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"She is not only carrying a second, but also with a small five, she is not crazy?" Zhao Xiuyan also sneered and inserted a sentence.

Just at this time -

Zhao Dazhao exclaimed: "Yeah, look, there is a carriage on the official road stopped!"

Dabo Niang sneered: "What is the relationship between the carriage on the official road and our small farmers? Those are all big men! This girl looked at it, isn't it far away? Is she going to cause trouble?!"

For a time, Zhao’s family rushed out and looked at the carriage far away.

They are all worried, this daring girl, will not really give them Zhao family trouble?

Just in the eyes of everyone worried -

Su Luo took Zhao Erqi and Zhao Xiaowu, the two children, and took a ride on the carriage.

Zhao Dazhao exclaimed: "Ah! Are they in the carriage? This... What is going on? The officials on the official road are all powerful people. They usually see us countrymen, and we can’t wait to use the whip to drive us. Far away, don't get dirty with their roads, how come... let them get on the carriage?"

Li also nodded: "It must be the merits of the girl, and the girl is very powerful."

Zhao Dazhao nodded: "Yes, yes, so Xiao Er and Xiao Wu will not be tired, they can reach the town in half an hour, great."

Both Li and Zhao Dazhao are very happy, but Dabo and Zhao Xiu are not happy.

The fall of this is equivalent to beating their faces. How could they laugh out?

Since I can’t laugh, it’s natural to transfer this unhappiness to the second room.

So Dabo Niang sneered and glared at Li’s eyes: “Second brother and sister, I originally thought that you were a clear brain. I didn’t expect you to be stupid like this!”

Both Li and Zhao Dawei turned their heads and looked at Dabo Niang.

Da Bo Niang is cold and cold: "Which one is not a big man in the city on the official road? Why do they let the girl last time? There is only one explanation!"

Lee’s heart was shocked: “What?”

Dabo Niang sneered: "That is, the girl wants to sell the second and fifth, and then she runs on her own!"

Lee's face turned pale and shivered.

Zhao Dazhao hurriedly supported Li: "Mother, mother, don't listen to Daboang and say, 芸 girl is not such a person!"

Dabo Niang sneered: "Can she have something to mortgage in our house?"

Lee shook his head.

Dabo Niang said more and more excited: "She owes a lot of money to her mother?"

Lee nodded.

Da Bo Niang: "Yes, I owe a lot of money, I haven't mortgaged yet. Now she still has two children in her hand. When is it not to sell them, what time are they waiting for? Second brother, I am really Sympathize with you."

Zhao Dazhao glared at Wang.

Li’s clenched fist: “It’s not like this, it’s not like this, 芸 girl is not such a person!”

Dabo Niang sneered: "Then you wait, look at the night they can't come back, if you don't come back... Two younger siblings, you are killing your two children by yourself!"

After that, Dabo Niang and Xiaoguzi looked at each other. The two people were very arrogant and left, leaving only Lee who was scared to tremble.

"Mother, mother--" Zhao Dawei kept making a sound of comfort.

Lee bites his lower lip: "Mother is not not convinced of the girl, but the words of Dabo Niang... Mother is afraid..."

On the carriage -

Zhao Erzhen and Zhao Xiaowu are full of magical eyes and look at the Soviet Union!

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