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"I am going to the old house with you." Li took a deep breath.

"Niang--" Zhao Erzhen exclaimed and pulled Li.

Li touched Zhao Erzhen’s head and followed Wang and Zhao.

Zhao Erzhen rushed in to find her sister.

"芸 sister, sister-in-law, my mother..."

"Your mother is willing to go back with your uncle and Dabo Niang, and no one can stop her."

"But she is threatened..."

"Can be threatened, indicating that her mind is not strong enough." Su Luo said faintly.

Zhao Erzhen: "... then I will go and see, lest my mother be bullied!"

Said, Zhao Erzhen ran out quickly.

Su Luo smiled and shook his head.

How can it be so easy to separate? How can the old house not be tossed?

Calculate that they will not toss this time, then, after Zhao Erzhen stood up, when the Zhao family's second room is profitable, they will still be noisy.

So why did Su Luo sit on the oxcart this time and give a big gift?

Some of these reasons are also related to this matter.

Save the people to save the end, because of the hidden task, she intervened in the life of the Zhao family, then, naturally save people to save the end...

The so-called rescue of the Soviet Union is to let them change from the mind. This is the real self-help.

Lee, must stand up.

Zhao Er, you must turn your mind.

Su Luo looked at the bed and his eyes were weak, Zhao Er, whispered: "What do you think Li's treatment will be?"

Zhao Er Zhang opened his mouth and wanted to talk, but because the injury was too heavy, he could not say a word.

Su Luo threw a light blue pill into his mouth: "Before I treated my leg, I left a little material. Later, I added a few pills in the town to make a pill, but this can be saved. Your life."

Zhao Er’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth to talk, but...

Su Luo slowly lingered in front of him, looking at her faintly: "Do you want to say, when I went to town, you have not been injured, how can I know that you want this pill?"

Zhao took the lead.

Su Luo laughed: "Because I saw you beaten."

Zhao Er suddenly opened his eyes, squatting, and screaming at the fall!

Su Luoji laughed: "Do you want to say that since I saw you smashed, why not save you?"

Zhao did not speak, but his eyes were very big. What he wanted to express was indeed this.

Su Luo staller: "Why should I save you?"

Zhao Er is dead and stunned!

Sushuang’s eyes burst into indifference: “We have no reason for no reason, no enmity, not even a few words... And, in the case of my extreme hate of your character, why should I save you?”

Zhao Er: "..."

Extremely hate his character...

Su Luo Leng said: "No one will not let you be filial, you can be filial. But filial piety has a premise, an old woman who regards you as a livestock, you have no principle filial piety, that is your own business, but you should not Dragging your wife and son to become a cow and horse with you!"

Zhao Er was covered with a slap in the face of Su Luo, and some of them were embarrassed, and some were thoughtful.

Su Luo snorted: "A big man, once he is married, he has a small family. In that small family, he is a parent, it is the support of this family!"

"And what about you? While enjoying the rights of the family of the small family, while dragging them into the abyss, let them live a life that is not as good as a dead pig!"

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month~

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