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The more they go crazy, the more they fight.

Because time passes in one second and one second.

"Second brother, beg you, leave me the opportunity! I promise you, I will take good care of my family!" Zhao San slammed a stone on Zhao San’s head and pleaded with enthusiasm.

Zhao Eryi slashed in Zhao San’s abdomen: “Small three, beg your brother’s beggar, give your second chance to live, and your second brother will live with you!”

But... how could they leave the live hope to the other party?

Therefore, the battle is getting more intense!

Zhao Erzhen and Zhao Xiaowu saw cold hands and feet, cold back, and a blank brain...

Su Luo looked at the two brothers who were in the flesh and blood, and there were hidden things in their eyes.



I was so humiliated before, and now I see that they are fighting like this. It is really very unresolving, but this is not the reason for Su’s shot.

They have such a mind, then, now she has not suffered, and there will always be girls suffering.

This is the real reason for her waste of these scum.

Watching them show the worst side of humanity, Su Lu seems to have some feelings. She sits cross-legged on the ground and quietly understands the elements of heaven and earth.

She found herself inside Dantian, and there seemed to be something to break ground.

Is there no aura between heaven and earth? Why does she have a feeling of breaking through?

This feeling has hit several times, but there is no aura in the outside world, so in the end it can only be silenced.

But the eyes of Su Luo suddenly turned bright!

Her current feelings, see through... Because in the small secret, so there is no way to promote, but after she goes out, these sentiments will not disappear...

Therefore, these sentiments accumulate and wait until the moment of going out... all that she should be promoted, all will be promoted!

At that time, when did she repair it?

Thinking of this, Su Luo’s heart is a joy!


The sound of a heavy object awakened Su Luo, and she slowly opened her eyes.

At this moment, Zhao San has fallen to the ground, his eyes wide open, and his death is not eye-catching.

Zhao Er’s eyes were very big, his legs were on the ground, his hands were holding a hatchet, and the hatchet smashed Zhao’s abdomen.

Zhao Er gradually reacted, and he slandered Su Luo: "You put me a life, today's business, I will not mention it to anyone!"

Su Luo smiled a little.

Zhao Er: "You can rest assured, I..."

"Zhao Er, how are you, actually killing your own brother!" Su Luo stared at Zhao Er, faint.

Zhao Er’s heart glimpsed, and he was dead!

Suddenly, he thought of something, laughing and laughing, tears all laughed.

So smart girl!

She played a killing game, Zhao San died in his hands, how can he say this again? Once you say it, you are going to pass it on.

He can't afford the crime of his brother!

"Okay, okay, a good girl! From the beginning of the killing game, you have already thought about the way back?" Zhao Er stared at the Soviet Union, hate and fear, more fear and fear.

He felt that he was not facing a little girl, but a behemoth that made him difficult to look back!

"I have to deal with the body of Xiaosan."

"I will do it with the family."

"It won't cause you any trouble."

"As long as you let me go!"

Zhao Er's cold eyes stared at the Soviet Union, a word, a bite and a tooth!

Big brother and four brothers, three dead, now only one of his only seedlings, Zhao Er does not know if he can live...

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