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Sue sees the Emperor and sees the Lingren: "Where is this?"

The emperor took care of the palms, and his hands were delivered behind him. The pair of proud eyes glanced at the Soviet Union: "What do you say?"

Su Luo looked at the Ling Daren with a look of shock, but now he can't return the expression of God, and finally reacted: "This is the end of the ... the core area of ​​the array?"

The Emperor took a look at the Soviet Union: "There is no stupid home."

Su Luo: "Is it still a long way to go?"

Emperor Shao: "That is for ordinary people."

Su Luo "cough cough..." Suddenly there is a feeling that he has been despised.

At this moment, the Ling Daren finally reacted. She was holding the Soviet Union and the Emperor, she wanted to talk -

Suddenly -


A blood spurted out of her mouth!

"You--" is too damn!

Lingda people used their own spirit as an instrument to deliberately increase the strength of the spirits. They thought that they could kill these two people in the battle. What did the thrilling teenager say?

He books, that is for ordinary people.

In other words, is he not an ordinary person?

At this moment, all the attention of the Ling Daren fell on the Emperor.

She dared to swear to the sky, the boy in front of her, is absolutely definitely a famous presence on the mainland!

"Who are you? Who are you?!" There is anger in the spirits!

The eyes of the emperor's double superiors arbitrarily passed through the spirits, as if for him, the existence of the Ling Daren is just an ant that can be crushed by wave.

Su Luo smiled and looked at the Ling Daren, and a group of people behind the Lingda people, very happy to tell them: "He is a small emperor."

"Younger brother? What younger brother? Emperor-"

Lingda people's eyes wide open, staring at the Soviet Union, the eyes are very big, almost burst out!

"Imperial, emperor, emperor less? Emperor of the Empire?!"

Lingda people screamed at the fall with a glance!

Su Luo sighed.

"Impossible... How could it be that the Emperor is less? How is it possible?!" Lingda people only felt that the five thunders were thundering, and their minds were like lightning and thunder.

From the very beginning, she recognized the strength of the young man’s thrilling beauty. The reason why she didn’t think about it was because she

Little emperor!

The most talented first boy in the Central Plains!

How could he like the infamous woman like Princess Sissi? !

"How could it be that the Emperor is less?" Lingda people can not restrain the excitement, but also a spurt of blood. "How can you like a woman like Princess Sissi?" This is absolutely impossible!"

Su Luo: "..." What is the innocent disaster?

The look of the emperor at this moment is really... colorful!

He neither admits that he likes the princess, nor does he let others downgrade the princess, so -


The emperor shot a little!


However, seeing the eyes of the emperor contains fierce power, and the horrible power of the horror is contained in that punch!

Rumble -

The power that is pure to the extreme, a punch, the space bursts instantly!


Lingda people have a sharp contraction!

In an instant, my mind is blank -

Am I going to die?

At this moment, the Ling Daren had a strong hunch that she could not escape the punch.

She will definitely die.

But the next second -

The Lingren people felt that they were like a puppet, and they were picked up directly and thrown away!

The fist that had been roaring like a thunder seemed to be wrapped in sea water.

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