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At the beginning, Su was not aware that she was being stared, but her perception was strong, but when the distance between the two sides was only three kilometers -

Su Shi subconsciously turned back!

Her eyes are different from ordinary people, much more visible than ordinary people, so -


And this person is aiming at her, straight pursuit!

Su Xin’s heart moved, and the next moment, she fiercely speeded up and rushed forward!

Mu Daren brows up!

Awesome people!

After so far, I was able to perceive his existence through perception.

"Can't let her run like this!" Mu Daren stroked a stern color, he immediately speeded up!

The distance that the two people had originally opened was shortened again.

Three kilometers, two kilometers, one kilometer -

Su Luo’s heart was suddenly amazed!

Awesome strong!

From the perspective of strength, he is not his opponent!

So today I can only be wise, and I can’t act recklessly!

Su Luo quickly observed the surrounding environment. She found that the surrounding area was gray and the fog was getting deeper than before. This is...

The corner of the mouth of the Soviet Union evokes a slight curvature.

I was discovered by the other party, so they reversed the array and wanted to trap her in it!

Su Luo eyes staring straight ahead!

Less than three kilometers away, it is the core position of the national division!

Now, only the national teacher knows the news of Nangong Liuyun...

Su Luo is hesitant!

One side is the news of Nangong Liuyun, and the other side is his own life and death.

This time seems to be very long, but it is actually very short, but it is a short time.

No matter what!

Su Luo clenched his fist!

If there is no Nangong Liuyun, what does it mean to live alive? !

Therefore, Su Luo did not retreat, but rushed forward according to the established route!

There is a characteristic of the Soviet Union, that is, the more dangerous her brain will be more calm.

She can clearly feel that the opponent's enemy system has been activated, and the strong in all directions are surrounded by her!

In front, I don't know the danger.

Rear, strong enemy chasing!

Su Li’s brain was surprisingly calm, and she took a deep breath and slowly spit out a breath.

When this breath came out, her brain was clear.

The surrounding array was quickly presented in her mind.

Others can't see it, but in the mind of the Soviet Union, a route is as clear as a network cable.

The array operation, the mesh line also follows the transformation.

Sustained in the heart of the heart, I am glad that I understand the law of the spirits, otherwise she is now wrapped like a dumpling!

After carefully observing the line in front of the eyes, Su Luo decided to take the left three roads, because the left third road will merge with the left second line after 30 seconds, then it will become the second left!

Thinking of this, the Soviet Union rushed to the left three at the fastest speed!

The adult behind her, the original five hundred meters away from the Soviet Union, he has clearly seen the back of a little girl.

Little girl...

Mu did not think of it, the night 闯 National Teacher's Tower is actually a little girl!

Seeing that Su Luo rushed into the left third, Mu’s mouth raised a sneer arc!

The other end of the left second, there is a strong man flying towards this side!

In the Guards Brigade, ten strong men were urgently transferred. These ten strong men gathered from all directions to the core area, and they were tempted and murderous!

"It seems that this girl is also in a hurry to enter the law. Now she is more like a headless fly, not afraid." Mu adults have relaxed in their hearts.

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