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However, most people do not know the temper of Su Luo, such as Da Bo Niang.

She glanced at the Soviet Union: "This is the thing of our Zhao family. The girl is a person who is under the fence. I hope that you have a self-knowledge of the person who is under the fence."

Obviously, the Soviet Union is not a nosy person.

And her relationship with Zhao Dazhao is not deep, at best, no more is a nod.

Su Luo nodded: "Good."

After that, she turned and left.

So simple, neat!

The people present were all looking at it!

They didn't even think that Su Luo would be such a reaction, especially Da Bo Niang, who stared at the Su Shi who was close to the door.

Li cried aloud.

Zhao Dazhao also cried aloud.

Zhao Erlang continued his downcast.

Zhao Erzhen and Zhao Xiaowu were stunned and then burst into tears.

Zhao Auntie frowned; "I have done it, and things have been settled. Three days later, the Wang brothers in the north of Mangshan in the town will come over and meet, Li, you are ready to marry!"

Said, Zhao Auntie hated and hated Wang.

If it wasn't for her to stimulate Li, tell Wang's brother to share his wife, how could Li hold the entire second room to make trouble? !

Li’s crying: "Mother, can't you, mother, that is a brother and wife, how can this be..."

But Zhao Auntie does not care: "I have already received a lottery, you still want to go back and not go? And that five or two silver has arrived in your hands!"

"I don't want it, I don't want it, mother, you take it back -" Li's hands rushed to hand over the silver spindle.

However, Zhao Auntie ignored it and sneered: "The people will soon marry, and there is a reason to return. If you do, you don't have to say anything. This is the case!"

Zhao Auntie stunned Wang’s eyes. If it wasn’t for her to say it in advance, would things be so troublesome?

Wang’s head was lowered, and Li’s heart was a fool.

The bride's gift is fifty-two, and all of them are collected by the mother. This is only because the mother has leaked a little bit from the fingertips and stuffed your mouth. Poor Li.

The Lee family was so rushed out of the house.

After they returned to the room of the second room, the atmosphere was suddenly suppressed.

Li and Zhao Daqi cried and cried, Zhao Eryi also cried, Zhao Xiaowu also shed tears, Zhao Er holding his head and squatting at the table, his face was bitter.

Su Luo: "..."

This family is really... no one understands people?

Su Luo sat in front of the bed, his legs swaying, his mind spinning fast.

"Hey sister, what should I do? What should I do?" Zhao Erzhen climbed to the squatting, tearful eyes staring at the Soviet Union. "They all said that they married many brothers, but they lived for a few months, wow, I don't want my older sister to die."

Su Luo snorted: "Do you really want to marry the past?"

Su Luo made a sound, and suddenly all eyes were concentrated on her.

"Don't want!"

"Don't want!"

"Don't want!"


Sue faintly glanced at them: "If you don't want it, there is no way to do it."

Brush it!

Their eyes suddenly brightened!

Zhao Dazhao ran to the face of Su Luo, kneeling down on his knees, and said: "The girl is the most intelligent, and she asks for a girl. If the girl can save her life, she will make a big answer." you!"

Sue faintly shook his head: "I can't save you, but your parents can save you."

Li’s words are stopped.

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