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"Run it!"

This is a warning from everyone about the fall.

However, after all, everyone is watching the lively, seeing no excitement to see, it will gradually dissipate.

However, Su Luo smiled a little and asked Xu San: "What did you say just now?"

Xu San is anxious: "What is it?"

Su Luo smiled and said: "You are not talking about people who know Hongsheng Restaurant? Let's go, let's sell rabbit meat."

"Oh my little grandmother." Xu Sanjiu cried quickly: "When is it now, do you still sell rabbit meat? Xu San will soon gather people to find you, and you still sell rabbit meat?" Run fast!"

Su Luo: "Isn't Xu San a street fighter? What are you afraid of?"

"Little grandma, do you really don't know or don't know? If Xu San didn't snuggle, how dare he take the protection fee on this street? Do you know who he is?!"

Su Luo: "Who?"

"It is said that his sister is the twelfth room of the mayor of the mayor! The man standing behind him is the mayor of Huazhen!"

Su Luo: "Wow, I am so scared!"

Xu Sanxuan: "Now I know that it is too late, people are playing, hey, what can I do? No matter, you should run first."

"What about you?" Su Luo looked at Xu San.

"I am a little familiar in the town. I asked people to see if there is any way. If it can solve this problem peacefully, then it would be better."

Su Luo saw Xu Sanyi's eyes: "..." Peaceful settlement? Is this child dreaming?

At this time, Zhao Xiaowu suddenly underestimated one sentence: "Xu Sange, how is the road going further and further? Before the Hongsheng Hotel was not from this."

Don't look at Zhao Xiao's five-year-old, his brain can be smart, and the basics he has seen once can be remembered.

Xu San smiled: "If we follow the same path, we will definitely pass Yuan's home. How can I take you on that road? Isn't that looking for death?"

The Soviet Union heard the words, and the eyes suddenly brightened.

She looked like an inadvertent question: "Where is the old Yuan family? I am very curious."

Still old Yuan? Xu San looked at Su Luo and sighed. How could this girl be so troubled?

"Or, let's go to that street. When you pass, you will show me again?" Su Luo smiled and looked at Xu San.

"Don't be different -"

How can Xu San dare? He said to Su Luo: "The northeast road turns in. After two hundred meters, there is a small yard with a big banyan tree at the door. That is the old Yuan...Ah, Yuan Erge's home."

Su Luo snorted and nodded.

Xu San looked at Su Luo with a weird look: "What do you want?"

Su Luochong Xu Sanxiao, laughing reveals four snow white teeth: "What do you think I can do?"

Xu Sanyi also thinks that this girl has no other ability besides the trouble.

"Right, after going back to the village this time, you should not come out again. I have escaped this trouble and said that I have not entered the city recently, and I will avoid the limelight." Xu San seriously told the Soviet Union.

Su Liao laughed: "Where is needed."

Xu San was once again suffocated by the Soviet Union: "How can you not know how beautiful this girl is!"

Zhao Xiaowu, where is the god-like sister who is being blamed? He stood up and shouted milk: "We are so embarrassed that my sister is very good, the uncles in the city are very good to our sister, and please ask her to get on the carriage!"

Xu Sanyi listened, almost turned his eyes: "You are really on?!"

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