

This is impossible!

The left master thought that if he lost, he doubled the debt of one hundred and fifty thousand, is it not three million?


Can this be done in the monkey year?

Thinking of this, the left master's hands are shaking.

"Offensive!" The left master has launched a fierce attack!


Still can't touch the skin of the Su Luo!


Tian Zongshi looked at the Soviet Union with an incredible gaze: "If you didn't guess wrong, when the second wave was attacked, the Su Luo was evading quickly and more easily?"

Su Luo nodded: "Yes."


Su Luo smiled and said: "Because, my flight intelligence brain will automatically collect the first data, synthetic response plan, so when the left master second attack, his offensive trajectory has been calculated by my flight intelligence brain Something."

"It can also automatically collect data, calculate flight trajectories, and synthesize response solutions?" Not only Master Tian, ​​but the people present are stunned with an incredible look!


In particular, Master Tian, ​​what he thinks at the moment is that if this flying brain is so good, it would be so good if it is popular. If it is popular, what should the pilot use?

Everyone listened to the words of the Soviet Union and they will be suspicious.


When the left master launched a third attack!

The fourth attack!


The farther back, the farther the left master's flywheel number is from the Soviet Union, the more it can't be attacked.

Finally, just when the left master is mad!


The Soviet Union moved!

It has no extra movements, but instead turns the direction in an instant, and rushes to the flywheel at an unimaginable speed!


The left master feels bad!

He has a feeling of being out of breath!


The Su Luo rushed to the space above the flywheel, in a state of Taishan's top-top type, slamming into the flywheel!


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