Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to read!

"Hey, little girl will be nervous? I thought you ate the daring leopard, and you are very courageous!"

Su Luo stared at the flower sister, her eyes vigilantly screamed: "What do you call?"

Hua Jie is also a strange person, so in the case of hostility, she really told the name of the Soviet Union.

"If you don't change your surname, you don't change your name. Jianghu people say that Huajie is also!"

The flower sister is proud of the gesture of the winner.

"Do you really dare to tell me the name?" Su laughed. "You are not afraid to look back, I will retaliate against you?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha -"

Wen Yan, Hua Jie smiled and laughed at the sky: "Stupid girl, the flower sister really likes you more and more, how can you have such a stupid child in this world?"

Su Luo looked at her faintly.

The flower sister delivered her hands behind her, laughing and looking at the Soviet Union: "Poor child, do you know how valuable your value is?"

"Three days of free reading time in the Star House, my dear little girl." Hua Jie wants to touch the head of this little girl.

Speaking of it, she has no enmity with this little girl. Why is she angry?

On the contrary, because of the benefits that this girl will bring to her, Huajie’s impression of this little girl is good.

"Don't come over--" The eyes of the Soviet Union's vigilant look around, his eyes cold as frost!

Hua Jie laughed and laughed, and did not let the words of the fall fall out of his eyes.

The other players around him also laughed softly.

This little girl is really interesting. She thought she was surrounded. She even dared to order them.

"I warn you, don't come over!" The Soviets stared at them with threats!

"Ha ha ha, little girl, you don't play, how can you escape?" Hua Xia taunted her eyes and stared at the Soviet Union. "You still have a quick hand!"

Sue sneered: "You forced me."

Flower sister: "Yes, yes, we force you, you are still fast-"

If the flower sister has escaped the pursuit of the Black Spirit before she saw the Soviet Union, her vigilance against the Soviet Union will not be as it is now.


When the voice of the flower sister did not fall, I heard a rumbling sound!


A loud explosion sounded!

The black smoke is rolling around, and the smoke is like a mushroom cloud!

The flower sister is closest to the Soviet Union, so she is the most affected!

Poor she, the whole person was bombed, squatting there, just like being thundered!

Other players are not much better.

Because they later centered on the Soviet Union, the encirclement was gathered, and it was very close to the Su, and only a few meters away.

and so--

When the explosion sounded, the smoke was rolling around, and the players were dizzy -

The first reaction came from Joe.

Uncle Joe was also bombarded with black face, but fortunately he responded the fastest, so the injury was not too serious.

The smoke is rolling, the visibility is very low, and the first reaction of Joe Uncle's eyes is to find the Soviet Union!

However, he did not see the figure of the Soviet Union!

"What about the goal?!" Joe's brow is close, his face is very ugly!

Uncle Joe screamed and screamed, and suddenly the flower sister reacted from the sluggishness.

The flower sister was blown up with a black face, a bruised face and a painful tear, but now the most important thing is to capture the mysterious female thief!

"What about people? Spicy little girl?" The flower sister was unclear and her eyes were patrolling.

The smoke is rolling around, the hot tears are direct, and the visibility is very low.

However, where is the silhouette of the Soviet Union?

PS: The falling Q layout map has been released~ It can't be more cute!

Everyone v..x searches for "suxiaonuan1" or "Su Xiaowen", pays attention to my illegal work number, and responds to "fall" or "sudden". There are more benefits, waiting for you~

PS: Routine monthly ticket Austria~~

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