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Xiao Ding pushed a little white wood: "I will pull Duan Longshi down, you hurry to swim!"

Xiaobaimu wants to be with everyone, but when he thinks about his mission, he solemnly emphasizes: "Good! I am going to find Sister Su to save lives, you must hold on! You must hold on!"


Broken dragon stone is put down!

Some people at the place worked together to push Xiaomubai as fast as possible.

At the same time, Wu Chuantou took people to break into the door!

If it’s just Xiaomubai, he can’t swim out because the safety under the ground is not a whirlpool, and one will be caught up.

But by borrowing the power of everyone, he finally swam out after a few minutes of anger.


Xiaomubai exhaled a breath and climbed hard to the shore.

The underground is slamming the rocks, and his body is covered with wounds everywhere, bloody.

But where does Xiaomubai still manage the upper body pain? He will collapse all day.

Xiaomubai climbed up hard and rushed to the city at the fastest speed.

After coming to the city, Xiaomu was dumbfounded.

Because it is night, so the noisy streets are silent, empty and empty.

Standing on the dark street, Xiaomubai is awkward.

How to do? How to do?

Mocheng is so big, how can he find Su girl?

Moreover, the curfew in Mocheng is very serious. If you see someone on the street late at night, you will definitely catch it!

Xiao Mubai curled up his body and hid it in a frame until the sky was bright.

at last!

After looking for a lap, Xiaomubai finally found the porter!

He flew up and grabbed the porter and almost didn't scare the other.

At first, the porter refused to say the address, but Xiao Mubai gave it directly, saying that someone in the family was ill and his life was in danger. Only the girl who could be treated could save her life and save her life.

The porter also had relatives at home, and he was already ill, so Xiaomubai said so poorly, he sighed and finally passed Xiaomubai.


One morning, the people in the house were sleeping.

Xiaomubai knocked on the door and soon someone came out to open the door.

"I am looking for Sister Su!"

"What sister Sue? We don't have this person."

The concierge can be arrogant, and will directly launch Xiaomubai. "You kid, the body is so dirty, it will not be a stream name? Come, take your identity nameplate and see it!"

Xiaomubai originally had a pale face, and this moment became more and more white!

He didn't have time to think about it, he turned and ran!

"Hey, isn't that really a small slut?" The concierge talked to himself.

"What little refugees?"

Su Luo is practicing, and Zi Yan went out to buy food. When he came out, he heard the voice of the concierge talking to himself.

The purple sable is very fierce, and the porter is a little afraid of her, so after seeing her, she hurriedly and respectfully said what happened before.

"The dirty little boy, a sister of Sue, where are we Su Sisters here, this little boy must be a slut, and there are rewards for seeing officials and rewards."

Sister Su?

Dirty little boy?

The group of children that met yesterday in the purple sea of ​​mind!

The purple scorpion has a sigh of relief!

The group of children, but the descendants of the loyal ministers of the Fallen Hall, are good for them. Now they have been driven away?

The child will come early in the morning, it will not be their accident, right?

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