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"Ling Daren, is the screen on the screen wrong?"

Everyone was surprised to see the Ling Daren.

At this moment, the eyes of Ling Daren are also staring at the screen, not instantaneous!

On the screen, those snakes are like dead, motionless.

"Move it!" I don't know who exclaimed!

For a time, everyone stared at the screen, but no, those poisonous snakes are still petrified!

"It’s not a poisonous snake! It’s a grand initiative! Look at it!”

So, everyone's eyes brushed and looked at the Princess in the screen!

Princess Sissi is covered with a large robes.

This is the robes of Emperor Shao, large and heavy, covering the whole body of the Soviet Union, without a little skin exposed, and at this moment -

The body covered by the robes was moved invisibly.

Brush brush -

For a time, all the sights were concentrated on her!

Su Luo did not know that she was watched with so many eyes. She only knew that... a lot of snakes, the emperor forced her to go forward, she could not go, she could only cover herself with a robes.

She can clearly feel that the snake is entangled in her.

There are so many venomous snakes, sticky and greasy, and she is dizzy and nausea.

In the heart of Su Luo, the emperor sneaked a pass, and then she was weird to discover that the viper that originally wanted to break the robes... suddenly did not move.

It’s like being cast by a spell.

Su Luo first gently opened the corner of the brocade, carefully looking out along the slits -


Su Luo was surprised to find that a snake that was closest to her was only one inch away. It had wide eyes and a scarlet snake hymn. It seemed to be able to spray poisonous juice at any time...

But it stayed there without moving.

Su Luo stretched out his finger and poked its forehead.

The viper does not move.


In the eyes of Su Luo, she showed a touch of surprise. She got up from the ground and looked around.

The Soviets looked around and saw all the snakes that were fixed around them. Some of them stretched their necks, some licked their heads, and they looked up high...

It’s like, at that moment, they were banned by time and space.

Time and space prohibited? !

Su Luo’s heart suddenly stunned!

Originally, she thought that these snakes were related to the robes on her body, but now I don’t think so.

Because the snake that had never been in contact with her was separated by a distance, it was petrified, so -

Su Shi walked a few steps to the emperor's face, and the pair of agile eyes looked at the emperor with amazement: "Is it right?! Emperor is less, is you right?? You applied time and space to stop?!"

After the emperor's hands were delivered, he stunned and stunned, and he snorted.

A very good emperor!

Surprise surprises again and again: "The emperor is less, you are so powerful! It's too powerful!"

The Emperor took a look at the Soviet Union and continued to be proud.

"Walk away, let's go!" Su Luo said to Emperor Shao: "I was worried that there would be danger, but now that you are there, all the dangers are no longer dangerous. Everything about us is all about us. Display!"

Emperor Shao took a look at the Soviet Union: "You are very happy?"

Sue’s eyes are bright and sparkling: “I’m so bad, I’m happy, why are you not happy?”

The Emperor sneered at the sneer of the Soviet Union: "Sissi, do you need this part to remind you of one thing?"

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