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Su’s hands clasped together and gave the deepest blessings to Zi Yan.

As Li Yaoyao said, her body can't stand even in the station, almost the wind blows down, how can I pull the handle of the sword?

Luo Die clothing wrist injury, strength is greatly damaged, and the heart is not correct, the Soviet Union does not want her to get the Cheng Ying sword.

If you say that there is the most hopeful person to get the Cheng Ying sword, then it is not purple.

The purple scorpion, which carries all of everyone's hopes, has already injected spiritual power into the shadow sword.

She can clearly feel that Cheng Yingjian opened his mouth and quickly absorbed the spiritual power she injected.

Time passes by little by little.

The shape of the purple swayed.

"Not good! She wants to fail!" Luo Yan morning face slightly white.

Many people are thinking the same as Luo Xiaochen.

Bei Chen Ying’s heart was anxious and shouted to Zi Yan: “If you can’t do it, let’s think of another way. Don’t die, just like Li Yaoyao’s example!”

The shape of the sable is more and more violent.

Because the spiritual power in her is losing quickly...

Just when everyone thought that the sable would give up, suddenly, a small blue thing rushed out from the sleeves of the sable.

This is a blue elf, an elemental elf that automatically replenishes spiritual power!

The little guy turned his head like a penguin, feeling that his master's condition was not good, his chubby little face was tight, and then he spit out a blue bubble in his mouth.

The blue bubbles are blowing more and more, and the body around the sable is constantly hovering and is constantly absorbed by her.

"Elemental Elf!" Luo Xiaochen's chin suddenly fell off the ground.

"God! It’s really an elemental elf!" Luo Dieyi stunned his mouth!

The rest are also amazed!

To know the spiritual sprite of the elemental elf, it is a treasure that can be met! I can't find a few on the whole continent.

No matter how powerful the master is, the spiritual power will be reduced during the battle, but there are elemental elves in hand, can add spiritual power anytime and anywhere, what is the existence of Niubi?

"I didn't expect Zi Yan to have such a baby. So it seems that this shadow sword is not hers." Luo Xiaochen said in a complicated complex.

I have seen this thing before, but everyone thought that this is a fighting pet of Ziyan, but no one thought that this would be an elemental spirit that would supplement the spiritual power.

Luo Butterfly clothes bite the lower lip, and the two hate in the eyes grow dark!

If I knew that there was an elemental elf in the hands of Zi Yan, she would have gone up first, and wouldn’t give up such a good opportunity in vain... Her Shadow Sword, it’s gone!

I don't know how to remember hate in the heart of Luo Die, but in fact, the purple eyes are very uncomfortable at this time.

Her elemental elves are still in their infancy, and the spiritual power provided is limited... And, in front of the sword, the mouth is not satisfied.

After swallowing so much spiritual power, there was no sign of saturation.

Over time, the rounded body of the elemental elf has been unknowingly stunned.

Its chubby little face, the clear big eyes burst into tears, as if they were wronged and painful, but they could not speak.

Zi Yan glanced at her, and her heart was hurting. Her baby element elf is almost unable to support it.

However, I thought of the unreliable Luo Die clothing and the weak body of the back, and the purple scorpion bites his teeth, but he persisted.

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