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Just when the Soviet Union was heartbroken, the Lord of the Nine Emperors gave a sneak peek to the back of the Soviet Union.

The calm voice rang behind Su.

"Do you want to save him?" The voice of the Nine Lords was mysterious, and in the quiet hall, there was a strange feeling.

Su Luo suddenly turned back, grabbed the sleeves of the Nine Lords, and excitedly asked: "Can you save him?!"

The head of the nine-fold temple looked at the cat-like **** that was crying in front of him. After the hands were handed over, the sword eyebrows picked up slightly and proudly raised the lower jaw: "That is of course."

"Come tell me, how can I save him!" The ear listened to the Nine Great Masters, and Su Luo suddenly had a pleasant surprise, and the red eyes and the eyes of the walnuts were bright and clear.

The owner of the Jiuzhong Temple glanced at the Soviet Union and slowly retracted his gaze. It seems that he has not made up his mind.

Su Luo is a wise man, and naturally understands it at a glance.

Her look was anxious and excited: "What do you want? As long as I can do it, I promise it!"

The owner of the Jiuzhong Temple obviously wants to take advantage of it. How can the Soviet Union not see it?

Do not think that the black soul of the nine-fold lord of the noble and compassionate, he can be bought by the seven sons, naturally it is heavy.

"This is the case..." The nine-fold lord seemed to have some difficulty in speaking. He slowly touched his chin and continued to sell the chin.

"What do you want? You can speak it out plainly!" Su Luo grabbed his sleeve and couldn't wait to slap it.

In fact, the Su Shizi has always been calm, and his words and deeds have been slow and slow on weekdays. He has never been so hot and burning, but now it is related to Nangong Liuyun’s life and death, she can’t be anxious.

At this time, the Nangong Liuyun face is dry, like the 80-year-old old man. The original handsome and unparalleled face is all age spots, but it is thin and almost skinny, and there is no meat or two on the body. It seems that the wind blows down. It is.

The most serious thing is that he is mad, and it is intermittent, so he looks straight and looks like a dried mummies.

Su Luo only looked at it, and the tears went down.

"Come tell me, how can I cure him! I will be willing to pay whatever price!" The voice of Su Luo was unprecedentedly firm.

The nine-fold lord looked at Nangong Liuyun, who had been breathing for a long time, and looked at the sore of the eyes like a walnut. This slowly took a look at the Soviet Union: "If you want to save him, you can sell your soul." To the Lord."

what? !

The Soviet Union has not reacted yet, and the purple scorpion suddenly broke out.

"No! No soul, how do you call it? How are you living? You are still a lord of the nine kings. It is simply a smashing fire!" Zi Yan’s side fist clenched and screamed at the nine-fold lord.

Bei Chen Ying pulled the Soviet Union behind him, and his angry eyes shot like a smoldering fire to the Nine Lords: "This condition is free to talk!"

Nine Temples reluctantly sighed: "You two don't worry, this sells the soul and can't live."

Bei Chenying’s eyes are cold and the face is asked: “Cute the words clearly!”

The owner of the Nine-Heaven Temple looked at Su Luo with a good breath and explained carefully: "To sell the soul to the Lord, it is not to separate your soul and body. It is only when the Lord has a task to explain, you have to help, only That's it."

“It’s that simple?” Su’s eyes flashed a trace of cold.

"Well, it's as simple as that." The nine-pointed lord smiled and looked like a Maitreya Buddha.

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