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Zhao Auntie thought, this Princess Sissi said that it was true, Lu Dafu had been so good to her before?

Zhao Auntie turned her head and stared at the doctor!

Su Luo also said: "Zhao Aunt, do you know what the herbal medicine of Lu Dafu is?"

What does it mean?

Not only Zhao Auntie, but Zhao’s other people also looked at Su Luo with great seriousness.

Su Luo smiled at Lu Dafu, faint smile: "This means that Lu Dafu is the person who knows the goods, and the blood grass is more than forty-two. If Zhao Auntie regrets, she can sell it to others at any time, unlike Lu Dafu. That's the case, there is no such store after this village."

Zhao Auntie shot the thigh!


According to Shantou, she is now able to attack and retreat, why should she be deceived by Lu Dafu? This Lu Dafu, usually looking at people is good, did not expect such a critical moment! Old man!

Su Luo smiled and said: "I just lie in bed, just move a few words, you can let the second scorpion collect such things, I have a lot of things in my head, a **** grass in the area, count what?"

Zhao Auntie thought, right! It is true that her eyes are short!

Thinking of this, Zhao Auntie slammed Lu Dafu: "We don't sell this herbal medicine for Lu Daren! Let's go!"

"Zhao Auntie..." Dr. Lu was anxious.

He is a must-have for this herb, now...

"Walking away, we don't welcome you in Lujia!" Zhao Auntie said that she turned her face and turned her face. When she picked it up, no one really was his opponent.

Poor Lu Dafu, he claimed to be a Sven, how to deal with Zhao Auntie?

Under Zhao’s broom, Dr. Lu was almost stunned and fled.

Zhao Aunt looked at Su Luo: "Are you sure you can cure your leg?"

Su looked at Zhao Aunt.

"What?" Zhao Auntie screamed at the Soviet Union.

Su Luo: "Hungry..."

Everyone else in the Zhao family looked at Su Luo with a weird look!

You know, the big Zhao family, no one dares to say a hungry with Zhao Auntie!

Zhao Auntie is going to fight the Soviet Union.

Su Luo: "Four hundred two were broken by you, you don't feel bad?"

Zhao Auntie’s holding hand suddenly can’t go down!

"This is four hundred and twenty, with this money, don't talk about drinking white rice porridge, simmering white rice, simmering braised pork, fatty to oily!"

Don't say Zhao Auntie, everyone else in the Zhao family is green!

"That is four hundred and two. With this money, the house can be rebuilt and rebuilt. Only then should we build a small earthen house. Let's build a brick and tile building! The kind of courtyard!"

Zhao Auntie suddenly glowed with two eyes!

Su Luo continued to draw a big cake: "If you eat and live, you can still wear less? If you go to the cloth, who is still pulling the cloth head one foot and two feet? One shot is two horses. No, hey, give it a dozen! Each of the four seasons of clothes is four sets!"


Su Luo was fangs and fangs, and he had seen the big world. The village woman like Zhao Auntie was hand-to-hand and didn’t speak drafts.


The saliva that Zhao Auntie heard was flowing down.

Dabo Niang also listened to her face.

"Mother, mother--" Dabo Niang took Zhao Auntie to the side and lowered her voice and said, "Mother, this girl has some truth to speak. In the end, even if your legs are not good, you can’t sell four hundred and two, but that girl. However, I pointed a little bit to picking up the medicine. The medicinal herbs were even excited by Lu Dafu... This gimmick, wouldn’t it be a stone?”

PS: Fucking and starting her performance, hip hop~~ Seeing a lot of monthly tickets~~ It’s been so many years, everyone is still there, happy, and more than a few chapters to repay mud~~

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