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Su Luo: "...we go to buy meat buns."

"No, no!"

The two children were all in unison, and at the same time, the righteous words shook their heads.

Su Luo: "You don't really want to eat? Why not buy?"

Zhao Erzhen: "Sister, we don't have money."

Zhao Xiaowu: "Yes, yes, my sister, the buns in the Luojia buns shop, too expensive, a steamed buns to have two copper plates! No, no, can't afford to eat."

Looking at the two miserables, Su Xiao almost laughed.

"But two copper plates, but I thought it was more expensive, nothing, wait for us to sell rabbit meat to buy meat buns." Su said with a smile.

"Oh my sister is really, really?"

The two children looked at the Soviet Union with an eye.

Su Luo took a picture of his head: "Really!"

"Hey, is this not so good?"

"Oh, but it's so sweet."

"Hey, what should I do?"

The two children tangled with themselves, and they were so cute.

Su Luo smiled and shook his head, a five-year-old, a seven-year-old, thin and like bean sprouts, eat a meat buns can tangled like this, look at her original world...

It’s still cute and cute.

"Right, my sister, where are our rabbits going to sell?" Zhao Erqi began to worry about it again.

Su Luo asked: "In general, where are you selling?"

Zhao Xiaowu said with excitement: "I know that I know that Xu Sange’s family has vegetable fields. Their family often comes to the town. When Xu Sange took me, it was in the front market street. Yes, Turn the street in front."

Su Luo: "Oh, let's go to that street too."

Su Lu came to Huazhen this time, mainly to understand the customs and customs of the place, as well as the pattern on the town, the humanities economy, to see if there is a chance to get a ticket.

Therefore, the Soviet Union went slowly and observed carefully.

At this time in the town, the square is square, the roads extend in all directions, and the streets are at least ten meters wide.

On both sides of the road are low-rise houses, all small bungalows.

Feng Dance looked straight and shook his head. It seems that the town is not very prosperous.

"Hey sister, just there -" Zhao Xiaowu jumped up excitedly.

Su Lu looked up and saw that there was a bit of prosperity here. The houses on both sides of the street were two stories high. The streets were lined with shops in the big open, and the roads were supported by stalls.

"Xu Sange, Xu Sange!"

Zhao Xiaowu saw that the acquaintance was very happy, and took the Soviet Union and rushed up.

Su Luo finally saw Xu Sange in Zhao Xiaowukou.

This Xu Sange is about seventeen or eight years old, with a scorpion flesh, and the sun-baked skin of the sun. At first glance, it is the role of going down the mountain and going down the river.

Xu San saw Zhao Xiaowu, very surprised, frowning asked: "Small five, how come you came to town? Why don't you come to the town and tell me? Come on yourself? Do you know at home? Lost."

Although Zhao Xiaowu is small, he can say it very well.

"Xu Sange, I am following our sister."

Hey sister?

"Oh, she is the one that you picked up?" Xu San listened to Zhao Xiaowu's words and looked up at the Soviet Union.

Only one glance, Xu San would not dare to look at the Soviet Union again.

This must be the girl in the city? How else would it look so good? Looking at it makes people feel awkward?

In the countryside, Xu Sange suddenly had the feeling of being a bunch of hands.

Ps: Recommend a new book for your friends. Oh, Dafuzi’s "God of the Dead", fattening can be slaughtered, slightly slightly ~

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