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"No. 1 and No. 2, you go back. As for the others, all of them are chasing me!" The second captain is very crisp.

Because he is very clear, the exit is in front, as long as you follow the second line, you can go out if you go all the way!

Therefore, the probability of this little thief is rushing forward, but it is not excluded that she takes the circuit to go back.

and so--

The captain of the second team sent a few people in the opposite direction. As for himself, he took six people to chase ahead.

The second captain can chase ahead, but no one else can.


Route 2 limits them.

The fourth squad, all members of the sixth squad, can only watch the second squad chasing along the front route...

As for them...

I can only go to the loop, and I hope that I can catch a cat with a dead mouse.

But they also know that this possibility is very low and low...

But said that Su Luo -

After she rushed out of the spot, she smashed about a kilometer.

But it is only a kilometer away.

Her body could not withstand the intensity of the teleport, so the fall fell directly from the air!


After rolling to the ground, the Soviets only felt dizzy and burst into black.

it hurts……

The body of Su Luo was like being run over by a truck. She almost fainted with pain.

I really want to lie on the ground, and I will sleep in the past. I don’t know what day it is.

But Sue is clearer than anyone else, she can't faint.

The people in the second squad are not stupid people, they are going to chase them immediately.

It’s hard to escape. If she is caught back, she won’t have such a good chance to escape.

Thinking of this, Su Luo struggled to stand up.

She held the chest.

There, every time she took a breath, she hurt her lungs, and she hurt her fire, and her eyes were black.

However, it cannot stop.

Su Luo supported the wall and walked quickly.

Just then, there was a rush of footsteps behind.

not good--

Su Luo felt that the situation was not good, her eyes looked around!

Now she must find a safe place to hide, because her repair is too serious, and once caught, the consequences are unimaginable.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up!

Just at the top of the head, there is a protruding rock, the rock is not big, but fortunately, you can hide a little.

How fast is the speed of the Soviet Union? When she waved her hand, she dug a large piece of the groove on the side of the rock, and the excavated stone could not be scattered on the ground.

But fortunately, there is space in the Soviet Union, so she directly hides the rock into the portable space. As for herself, she quickly hides in the groove.

As long as the other party does not deliberately look up, it should not be discovered.

Just after the Soviet Union fell inside the groove above the head, the second captain had already flew with people.

They are very fast, and they have already come to the hiding place of the Soviet Union in a flash.

Su Luo closed his eyes, adjusted his heart rate to the lowest, and the whole person’s sense of existence was also reduced to a minimum...


These people are like lightning, and they disappear instantly in the same place.


Looking at the captains of the second team, they quickly left, and Su’s heart slowly sighed out.

Without any extra thoughts, Su Luo jumped from the cracks in the rock on his head, sat cross-legged on the ground, and quickly adjusted his breathing.

At the same time, Su Luo poured three bottles of coagulant into his mouth.

PS: Seeking a monthly ticket~~~

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