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"Ah..." Zhao Da did not expect the village chief to give face, so he was a little dumbfounded on the spot.

Zhao Laotai immediately stood up: "Chairman... How can you say this to my boss? What are the faces of our family who live in this village? You are going to kill us!"

"The second child, your life is so bitter--" Zhao Laotai immediately sat on the ground and burst into tears. "My second child, your big brother is being bullied so now, you can’t say it. The words are fair! Your big brother is for you. If you look at your wife and children, you will not appreciate it. If you tell the village chief, the second child, you will not come out? They will not treat you. Ah, are they so bad-hearted?"

Zhao Laotai is a powerful person. She squats at the village chief while licking Li’s, while crying about her innocence and grievances.

Su Luo smiled at Zhao Eryi’s eyes. Zhao’s face was complicated, his eyes were dark and unclear, and he was unpredictable... he was struggling.

Zhao Laotai cried, and Li also cried.

"Mother, you are not letting us rule the second, he said that you are too expensive, and you can't afford to sell iron at home."

"The family is really poor, and the mother chooses to give up the second, he is very painful, but he has to accept it."

"But mother, you think that we are sick of the second-room disease, weak and weak, small and small, and we are abandoning our hind legs, and a straw mat will throw us out."

"It’s still the village chief’s heart, and borrowed the house to live for us. It’s the neighbors who saw us too poor and borrowed our ration.”

"But mother, this is watching the snow falling, and the girl kindly sent us a winter coat and quilts. How can you bear to take it away? This is our life!"

"Mother, you have already abandoned the life of the second brother, and now you want to kill all of our orphans and widows?!"

"Custody and storage, good to say, who does not know that after you pull these things back, you will immediately be divided, and we will not get back a hair!"

"Mother, since you want us to die, then we have nothing to say, now my orphans and widows will kill you on this stone wall, and you will save the old troubles of our autumn!"

"Da, two, five, what are you waiting for? The number of mothers is one to two, and our family is killed together!"

Lee broke out with unprecedented courage, and she pointed to Zhao Laotai's roar.

Zhao Laotai is stunned.

This is a daughter-in-law who can do a cow under her hand, and a stick can't beat her. When is it so fangs? And still so ferocious? !

Zhao Laotai was a little scared.

"and many more--"

At this time, there was no moving door, and it was opened!

A firm figure came out from the inside, and although he was limping, he really came out of himself.

It is Zhao Er!

Seeing Zhao Er, someone in the place with an incredible gaze!

"Zhao Er?"

"Is it really Zhao?"

"No? Is my eye wrong?"

"Don't you say that Zhao is dying? Isn't it that he can't move in bed? Not that he..."

Everyone stared at Zhao Er with wide eyes.

Li, Zhao Laotai is the same.

Zhao Laotai reacted extremely. She wowed and cried. She rushed up and hugged Zhao Er: "My son! My dear! You are fine? God bless! I know that I will be fine." Hey, look at it, your wife and children unite to bully your mother, what do you say?!"

PS: Hey, ask for the next month~~

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