The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapter 10104: Asking (seeking a monthly ticket~)

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Soon, they came to the inner lane.


The little boy was thrown to the ground, and his purple eyes were akimbo, glaring at him.

"What are you doing with me? I am going to sue you!" The little boy screamed.

Sue faint smile: "Yes, go, take all the purses in your arms and give them a testimony, see how many years you can be sentenced."

Little boy: "You - what do you want to do!"

The little boy is in a bad mood.

Originally listening to Xiao Dangdang, these women seem to be stupid and deceived, and Xiao Dang has made a big fortune, so he will touch it and want to take the opportunity to steal a little.

I did not expect that someone was caught in the current!

These women look like tigresses. Where is the stupid big sister like Xiao Dang?

What do you want to do? Zi Yan looked back at Su’s eyes.

Su Luo was at the top, smiled and looked at the little boy: "How do you call you?"

"Hey!" The little boy didn't cooperate.

Su Luo didn't care too much: "Since you don't say it, then we will give you a code name. You are so dark, it is better to call it Xiaohei."

Little boy: "You are called black, my name is wood white! Wood wood, white white!"

Su Luo: "Oh, Xiao Mubai, take us to see your little friend."

"I don't have a small partner!" Xiaomu was stunned.

Zi Yan sneered: "That line, go see the official."

Xiaomu Baiqi has a strong face: "See the official, see the official, who is afraid of who!"

Moziling sneered: "All the people who have no identity in Mexico will be cleared out. Are you sure you want to go to the official?"

"You!" Xiaomu was stunned with ink.

Mo Zeling sneered: "Beyond Mocheng, Warcraft is rampant, can you live? Well, we will see the official, I hope you can live and check."

Purple said: "What if you don't take us back? Do you think we won't let you follow you?"

"We have improved to be much better than you, can you find out?"

"Not to mention, without you, there are other little brothers. If you escape, we can follow them."

“Do you really want to have a census of identity information throughout Mexico?”

Two people, Zi Yan and Ze Ling, you said a word, and said the exultation.

"You!" The little boy was so angry that he was pale!

A few smiles appeared on the faces of Su Luo.

The little boy was beaten with no temper. As they said, they were repaired to be much taller than him, and rich, whether they were following him or following others... they could always find their stronghold.

What's more, the base is not confidential.

"You have to follow it, I don't care about you!" Xiao Mubai whispered to Xiao Xiao in his heart, stealing things and stealing people who can't afford it. The money is too hot, not that he can hold it steady.

On the way back, Moziling kept inquiring with Xiao Mubai, and finally realized that they lived under the bridge hole in the west of the city.

Under the bridge hole, digging down and dug a hole, that is their home.

There are twenty children, five of them, and fifteen boys.

"Girls are so small?" Purple is puzzled.

Xiaomubai said: "The girls have big families who are willing to ask, and the boys don't want them."

Zi Yan looked at Mo Ze Ling.

Inkling nodded: "The identity plate of Mocheng is difficult to get. These children are certainly not natives of Mohcheng, because if they are Mohs, it is impossible to have no nameplate."

PS: Seeking a monthly ticket~~

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