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Li shook his head: "Two sisters, don't mention your sister again, your sister is now climbing up, and she doesn't want to have anything to do with us anymore."

Zhao Erzhen: "..."

She would like to say that her sister taught her the skills of hunting. When she turned back, she would be able to hunt her prey to her mother. But after thinking about it, she did not say anything.

Li’s long sigh: “By others, you can’t rely on it. Second, are you willing to follow your mother?”

Zhao Erzhen: "Mother, you mean..."

Li: "Mother can't marry your sister into the magic cave, marry into that big mountain, and there are several brothers and wives. Your sister is ruined in this life, so definitely not."

Li’s clenched fist: “Make and leave, mother can’t let your sister go on the road. How can mother bear with your future being sold like this?”

"Mother----" Da Yu cried in despair. "What should I do if my mother says how to do it, Dad listens to her mother."

Li touched his head and sighed: "Da, this family seems to be inseparable, so then you have three ways to go."

Daxie: "Mother, you said."

After Lee experienced this series of despair, he became stronger. She said: "The first road, marry the past, but soon you will be forced to die."

Dad cried and shook his head. "Mother, no, no-"

Li: "The second road, Niang and you are separated, will take you away, but this road... It’s hard, because you have already developed, you want to sell you money, you are so easy to let Mother took away?"

"The third way, you run." Li said to Daxie, "You are running far away from the dark, and go outside. It is death to live and see your own destiny."

These three roads... For the farm girl who doesn’t know one big word, it’s all dead.

The sadness of crying and crying, crying and shaking his head.

Big room -

Wang’s violent leaping by Zhao’s departure was thunderous, but she was very happy when she thought of her son’s enthusiasm and actually hit a big brown bear.

"Hey, can you swear by the girl? My children are even better. When they come back, let them clean up!" Wang hated.

"Right, hehe, what do you think about the separation of the family?" Wang asked Zhao.

Zhao Da shook his head directly: "If you are separated, have you thought about such a comfortable life in the future?"

Wang’s thought is also: “Really, after the separation, the old lady must follow our family. At that time, raising chickens to support the family and going down the mountain, this work still has to do it. How tired? The second child’s wife Working at home, working in the house, they don't have a penny, their family is like the old ox, it's perfect! Anyway, I mean, I won't agree to split up!"

Zhao Da: "After all, the tree is big, and it is always divided."

Wang Shi; "I don't care, at least four sons are not married before they are married."

Going to the house.

The old lady also took the old man and repeatedly stressed: "As long as we are alive, this family can not be divided, and death can not be divided!"

The old man didn't have a good air: "I know that the second child has more work and will be better for them later."

Mrs. Zhao: "That can't be done! Like their temper, they have to work hard, and they are better for them. They will have their own ideas. If they are tired, they will have no dreams every day."

Father: "..."

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