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"Fast!!!" Situ Wu finally broke out with a roar.

The machine can't be lost, it's the last chance!

"No, no, two brothers, you said that you can ignore my life for you, how can you lie to me to die for you, I don't, I don't want!" Li Yaoyao kept shaking his head because of fear.

She knows a little about the blood sacrifice. She knows that the blood sacrifice is very powerful and can kill more enemies than her own, but she should not go on adventure.

Situ looked at Li Yaoyao's firm shaking his head. At this moment, his **** heart gradually fell to the bottom and fell into the abyss.

She can abandon her for her life. She only kills the enemy with a few fists down, but she dares not to try because of fear.

At this moment, Situ was completely desperate!

God, over the years, he has been obsessed with love and care. What kind of woman is it?

Until the moment of life and death, Situ was really looking at her face.

She is such selfish, greedy and fearful of death, narrow-minded!

Only she will come down, as long as she takes the shot, the battle will win, and he may not die... Situ’s eyes have a last bit of extravagant hope.

He stared at Li Yaoyao with a praying eye: "Yao Yao... Down... I beg you to come down..."

His voice is very light, very weak, but the words and sentences are like bloodshed, which really makes you feel moving. If she doesn't come down, after he dies, the blood sacrifice will lose its effectiveness, and she will die...

However, Li Yaoyao still clung to the column, shook his head vigorously: "No, no, two brothers, you can't be so selfish, you can't..."

I am selfish? Oh, I am selfish... Stuart looked at her sadly and desperately.

How can it be such a woman if she protects herself with her life? How could this be……

At this moment, Stuart felt that he was stupid in his life. His days have lived on dogs. No, even a dog is much smarter than him.

At this time, the four tower-like strong men finally walked hard to Situ, and the four men surrounded him in a square shape.

They raised their right fists together.

"Rumble" - a powerful hand to Situ.

Their strength is really only one-tenth, but Stuart’s body is already weak.

Therefore, when the four fists were heavily squatted, the bones of Stuart’s chest and back were all shattered.

Situ Wu’s body swayed and stunned.

On the dying day, he stared at Li Yaoyao on the column with his eyes fixed. The eyes were very complicated.

"啪!!!" Four towers of the strong man and the Qiqi shot, a strong force to the Situ.

Situ swayed and the body fell back in an instant.

"Hey--" His body fell heavily back, and the back of his head slammed directly on the white marble board, and the scorpion was called a **** splash.

At this time, Situ Yu, has been directly smashed and breathed.

The nine-order repair is that on this continent, except for the old guys who are not born, they can almost be called the king. It is a pity that the generation of the strong, so inexplicably fell on the ninth floor of the nine-fold hall.

And he, this does not have to die.

For a time, there was a strange silence around.

Under the stage, Su Luo and others watched Situ Yu die.

"The second brother died like this..." The purple eyes were red and with a hint of whimper.

Su Luodao: "Before he died, he could see the true face of Li Yaoyao, and he was dead."

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