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"The door is closed during the day, you are a hatching hen?! Don't have to work, isn't it?! The family is so poor, you don't have a meal, you have to raise a few lost goods, you actually Still dare to be lazy?!"

The old man glared at the eyes of Zhao Erzhen, and she was going to go outside.

"Grandma, Grandma-"

Zhao Dazhao and Zhao Xiaowufei rushed up and wanted to rescue Zhao Erzhen from their grandmother's hands.

However, the rural old man was very fierce. The other hand waved, Zhao Dazhao and Zhao Xiaowu were beaten out and hit the wall and the table!

"Stop." Su Luo saw this chicken flying dog in front of his eyes, his brows stunned and his voice stopped.

The fierce old man turned back and confronted the eyes of the Soviet Union.

She squatted for a moment and immediately reacted. She yelled at Zhao Eryi: "You are a dead girl! Your aunt said that you have turned a dead man back, I still don't believe it, I don't think you will be stupid to this point! Your aunt did not lie, you really took a dead man back!"

Su Luo: "..."

Outside the screen, the big scorpions, including the Qinglong Emperor, all face each other and have a brow.

Especially the Qinglong Emperor, his brows are wrinkled into a Sichuan word!

The princess of his Qinglong empire, even though he was abandoned by a mountain village old man, is unbearable!

"After a fist, Sissi will kill this rude old man." Ning Zaixiang said.

"Ning Xiangye don't forget, now they are all suppressed, and there is no spiritual power on the body. What's more, the Princess Sissi is injured like this, the station can't stand up, how to fight? After hitting people? ”

For a time, everyone was silent...

They finally understood the secret smile when the white-bearded grandfather sent them in.

How can these days of pride survive without being repaired?

"The princess has grown up from childhood, and she can’t stand it with her disposition."

"If the princess can't stand it... in this unfamiliar place, plus a wound... she is very likely to live."

"It’s not very difficult for people to swallow their voices in general, but it’s hard to go to heaven for the princess who is good at raining and raining."

The outside world, the sights are attracted by the Soviet side -

Su Luo is also facing her survival crisis.

Just when Su Luo said that he was alive, the old man turned his head and stared at the Soviet Union. His eyes were fierce and sorrowful. He could not wait to hold down the hair of the Soviet Union and throw her out of the house.

"You let me stop? You a dead man who climbed out of the funeral gang dare to slap with my wife? It's ridiculous!" The old man akimbo with his hands on his hips, fiercely screaming!

She did not speak to Su Luo, but said to Zhao Erqi: "Where you come back from, you will be thrown back to me! Otherwise, you will sell you!" Hey!

After that, the old man akimbo with his hands on his hips.


She waved her hand and the door was closed!

This door is just a wooden door separated by willow wood. It was forced to slam and suddenly made a loud noise.

For a time, the room was silent...

"Cough -"

The first to break the silence is the Soviet Union.

Sue looked at Zhao Erzhen, who was crying and sullen, and looked at Zhao Xiaowu, who was crying out with a smirk, and then looked at Zhao Dawei, who was still talking about it. He smiled suddenly: "Hey, you shouldn’t really want to take me. Throw it out?"

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