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However, the first level is okay, far from his tolerance.

The second level, on.

The first ****, on.


Until the eighth level, the footsteps of Nangong Liuyun finally slowed down.

The repulsive force here is overwhelming, like a raging wave, almost drowning.

The Nangong stream is like a jade forehead, and there is a layer of fine sweat.

He paused, his footsteps slowly extended, and he steadily embarked on the ninth level.

Standing on the ninth level, Nangong Liuyun clearly felt that the repulsive force here is doubled than the eighth level.

Only after a short period of time, the dense sweat on the forehead of Nangong Liuyun condensed into large pieces, and the drops dripped. His chest and back were quickly soaked with sweat.

Nangong Liuyun gasped for a few breaths, taking a deep breath and condensing all the spiritual power on the soles of his feet.

However, he found that the strong repulsive force, like the Tianshan Mountains, almost pressed his whole person, the foot seemed to be glued to the ground, and he tried his best to lift it up but one inch high.

Seeing Nangong Liuyun lifted his feet and put it down, under the battle platform, everyone's eyes suddenly condensed.

Su’s fist clenched and whispered: “These difficulties are just paper tigers for you, Nangong Liuyun, you can.”

There was a bit more tension in Zixin’s heart. She did not dare to increase the pressure in Su’s heart. She took the North Chen Ying’s voice and said: “The three brothers seem to be... very hard.”

Bei Chenying’s eyes were fixed on the Nangong Liuyun, nervously sweating on his forehead.

He solemnly nodded: "It's okay, it's okay, from small to big, have you seen Nangong being stumped by something?"

"But..." Zi Yan’s words were not spoken, and they were interrupted by the Soviet Union.

"No, he can do it!" The words of the Soviet Union are unstoppable.

Zi Yan nodded and expressed his agreement with the words of Su Luo.

On the steps.

Only the last step is left.

Nangong Liuyun lifted his foot and retracted it. This repeated three times has not been successful. Instead, the sweat on his forehead rolled down like a rain.

His gaze was a slight glimpse, and he saw the long scent that burned in half, and his face condensed, like a condensed frost.

Nangong Liuyun took a deep breath, his head was completely emptied, his body was as light as a feather, and his spiritual power was all condensed under his feet!

The body lacks the defensive spirit, and suddenly, the powerful repulsive force is like a raging wave, as if crushing him. However, Nangong Liuyun clenched his teeth and used his strength to step on it!

"Hey!" Although the Nangong Liuyun was sweating and his body was exhausted to the extreme, he finally set foot on the battle platform.

"Wow! The three brothers succeeded, he managed to go up!" Zi Yan excitedly waved his fist and shouted.

Beichen Shadow focuses on the key: "It's me! He succeeds! Great!"

Su’s face finally showed a relief of relief, and the smile was like a gorgeous summer flower.

However, soon her smile was stiff at the corner of her mouth.

"This, how is this going?" Su Luo's body is as stiff as ice, and the words are unfavorable.

Beichen Ying and Zi Yan, who were still in a strong excitement, looked at each other and hurriedly looked at the Nangong Liuyun.

At this time, the Nangong Liuyun is in a bad situation.

No, it is very, very bad.

I thought that setting foot on the battle station meant victory, but no one thought that it only meant starting.

"God! What is going on here? How can the three brothers, how come..." Zi Yan’s eyes widened.

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