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Li Yaoyao team: 40;

Beichen Shadow Team: 40;

Luo Dieyi team: 40;

The Soviet team: 70 points! ! !

At this level, Nangong Liuyun and Sulu won again.

However, this is expected.

At this level, Su Luo has come out with a spoiled spirit and contributed to it. Finally, he and the Nangong Liuyun tacitly agree to each other and turn the tide. If this does not win, it is really unreasonable.

This level of rewards naturally went to the South Palace and the Soviet Union.

"Hey?" Su Luo reached out and caught a white mist in front of him.

The rich mist gradually dissipated, and a purple spar appeared in the palm of the hand!

However, this purple spar is very small in front of Su Luo, only the size of the fingernail.

Su Luo looked curiously toward the Nangong River.

This look, she could not help but vomit blood!

The owner of the nine-fold temple is really eccentric!

The purple spar that he gave to Nangong Liuyun was as big as a dove, but only her nails were so small...

Seeing the dejective expression of Su Luo, Nan Gong Liu Yun smiled, he spoiled his head and said: "Okay, don't be angry, this piece is also yours."

“Really?” Su’s eyes lit up.

In fact, she also had one or two sentences in her heart.

In fact, she also knows that she didn't pay much for this clearance. The purple spar that can get the size of the fingernail is very, very good.

You know, this purple spar is also very attractive for Master's top class.

Nangong Liuyun smiled and said: "As long as you want, as long as I have."

As long as she wants, as long as he has. What a simple sentence, but how difficult it is to fulfill the promise.

However, Nangong Liuyun said that it is so simple to export.

Don't say a piece of purple spar, it is ten hundred pieces, as long as the Soviet Union likes it, Nangong Liuyun will give it to him.

The eyes of the Soviet Union are smiling, the water is washed, and the feelings of the bottom are surging.

That sentence, she can't be indifferent.

The relationship between the two is vivid and lingering. It seems that this deserted land is stained with blood and has a warmth.

Li Yaoyao was most accustomed to the affection between the two, and snorted: "This sixth pass has been counted, but the road to the seventh level has not been found yet!"

Li Yaoyao’s voice took a sigh of relief and instantly smashed the warm atmosphere.

Everyone suddenly returned to reality.

After the war in the past, the wounds of the wounded people fell down, and there was no extra strength.

Moreover, the sixth level has been so difficult, and God knows what the seventh level will be.

Unknown is only fear, for the last three levels of the unknown, the hearts of the people can not help.

However, Nangong Liuyun looks as usual.

He glanced indifferently, and the cold voice rang slowly: "Resting in place, starting after an hour."

Then, he bowed his head and told the Soviets a few words, let the little dragon and the little fox protect the Soviet Union.

After that, his figure disappeared.

He went alone to find the passage of the seventh pass.

The strength of Nangong Liuyun is very strong. At the same time, his perception is also very sensitive.

It stands to reason that through the sixth level, the mood should be relaxed, but there is a not too good premonition in the faint.

It seems that there are time limits through this nine levels... though, the previous nine-point master did not prompt.

Nangong Liuyun tightened his fists.

It is his guess that there are time limits through these nine levels.

The sum of the scores of Jiuguan is also his guess.

However, it is related to the death of Su, and Nangong Liuyun does not dare to slack off.

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