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Suddenly, her mind flashed in her mind!


In this city of Mexico, Mo Zeling said that her father was only a small sister.

If it is just a small encounter, it will not help her.

Because the Soviet Union needs to make all the names of the twenty children, this is not a simple project.

It is only in the level of the city owner that it is possible to do this in the Soviet Union.

Thinking of this, Su Luo stepped back a few steps and turned around.

The middle-aged guardian uncle stood in front of the Soviet Union. His eyes were cold and murderous, his face was gloomy and his face was very ugly!

"Girl, please leave quickly!" The middle-aged uncle squinted.

His words are pressed on the scabbard, as if the sword will be taken from the scabbard at any time to kill!

Su Luo smiled a little: "Is your father injured?"

The middle-aged uncle was dull and dark, and the murderousness in his eyes was a bit rich.

"I'll guess, your father is suffering from chest disease, can you?"

The middle-aged uncle is a bit more murderous!

"That is the chest is undoubted, it is in the sword, there is poison on the sword?" Su faint smile.

When the father appeared in front of her, she smelled a faint toxin of the sage. This toxin is only possible to be smelled by a god-level refining pharmacist like Su Luo. It is impossible for others to smell it. .

"who are you!"

The sword in the hands of the middle-aged uncle is lying across the neck of the Soviet Union.

Su Luo smiled: "I don't matter who I am. What matters is that when your father meets me, he will be saved."

The sword in the hands of the middle-aged uncle is deeper into the inside: "Say, who are you!"

The strength of this middle-aged uncle is not at all simple. The person he guards can be said to be the one with the most voice in the whole city.

Can you protect such a person, how can the strength of the middle-aged uncle be worse?

But Su Luo is not afraid. She looks at the middle-aged uncle and smiles lightly: "If you kill me, the poison of your father will never be solved. His life will not last for three months." ""


The sword of the middle-aged uncle almost pierced the neck of the Soviet Union!

But at this time, the old man who had never spoken, faintly said: "Feng Ming, retreat."


The middle-aged uncle is very listening to the words of the old man.

Feng Ming?

A white light appeared in the eyes of Su Luo.

I was really guessed by her.

In the past few days, I have been with the Moss Lingzi. From her mouth, Su Li has almost completely understood the sphere of influence and the celebrities in the entire Motown.

And this Fengming, Mo Zeling is the key point.

Feng Ming, the personal guard of the old man in the main house of Mocheng, is a very powerful strongman.

So... the person he protects is the relative of the Lord of Mexico, who has the greatest voice in Mexico?

Su Lu originally thought about going to the conditions of the Mocheng master and doing the nameplates of the 20 children. But now I met the relatives of the Mocheng Lord. It is no better.

The old man did not move, he only stared at the Soviet Union: "Small girl has something to say?"

Since the old man spoke, Su Luo quickly ran up and ran across the old man, sitting across from the old man, smiled and said: "My words are very simple, gathered together into a sentence, I can save your life."

The wise and deep scorpions of the old man of ink stared at the Soviet Union.

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