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Xiao Dang still wants to argue, but Zi Yan directly keeps her body, Dangdang, all the little purses are out, and Zi Yan sees the purse belonging to her at a glance.

She picked it up, opened it, and 10,000 yuan of coins were still there, and then sneered: "There are people, what do you have to say?"

"Sister... You don't want to fight as a brother... When your brother is trying to cure a small fruit... cough and cough..." The little **** the bed woke up and saw the scene in front of him, standing hard.

Su could not help but look at the little girl, but see the little girl is sick, but the eyes are star-studded, not a common person.

"Small fruit, you are lying, don't move!"

When the little girl moved, several young boys present in the room were nervous and screamed.

"Cough and cough -" After a little coughing, the little girl went to the face of Su Luo with her brother's help, and said to her: "Sister, we should give back to you, we should have survived." Difficult, if we send us another official, we will only have one dead road, and ask our sister to give us a way to live."

Sue was curious to see the little girl with wisdom in her eyes.

Little girl is young, but speaks well, has clear logic, and grasps the key, knowing to ask her.

Her age is the smallest among the children present, and the body is also the worst, but the look of the little boys is the most listening to her.

"You called Xiao Ding?"


"Is the eye-blocking method arranged by you?" Su Luo looked at the little girl with a smile.

Barrier eye array?

Zi Yan and Mo Ze Ling looked at each other.

And a few little boys are discolored.

Was it actually discovered?

This sick little girl seems to be not surprised at all, her little old face reveals a touch of smile.

Xiao Guoding looked like she was seven or eight years old, but at the moment she looked very calm: "I was discovered by my sister, yes, the obstacles are arranged by me."

Inkling is a moving eyebrow.

It is no wonder that these children's residences are difficult to find, and they have been searched for a while. Later, the official has closed one eye, but it turns out that there are masters in this group of children.

I did not expect that this is a little girl who seems to be seven or eight years old.

Su Luo slightly raised his eyebrows.

If it’s a little girl’s own arrangement, then her talent is really good.

Just before Su Luo had not come in, she stood outside the bridge hole and she found this lieutenant.

Su Luo immediately moved, and there were ten pieces of Lingshi in front of her eyes. She looked at the little girl faintly: "Let's arrange a look at the array."

"So many top grade stones..."

The little girl looked at the eyes of Su Luo and showed a touch of light.

"Yeah." She began to arrange the formation.

Not long after, everyone felt the turbid atmosphere in the hole, poured into the fresh aura, and there is a bit of aggregating effect.

Su Luo stared at the way the little girl arranged the array: "Who taught you the fresh array?"

Xiao Ding: "I taught myself."

The little husk nodded: "My sisters are all self-taught. In the exercises left by their parents, there is a solution to the tactics, but we can't understand them. Only the younger sister can understand it."

Therefore, they can escape the official census of Mexico City and survive in this difficult world. In fact, a large part of the reason is relying on the sister's blind eye.

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