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For the farmer, a one-foot cloth needs to be shackled for a long time, but there are enough fabrics for six sets of ready-to-wear cloth. What kind of temptation is this?

You know, Zhao has not made new clothes for a whole year...

So what is this exciting thing for Dabo Niang?

At this time, Zhao Erzhen realized that things were wrong and wanted to hide things, but it was too late.

"You spent all your money?!" Dabo was stunned.

Susie looked at Dabo Niang.

Da Bo Niang asked again: "Do you really spend all the money?"

The fall is more and more puzzled: "My own hunting prey, I sold the money myself, I spent it myself, may I ask, is there a problem?"

Of course, no problem. Even if Wang said that he would break the sky, she would be ignorant.

However, Wang's greed is written into the marrow.

She is screaming at Su Shi: "You live in our Zhao family now..."

"So is it necessary to pay the rent?"

Wang: " still owe our family money! If you borrow money, you will still be back!"

Su Luo smiled and looked at Mrs. Zhao: "The old lady also thinks that it is still necessary now?"

The old lady gave a cold look: "In three days, I have not returned the money, and our Zhao family can not tolerate you!"

Su Luo: "Within three days, forty-two..."

Zhao Erzhen, they are all worried about watching the Soviet Union, this is too much, how come it all at once...

"Who said forty-two? It is four hundred and two!" Dabo Niang sneered!

Su Luo was teased: "Four hundred two? Isn't Zhao Dufu helping me to cure the disease? His offer price is no more than five or two. Later I wrote forty-two, but now the old lady is going to rise to four hundred and two?" When I am still there, is it still going up to four thousand?"

Zhao Laotai was blocked by the words of the Soviet Union.

Su Luo stared at Zhao Laotai, Mrs. Zhao was cold and cold: "It is forty-two, you can't!" Hey, if you can't get forty-two after three days, I will sell you! Go!"

Zhao Laotai took Dabo Niang and quickly left.

"Sister Sister--" Zhao Erzhen looked worriedly at Su Luo: "What to do? Forty-two in three days, this is impossible..."

Forty-two, for Zhao Erqi, that is more than the mountains.

But Su Luo just smiled: "Three days? It’s too long."

Sulu now needs to enter the city quickly, compete with other teammates, and have time to waste these three days in Zhaojia Village.

The Soviet Union’s worries are never the forty-two, but the Zhao family’s two-room separation.

This hidden task is not completed, she always feels that there will be big problems.

How can we let the two houses be separated? Su Luo touched his chin and walked around the room.

Zhao Erqi and Zhao Xiaowu were worried about watching Su Luo... I was anxiously worried.

As soon as he fell back, he found that the two houses were all looking bitter.

Su Luo coughed twice: "What are you doing?"

"You are worried about your sister... oh." Zhao Erzhen sighed.

Su Luo did not suffocate her head: "Forty-two silver, but it is a matter of hunting more prey, what is the relationship? The most important thing now is this cloth."

Su Luo looked at Li and Zhao Erzhen: "Can you make clothes?"

Li and Zhao Erfu nodded. For these people, women wouldn’t have to make clothes.

Su Luo: "It's enough to make six sets of adult clothes. You should make two sets of washes next to me. The rest of the fabrics, how do you want to do it yourself."

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