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The old village chief did not know when to come, and now she needs help.

Zhao Erzhen looked around and found that Zhao Sanye, who was not far away, was a high-ranking man, and he was so wicked and hateful that he was!

So Zhao Erqi ran up and hugged Zhao Sanye's thigh: "Three grandfathers, three grandfathers, help, Dabo Qiang grabbed my house, and now I have to kill me, the three grandfathers save me!"

Inside the house, the Soviet side gave Zhao two illnesses while listening to the outside movements.

Seeing Zhao Erzhen’s actions, the corner of the Soviet Union’s mouth rose slightly: the scorpion can teach.

Zhao Sanye’s temper is violent, and he hates evil. He put Zhao Erzhen behind him and opened his eyes and stared at Zhao Da: “Zhao Da, what are you doing!”

Zhao Da: "Three grandfathers, this is our four-room thing, but we still hope that Grandpa will not care."

Zhao Qingshan, who was ranked fourth, was the fourth room.

Zhao Sanye sneered: "In the middle of the night, if you steal things, you have to kill the little girl, don't you manage it?"

Zhao Sanye’s family has five sons. All of them are strong. They are hunting good. Their family has already said that they will go up the mountain with the girl tomorrow, and they will be exposed to the light of the girl.

Others saw Zhao Sanye rushing ahead, so they all stood up and asked Zhao Da: "In the middle of the night, are you really stealing things?"

"Zhao Da, this is what the girl sent, you dare to grab it?"

Zhao Dali is strong and strong: "What is robbing? It’s really hard to say. Our old lady said, these things are for the second room. It’s so shabby, how can I get rid of it? What's more, the second room needs to be able to pass. Take, don’t delay anything, right? We are kind, I didn’t expect good intentions to report! I have to bear such a bad reputation, hey, now this year...”

The villagers are divided into two groups according to their gender.

Men are basically suspicious, but they have been sneering in their hearts when they have been married or are being married. storage? Keep it in your stomach?

Zhao Erqi is mad: "We don't need you to control! Even if it is really stolen, or it is ruined, it is our own business. You don't need to worry about it, you must go!"

Zhao Da frowned, a very angry look: "You have been so arrogant from a young age, whoever dares to grow up? And, your big home, or you a yellow-haired girl said nothing?"

When Zhao Da said the first half of the sentence, Su Luo looked at the crying Li, and looked at the frowning Zhao Er, sneer: "You adults are really useless, such a big age, a big home, But it is protected by a little girl of six or seven years old!"

Zhao Er’s heart suddenly felt awkward and only felt embarrassed.

Li was said to be in the fall, and she looked up sharply. She smeared in her own eyes and hurried out. She said in silence: "Yes, you are right, you can't let a seven-year-old child protect us. I am her mother!"

"Stop!" Li was finally forced to be strong.

Su Luo looked at the back of Li’s rushing out, slightly bowed his head.

Before, Li was also strong, but this kind of strongness will be taken away by the stable life, so she is weak again. Su is to let her know that she is strong and she must take up her mother. Responsibility.

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