The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss

Chapter 10456: Big harvest of the Soviet Union 3

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"Right, it is best to let the shopkeeper send people to come and take prey, because I am careful that you can't move the second time." Su's good reminder.

Xu San shines!

What does this sentence mean, he can't be clear!

"Good!" Xu San put all the prey into the huge back behind him, and hurried up and down!

It really should be the words of the Soviet Union.

If it is a reciting stone, Xu San must not move, but a reciting prey, Xu San is running faster than a rabbit.

Looking at Xu Sanyi's face and running away, the face of the Soviet Union showed a slight curvature.

This simple hunting, paying will have the feeling of return... It is good.

Su Shi subconsciously touched his chest position, there seems to be a little more sentiment... although still not captured.

However, Su Luo is not in a hurry to capture inspiration immediately.

Because she is very clear, this is because the sentiment is still too little, when the sentiment is too fast to overflow, naturally, she will feel the breakthrough, so, do not worry, continue to accumulate the happiness of mortal bits and pieces.

Sue Le is in it.

Looking back at the two small radish heads, Su Luo squatted down and smiled and asked: "But hungry?"

These two little guys are really obedient. When they are quiet, they are quiet and breathless, and they are so excited that they will be picked up.

"Not hungry, my sister is not hungry." The two little guys said in unison.

Su Luo smiled and licked the head of two small radish heads: "But my sister is hungry, let's eat something first."

As soon as Su Luo made a speech, the two well-behaved children were busy.

The younger Zhao Xiaowu went to move the firewood, and Zhao Erzhen was very skilled at setting up the grill.

Su Luo only did it once, she learned it, and it took a decent picture.

"I am going to find food."

Su was found in a few tens of meters away from the original place and found several wild sweet potatoes.

Su Luo suddenly looked bright, long time did not eat roasted sweet potatoes, this farmer's soil taste can be much more delicious than what prey barbecue.

So, Su Luo dug three big sweet potatoes and returned to the original place.

The two little guys saw the sweet potato, and they all lit up!

"Wow! Sweet potato!"

Su Luo smiled and looked at them: "Do you like to eat barbecue, or sweet potato?"

Zhao Erzhen: "Sister, we can't eat barbecue anymore."

"Oh?" Su looked at her inexplicably. "Why?"

She had thought that such a small child would be disappointed if she saw sweet potatoes instead of meat.

Zhao Erzhen looked at Su Luo very seriously and seriously: "My sister, we couldn’t afford to eat even porridge, but these days, because of the relationship between my sister, we not only ate the soft meat buns, but also I ate the fragrant rabbit meat."

"Too much, too much, this will cure us." Zhao Erzhen said very sensiblely, "My sister will definitely go, and if we develop a luxury habit, what should we do then?"

"The storytelling in the town said that from the insufficiency of luxury, from luxury to martyrdom, people have self-knowledge, people must keep their initial heart, although the two do not understand the meaning of these words, but generally guess that people must be content What?"

Zhao Xiaowu, a small boy, nodded very seriously.

The heart of the Soviet Union moved at this moment.

This is how many adults can't understand.

Such a small child... How can they understand this?

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