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She continued: "The shadow shadow sword is seventeen inches and nine points. The hilt is made of snow mountain white jade. The sword body is engraved with complicated phoenix patterns... these two swords..."

Although these two swords seem quaint and old, all the features are exactly the same as Li Yaoyao said.

"It is indeed a shadow of Akasaka." The voice of Nangong Liuyun is very weak, but since he said that he is exporting, he is very sure.

I got a certain affirmation from Nangong Liuyun. Li Yaoyao became more and more proud. She screamed at the Soviet Union: "I don't even know the simple allusions, you don't feel inferior?" What qualifications are there to stand next to the three brothers?

Nangong Liuyun’s eyes are like a cold moon, and he looks at Li Yaoyao.

Although Li Yaoyao snorted, he was still very convinced.

Nangong Liuyun looks indifferent and his tone is cold: "Since everyone came here together, this red and clear shadow is a natural one."

After being swept by his eyes, Luo Xiaochen’s heart was a glimpse, but he was busy with a smile: “His Royal Highness is saying.”

Nangong Liuyun’s eyes were cold and cold, and he did not seem to hear his compliments. He said a little faintly, “But there are only two swords, so everyone has their own skills. Whoever has the skills to pull out these two swords, take it. ”

When he finished, he wrapped his arms around his arms and leaned against the cylinder on the side, his eyes sweeping across the crowd.

Everyone looks different.

Luo Yanchen stared at the bleak red skull sword in surprise.

When the Akasaka sword comes out, who is fighting? This sword is more attractive to Luo Xiaochen than any Lingbao. Moreover, the Akasaka sword recognizes the fate of the Lord, but it may not be the ability to look at it.

"Okay, I agree!" Luo Xiaochen first promised.

Luo Die clothing has been attracted to the full shadow of the sword. Seeing her brother promised, she was too busy nodding.

In this team, no one can deny that they all add up to less than half of the Nangong Liuyun. If Nangong Liuyun is unreasonable, they will take their own swords as their own, and they can only blink.

Now that he has given everyone a fair chance, then whoever is not sure who is a fool is a fool.

Situ and Li Yaoyao also agreed.

Su Luo automatically stepped back and stood next to Nangong Liuyun. He smiled lightly: "Whoever is interested, let's hurry up, the black airflow has been increasing."

In addition to their three-square-meter area, the entire hall has been covered by black air, and the entire hall looks dark and inky, like the night.

"In any case, we can't get into the black air in this place. What kind of heart do you use?" Li Yaoyao gave a look at the Soviet Union.

However, Li Yaoyao was quickly beaten.

"Ah, those black airflows turned out to be..." Luo Dieyi covered his mouth in surprise, his eyes wide open.

The black airflows were originally smoky, but now they are assembled and twisted into a strand of rope... and they are constantly condensing.

Su’s face changed slightly: “This is to be screwed into a pillar...”

Although a strand of rope can't come in, but if a pillar is formed, the ban on this safe place will be broken sooner or later! At that time, everyone will be killed under this black air!

"Drawing a sword." Nangong Liu Yun's look is indifferent, his voice is as steady as a mountain, so that the people of Jiaozuo quickly calm down.

"Two brothers..." Li Yaoyao pushed the Situ. She wants that sword.

Stuart has not responded yet, Luo Xiaochen has stepped forward: "I will come first!"

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