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Su Luo has done the killing of Yuan Er among countless people, and has not caused trouble to anyone, and even less involved in her practice.

This is the case -

The Sulu people were not prepared, sneaked to the mayor’s house and pushed the potted plants on the balcony.

Because Xu San pointed out that Yuan Er’s home was given to Su Luo before, he also pointed out the mayor’s family.

and so--

Jingle -

The vase smashed down from the window and the sound was crisp and fierce!

And then just right, I went directly to Yuan Er’s head.

If it is normal, such a height will go down, Yuan Er is at best a serious injury, but now the vase is a Soviet, how could the Soviet Union leave him with this hidden danger?

and so--

Su Luo is lifting the vase and slamming it down!


Among the dozens of people, only Yuan Er’s head was smashed.

Poor Yuan Er, the head was opened directly by the shackles. He stunned and was about to hold the wall, but he suddenly guessed a small stone in his footsteps.

Yuan Er’s body fell backwards and his head went to the steps of the mayor’s family!

That sound is crisp...


There was a lot of exclamation in the crowd.

Until now, these brothers realized that Yuan Er, who was about to take them to revenge, had his head opened.

"Yuan Erge? Yuan Erge?"

"Yuan Erge, you wake up."

"Yuan Erge, are you okay?"

"Yuan Erge -"

However, the vase has already gone to his half life, and with this heavy fall, poor Yuan Er is dead on the spot.

Someone in the place is jealous...

"Yuan Erge him..."

“Is it just a vase from the sky?”

"Yuan Erge is given a vase like this?"

I don't know who exclaimed: "Here is the mayor's family, is it the mayor's family to see Yuan Erge..."

Yuan Er’s sister is the mayor’s twelfth room Xiaoyan, so in the past few years Yuan 2 can be rampant in the township, the fish and the people, if the mayor’s family is watching Yuan Er’s disappointing shots...

Will it be the mayor's wife?

Mrs. Mayor and Mrs. Twelve... This, this... Are they involved in the backyard battle of the mayor?

Thinking of this, I don’t know who took the lead to say: "I still have something in my house, let me go first."

This person is one of the foreign aids that Ajian invited.

In this world, there is no shortage of people who have defended themselves. When this person leaves, suddenly, the team of these dozens of people will be commotion.

Staying, it is very likely that it will be dragged into the battle of the mayor's wife and the wife of the 12th wife. The mayor is the Ming media, and the wife of the 12th is being favored. Who is willing to participate in this kind of trouble?

"Sorry, my old mother is sick at home, I am leaving."

Someone started to slip away.

"Sorry, I have a sick son at home, I have to go and give him medicine."

"Sorry, brothers, my family..."

A Jian looked at it and suddenly looked dumbfounded.

"Hey, don't go, feed-"

A Jian said aloud, everyone slipped faster.

At this moment, because the outside is noisy, the gates of the mayor’s family are closed, and the outside management of the gatekeeper looks out, hey, so many people? Look again -

"Yuan Er Shao?" The outside manager was stunned. He rushed in and shouted at the mayor's wife.

The mayor’s wife came out and saw that Yuan Er fell there, and he was happy. But the face was still busy and told the outside manager to hurry and bring the person in, and quickly asked the doctor.

As the most favored 12-year-old Tai, it is natural that someone secretly passes the news to her.

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