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Luo Dieyi reached out and constantly wanted to reach in and take the handle of the sword.

But what made her collapse was that the imprisonment outside the Shadow Shadow Sword was too powerful. She couldn’t get into it... This can only be done by herself, but others can’t help.

"No, no, my shadow sword..." Luo Die was crying in a hurry, as if she was not in front of the shadow sword, but her aunt was dead, and the cry was terrible.

The Soviet Union is speechless.

However, no matter how excited the singer is to ban the prohibition, it will not help.

The aura of Luo Dieyi was only a little bit left. After the current toss, plus the huge gap, her spirit could no longer withstand it, and she fell to the ground.

For a time, surrounded by a strange silence.

A group of eight people, seven of whom have already passed the trial, and the only one who has not yet moved, is only the Soviet Union.

"Booming -"

Outside, the black air column continually slammed into the forbidden, and everyone felt the blood rushing and dizzy.

"Fast, don't take out the Chengying sword again, we are all finished!" Luo Yan was anxiously angry.

Luo Yanchen’s words are not exaggerated.

As time went by, the black airflow column became thicker and stronger, and the collision force became stronger and stronger. The protection prohibition was crumbling, and it seemed that it would collapse next time.

"Ah! Not good!" Li Yaoyao, who just woke up, opened his eyes and saw a trace of black spread in.

Everyone looked at her sight and was shocked to see it.

"Fast! The black airflow has come in, pull out the shadow sword!"

Now that you can get in a little bit, then there will be more and more behind, until the clean place is filled with black air.


Who is going to pull the shadow sword?

Men must not do it. All four people were excluded in one go.

Among the women, Li Yaoyao, Luo Dieyi and Ziyan have already tried, and they will not do it.

just now--

Everyone's eyes are all looking at the Soviet Union.

The pair of eyes that glow like green eyes like a hungry wolf, look at the sinking bones.

Su Luo scratched his head in a depressed mood: "Are you sure I want to try?"

"Try it without any serious problems." Luo Yuchen is taking a dead horse as a living horse doctor. "You still grind what you are, hurry up, the lives of all of us can be in your hands."

Su Luo suddenly felt that responsibility was great.

"That's the way, I will try my best." To tell the truth, the Soviet Union did not have any confidence in herself.

Of course, others have no confidence in her, but they do not want to give up the last hope.

"Taro, don't force it." Nangong Liuyun took Su's hand and took her to the Chengying sword. He fixedly said, "Try it. If you can't, we will find another way."

Even Nangong Liuyun, at this time did not hold a glimmer of hope for the Soviet Union, he bet on the strange luck of the Soviet Union.

Because the body of Su Luo is weak like this, how can he pull out the Cheng Ying sword when he walks a few steps?

Su sighed and reached out...

Sure enough, a strong ban on the outer layer of the Shadow Shadow Sword, a little touch, the rippled vibration will bounce back the hand of the Soviet Union.

Originally, everyone looked at Su Luo with a sullen look, but she was bounced back easily when she saw that her hand had not yet reached, and her body fell in the Nangong Liuyun’s arms because of the shock...

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