The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapter 10314: The first time the Soviet Union lost control

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Emperor Xiaoxiao’s laughter came out: “Is the Princess Sissi happy?”

Su Luo is less than the emperor!

Emperor Shao smiled and said: "I still want to play in front of this seat, so big courage!"

Su Luo sighed inside.

So, what did Emperor Xiao guess? How much does he know? Only by knowing oneself and knowing each other can you fight for nothing.

Thinking of this, Su Li’s eyes wrinkled, and she glared at the emperor: “I don’t know what you mean! What do you want?!”

The emperor sneered a little: "The princess, the Ming people do not say the whisper, what did you do to me in the past, you thought a few words and a few tears, can you really not be embarrassed? It is naive!"

Therefore, Emperor did not know that he was playing the princess... Su Luo’s heart was secretly relieved.

However, although this biggest secret has not been discovered, the situation of the Soviet Union will not be good now.

Su Luo squatted with the Emperor: "So, you pretend that nothing, but deliberately swindled me here to be abused by you?!"

The emperor took care of the palms, and the pair of sultry eyes appeared violently sneer: "The princess is really a smart person, this seat is not wrong."

Su Luo: "..."

Therefore, this emperor is really not good to lie.

The emperor suddenly stood up, approached the Soviet Union, and approached her ear. The hot air he spurted lingered in the ear of the ear.

"I want to know how this seat will be for you?"

The breath of the emperor was sprayed on the ear of the ear, and Su looked at the back of his hand, where the hair was upside down.

"You are a pervert!" Su Luo finally found the poor in the character of the emperor!

This person is definitely a pervert!

Hidden deep metamorphosis!

Sure enough, the two words of the Soviet Union stimulated the Emperor.

But seeing him suddenly raise his hand and grab the Soviet collar.

Before she could wait for the Soviet Union to react, she was already in the hands of Emperor Shao.

On the way, Su Luo only felt a whirlwind, she tried to resist, but no matter how she struggled, it would not help.

When the Soviet Union reacted again, she had already appeared in a dark and damp basement.

Emperor Shao will drop the Soviet Union to the ground!

After getting herself, Su Luo quickly stepped back, her back against a solid wall, and her eyes stared at the Emperor!

The unstable emotions that the emperor showed less made her feel jealous.

"Afraid?" The emperor walked slowly and slowly, and the look in his eyes exudes a strange light.

"So, is this your nature?" Su’s eyes squinted and his mind quickly thought about the way to get away.

Why isn’t all the information in the data showing the almost tyrannical personality of Emperor Shao?

Why didn't anyone tell her how difficult it is for the emperor to deal with this level?

"I regret that I like this less?"

The Soviet Union silently stepped back.

"Is it regret to come back with this book?"

Su Luo bit his lower lip, staring at the Emperor.

Emperor's hand touched the face of the Soviet Union. Wherever the finger passed, the Su Luo was burnt to the surface.

"Is this child afraid?" Emperor Xiao held the face of Su Luo, and his eyes burst into a strange smile.

This mood is completely out of control... Horror man!

Su Luo took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

Quick analysis in the mind of Suo.

Emperor Shao is a very terrible existence. There are violent factors in his character, but more is the loss of control of surprise and abuse!

Sue did not dare to imagine what he would do if he allowed him to continue.

Moreover, the strength of the emperor is much higher than that of her. In the face of absolute strength, she has no resistance at all.

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