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Su Luo: "Hey..."

The coldness of the Emperor Shaojiao: "This seat is what you like to like it? Restraint!"

Su Luo: "Cough..."

Why do you think that Emperor's earlobe is a bit red? Did she read it wrong?

Just when Su Luo stared at the earlobe and was ready to look at it carefully, suddenly, the Emperor took a step back and took a step back!


Originally enough to accommodate five people passing through the passage, I don’t know when there was a small black hole on the wall. In the black hole, there was a dark green creature.

"It's a snake!"

Su Luo reacted and ran to the emperor for the first time.

Emperor Shao: "..."

Su Luo: "The emperor is less, the snake is snake, a lot of snakes!"

Emperor did not get angry and took a look at the Soviet Union: "..."

He is not a blind man, of course he sees that it is a snake.

"But it's so cold here. Under normal circumstances, shouldn't snakes hibernate? How do you climb all the way? And still so much!"

On the surrounding walls, black holes, black and green snakes constantly flowing out of each black hole. Soon, the ground is piled up like a flood, layer by layer, layer by layer...

People who watched intensive phobias have to commit.

Those dark green snakes, the snake head is triangular, the eyes are fierce and sinister, the bright red snake letter is swallowing, ready to shock!

At this time, a snake suddenly rushed toward the Soviet Union!

Speed ​​is lightning fast!

Emperor Shao was originally in front of the Soviet Union. At this critical moment, he actually moved away and retreated to the other side.

The Soviet Union behind him was completely exposed to the snake mountain.

Su Luo: "..."

The big-headed snake was beautifully spinning in midair, and the snake head was aimed at the throat of the Soviet Union, and it was going to bite when it was rubbed!


Su Luo quickly shot the snake with his fist!

But just as soon as you meet, you know that this snake is not easy!

The snake was no longer attacked after being shot, but it was hidden in the snake pile, staring at the Soviet Union with a provocative and ridiculous look!

"These snakes are not simple!" Su Luo condensed his face and said to the emperor: "Even the most common snake, the strength is in the white diamond primary!"

This is still the most common green snake!

Su Lu looked out, these green snakes, thousands of, hovering in layers, each hill has a snake captain, and all the snake captains are headed by the snake.

Now the snake lord has not yet appeared, but it is foreseeable that the strength of the snake lord is definitely not weak.

"You can't beat?" The Emperor took a look at the Soviet Union with a disdainful look.

Su Luo: "There is no problem with one or two, but there are so many... I want to know that my strength is only a few miles."

Emperor Shao: "Are you so weak?"

Su Luo grievances: "Is the white diamond nine stars not weak?"

Emperor Shao: "If this is not weak, then what is weak? Slag."

Su Luo: "..."

Puspas - Puspas -

These dark green snakes spit in the bright red serpents and communicated with each other!

"It says you are weak, just kill."

Emperor Shao pointed to the dark green snake that had attacked the Soviet Union before telling the Soviet Union.

Su Luo's eyes wide open: "!!!"

Emperor Shao: "Well, they say, against you, you can ignore it."

Su Luo: "It's so angry!!!"

Emperor Shao: "Don't they say the truth?"

Su Luo is less than the emperor!

The look of the little girl is really...not cute.

However, Emperor Xiao is still squinting and serious: "Do you want to be laughed at by these low-lying babies?"

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