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"That's not natural." The shopkeeper's busy smiled. "As long as there is a position, as long as you consume, how can Hongsheng Restaurant reject the guests? There is just one location in the lobby, you need?"

Su Luo nodded: "Good."

This time, Su Lilai Hongsheng Restaurant is purposeful, and this purpose is related to her plan to enter the city.

Su Luo came to Huazhen for two days. Her real purpose is to enter the city, instead of staying in the remote Zhaojia Village.

So for Su Luo, the most important thing for her now is to ask how to enter the city.

She can choose when to enter the city, but she can't know anything about entering the city.

Yuan Er’s business is really hot.

Luojiapu is talking about this matter, and now Su Luo came to Hongsheng Restaurant, and the Hongsheng Restaurant is also talking about it.

However, everyone’s views are basically the same, that is -

The death of Yuan Er, who has a relationship with the mayor’s wife and the mayor’s son, can basically be determined to be their harm.

No one knows the hands and feet and the stupidity that Sue has done in it.

In this regard, Su Luo naturally rejoiced in his heart, but -

Now that I have passed the meal, the number of people has decreased, and the shopkeeper has also been idle. When he sees Su’s frequent visits to him, he can’t help but smile. This ghost must be in the heart!

At this time, the eyes of the Soviet Union and his face.

Su Luo smiled and waved at him.

This ghost girl...

The treasurer had to slowly walk slowly: "If there is any request from the girl, let our buddy help."

Su Luo smiled: "This is busy, I guess the guys can't help."

"Oh?" The treasurer looked curiously at the Soviet Union.

Su Luo nodded: "Please sit down in the shopkeeper, I do have a very important thing to ask you, now has passed the meal, the restaurant is not busy, can you have a meal together?"

"Don't have to eat, the old man I don't want to be deducted." The shopkeeper waved his hand, but he was really curious, so he took a pot of tea and put it in front of the Soviet Union: "Let's say, what do you want to ask?" ?"

Su Luo smiled: "I want to ask, if I want to enter the city, what preparations do I need?"

"Going into the city?"

When Su’s words came out, the treasurer was shocked. Xu San, who was not far away, was shocked. The two brothers and sisters of Zhao’s family were also shocked.

Is the girl going to the city? !

The treasurer looked at the Soviet Union and said: "What are you talking about?"

Su Luo smiled and nodded: "Yes, I am talking about falling city."

"Hey girl...I used to be a Los Angeles cityman? It’s just a memory loss, so I can’t go back to the city? If that’s the case, then it’s very easy.”

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Every city in our city wants to survive in the city. It is too difficult and difficult. Therefore, once you have a household registration in the city, it is no problem to lose your memory. The household registration can be verified by blood, as long as It doesn't matter if your blood has been recorded before."

Su Luo slightly twisted the eyebrow: "If that has not been recorded before?"

The treasurer looked at Su Luo with amazement and turned to look at Xu San.

Xu San did not tell him that this temperamental girl was originally in the city. Later, because of amnesia, she fell to Zhaojia Village?

Sue waved his hand and asked again carefully: "If you haven't entered it before, how do you do it?"

The treasurer looked at the Soviet Union and took a deep breath: "If you haven't entered it before, but you want to enter the city... it's hard to go to heaven!"

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