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Yuan Er: "You worry that we can't beat her? Hehe! Five of us really can't beat her, but there are ten more people? Fifteen? Twenty? Call us all back, I don't believe it." Live that stinky!"

A Cheng: "... If you still can't beat it?"

Yuan Er sneered: "Don't forget who my brother-in-law is!"

A Cheng: "Second brother, the mayor said last time, let you make less trouble..."

A Cheng voice has not fallen, Yuan Er directly slaps a fan fan A Cheng face: "Do you even dare to control me?!"

Yuan Er is moody, and the weather is uncertain. He is full of violence. No one knows when he will turn his face, so his men are extremely afraid of him.

A Cheng was slap in the face and was too angry to speak up and silently endure.

On the second side of the Yuan, the roots of the blue blood vessels bulged, and the face was distorted and distorted: "The man is called a girl, and the person around her is Xu San. They look at the countryman at a glance. Give me a check! I will find out which one they are. Which household..."

"Dare to humiliate me Yuan II, wait until I find out, at that time, I will destroy their family!" Yuan Er clenched his fist, angry and difficult!

Su Luo was just lying on the roof, watching the scene in front of her eyes.

She saw Yuan's two violent bamboos and saw that Ah Cheng threw the robe to Sizhu and heard every word from Yuan Er.

Su Luo originally thought that after Yuan Er found her, she would only start with her, but she did not expect that she would destroy the whole family. Although she did not have the whole family to destroy, Zhao family was so a family.

Was pointed out by Yuan Er, Zhao is not being pinched like a soft persimmon?

By that time, the Zhao family's second room was really being tired of her.

Suo’s eyelids were dangerously half-snapped, and she stared at Yuan II, and there was a touch of coldness in the middle of it!

Su Luo knows that she can't be impulsive, she must be perfect, or she will harm others.

Just at this time!


The door was pushed open, and a group of imposing people rushed in from the door. The person who took the lead was Ajian who had been photographed by the Soviet Union.

"Second brother, second brother -"

Ajian brought a group of people into it: "The people have all come over, a total of 30 people, all the brothers who can shout are shouting!"

Yuan Er suddenly looked up and excited: "Good! Great! Right, find out who is the girl?"

Ajian: "The girl hasn't checked it yet, but our people tracked it all the way and saw them enter the back door of Hongsheng Restaurant."

Yuan Er: "Don't dare to go to Hongsheng Restaurant? Very good, brothers are going with me! Grab the girl and give you turns to play!"

"Wow, the second brother is righteous!"

"I heard that the girl looks pretty good!"

"Go and go, brothers are going!"

Yuan Eryi promised that these people who were called by him, the friends of the foxes and friends, rushed out with swords and sticks, and went to the Hongsheng Restaurant!

Su Brow brows slightly.

Fortunately, she felt the danger came out, otherwise it would have to be blocked in the back door of Hongsheng Restaurant. At that time, there is no other way than to open the killing, and things will be troubled.

This is not her original intention.

What Su’s hope is to solve Yuan Er quietly, and will not let anyone doubt her. She does not want people to be implicated in Zhao’s family.

Su Luo is now being repaired as a seal, and there is no aura in his body, only the instinctive fighting skills of the agents.

If there are more than 30 people at once... she can't save the two children of Zhao.

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