The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapter 10381: You can't stand up anymore in the future 2

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Su Luo smiled and shook his head.

When Zhao Erzhen went to the dining hall just now, Su Luo had already checked her own legs.

The leg injury looks serious, but in fact, as long as the bones are picked up, it will be good to cultivate for a short period of time.

If there is a reiki in her body, where do we need to cultivate? The aura walked around again, and the wounds and bones were all right.

"The medicine used by Dr. Lu is still too conservative. Is there a paper or pencil?" Su Luo asked.

"The big brother is there... The big brother is a scholar. The family spent a lot of silver coins to send the big brother to study." Zhao Xiaowu was envious.

Su Luo nodded: "Take a pen and ink, I will re-write a prescription, you go to catch..."

When Su Luo looked up and saw the embarrassed look of her brothers and sisters, she suddenly thought of a problem.

This family has already owed five silver coins to Lu, and now I am taking medicine again...

"Oh..." Su Luo grabbed his head.

Without the power of the spirit, it is a hero who is worth a penny.

Su Luo touched himself.

Nothing at all.

With a glimmer of hope, Sue tried to open up the space.

Everything in her space, just pull out a grass, enough to make her rich in oil.


No matter how hard it is, the door to space is closed and cannot be shaken.

It’s like, when the space is in a deep sleep, I can’t wake up.

Su Luo has no choice but to: "..."

Also, since the strength has been compressed, the money is naturally confiscated, because this assessment, the test is their ability to survive.

However, the space can not be opened is still somewhat unexpected.

Since you can't rely on space, you have to find another way.

Su Luo quickly sorted out her current situation.

She fell in a remote mountain village called Zhaojia Village in Luochenghua Town.

She is now injured in her legs and feet, and she is inconvenient to walk, at least three days in bed.

In the house where she is, there is a fierce old lady who can't wait to throw her out or sell it.

Moreover, this family's poor rice is not enough to eat, and it is not good.

and so--

Su Luo came to a conclusion.

Her most important thing at the moment is two things.

The first is to rule the legs.

The second is to make money to solve the problem of food and clothing.

Just at this time, oh ——

There was a slight knock on the door outside.

"Hey, mother-"

Zhao Erkai opened the door and found her father and mother standing at the door, and immediately let them two people.

Zhao Er and Li Shi saw the Soviet Union and had some cramps on his face.

In their eyes, the little girl's skin is white and clear, and her temperament is outstanding. At first glance, it is the girl of the noble family, which makes them instinctively awe and subconsciously.

So, if you come to your mouth, you can’t say it.

Zhao Erzhen saw something, she said first: "Hey, mother, sister Sister saved me and Xiaowuyi, otherwise you can't see us now."

"What?" Zhao Er and Li's face suddenly changed.

Therefore, Zhao Erzhen will suddenly appear in the fall, how to sit and stun the tiger, how to let them escape the catastrophe to say it again.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?" Li touched the two children and held them tightly into his arms. He was worried, and his body shivered because of fear.

Zhao Erqi and Xiao Wu have said that they are fine.

Originally, Zhao Er and Li were trying to come and let Su Luo leave, because if they don’t leave, I worry that she will be sold by Da Bo Niang and her mother-in-law. Now that she is the savior of her two children, Li said Not exported.

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