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What they are relying on is the strength of their natural beings and the failure of the fallen legs.

But they have forgotten it... Even if there is no aura in the Soviet Union, she is still a special agent!

The combat power of agents is what the average person can compare?

The corner of the Soviet Union’s mouth raised a touch of curvature. Suddenly, her figure began to move!

Without aura, relying on pure power!

Su Luo stood up and stood up in the first air in the air. When she landed, she was already behind Zhao Si!


After the dagger, there was a **** mark on the throat of Zhao Si!

At the beginning of the blood scar, there was only a thin one, just like the wound that was pulled out by the rope, but soon, Zhao Si’s throat began to burst into a spurt!

It's like flooding with a brake!

Zhao Da Zhao and Zhao San are all scared!

They never thought that things would happen so much!

"Little four!!!"

The three brothers shouted.

They were born in the farmhouse, grew up in the farmhouse, and did not really see the blood in their hands, so they were completely scared by this scene.

They looked up and looked down at the Soviet Union.

At this moment, the Soviet Union, dressed in a patched and worn clothes, but the whole person looks pretentious, like a **** who came out of hell.

Especially those eyes, murderous, scared people tremble!

"We...we should be able to..." Zhao San’s voice was shaking.

However, before they moved, the fallen dagger had arrived!

Her ghostly figure flashed, although there is no aura blessing, but the figure is almost shocking!



Zhao Da only had time to make a scream, and there was no resistance!

The dagger in the hands of Su Luo crossed his throat and cut off his trachea!

Zhao Dalian can’t come out.

There are only Zhao Er and Zhao San left.

They are all panicked!

They never thought that things would develop to this point!

They have been steadily winning, how can they be defeated?


The two brothers were unaware, turned instantly, and rushed in the opposite direction!


The corner of the Soviet Union’s mouth raised a cold arc.

Now that they can run them?

call out!

Su Luo stood in the center, one left and one right and two stones flew out of her hands!


Zhao Erzhao made a scream in the mouth and both fell to the ground.

They looked at the fall in horror!

"You are this witch! You are a witch!" Zhao San was scared and cried.

Think about it too, the Zhao family, these teenagers, where is the stagnation from the **** rain?

Su Luo looked at them with sneer, she took a step.

Zhao Sanzhen was scared and cried: "Hey girl, beg you, let me go, don't kill me - don't kill me-"

Su Luo stopped his footsteps and thought about it. It seems that there is room for negotiation.

Zhao San and Zhao Er thought that things had a turning point, so they pleaded and the whole body was shaking.

Su Luo smiled and looked at them: "If you don't have such evil thoughts, I won't kill Zhao Da and Zhao Si with anger."

"芸 girl pleads with you, 芸 girl..." Zhao Er Zhao San pleaded.

Su Luo said faintly: "Let's do it, you can do me a favor first."


"Take the bodies of the two of them to the top." The Soviet Union pointed at the top ten meters.

The most striking ancient tree there, where one person was tall, was tied with a red silk cloth, which was warning.

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